
Reverse Address Lookup

Look up any address or browse by zip code to find information about past and current property owners. Use our reverse address search to discover who lives at a certain address and their contact details.

100% Confidential Search

Find Out Property Owners’ and Residents’ Names

Access Contact Details

Get Real Estate Information

Address Lookup Reports Include

What Can I Find with a Reverse Address Lookup?

An address search can provide you with information about the property’s previous and current residents. It can locate their names, dates of birth, phone numbers, email addresses, and social profiles.

Furthermore, it retrieves residents’ business details, professional licenses, financial and criminal records, judgments, liens, bankruptcies, and other related information.

House type and estimated value, mortgage and refinance data, household details, as well as information about nearby properties can also be found.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A reverse address lookup is an online service used to find out who lives at an address. It allows one to research property records and discover information about a particular property, including its residents, their contact details and personal information, property history, and even neighbors who live nearby.

Nuwber is a reputable people search website that provides reverse address searches, revealing complete data about the residents of a property in one place.

In addition to verifying who lives there, you can find information about the neighborhood where the residence is located, such as local amenities, adjacent streets, and even nearby sex offenders. Real estate, mortgage, and household details are also available.

It works similarly to a reverse phone lookup.

Nuwber gathers property records from the broadest range of data sources. When a user enters an address into the search bar, Nuwber’s system searches its database for any matching records. If relevant results are found, the system pulls them up and compiles them into a convenient report.

An address search can be useful when you are looking for the contact information of a person by their physical address. This could be your business contact, an old friend, an acquaintance, or someone living near you.

By searching an address, you can obtain more details about the owner of the real estate you are considering purchasing. It is a smart option for identifying the owner and gathering essential information about the property.

Suppose you are planning a trip and would like to verify the address provided to you. Or you are moving to a new location and want to gather more details about the neighborhood. In either case, our address finder database can provide you with relevant information.

Sometimes, being able to learn more about your next home can help you establish relationships with your neighbors or, conversely, will help you exercise more caution when communicating with them.

A reverse address search can help you check if the owners are the same as previously, to make sure that people you haven’t talked to for a while still live there. You can also use it to get someone’s past addresses.

To perform a free reverse address lookup, here’s what you need to do:
1. Go to the top of the Nuwber homepage.
2. Where you see the tabs “Person”, “Phone”, “Email” and “Address”, choose “Address”.
3. Type in the person’s house address.
4. Click “Search”.

Nuwber finds the available information related to this address and summarizes it into a comprehensible report. Some basic data is displayed for free, but if you want extensive background results on the owners, you will need to purchase a report or get a subscription.

Nuwber is proud of the:
•   High-quality database
•   Quick access to the necessary information
•   Confidential and reliable searches

Nuwber gives you instant access to the most accurate and up-to-date data on the person, as well as the property you are interested in. With its proprietary search algorithms, Nuwber quickly retrieves all available information that has been requested and converts it into reliable reports.

Nuwber ensures user privacy, which makes it a trustworthy choice for finding address-related information. So, you don’t have to worry about anyone knowing you are searching them.

You don’t need to register or sign up to look up an address. Just enter the address in question into the search engine and get the most relevant results.

Additionally, you can maintain control over your online presence with Nuwber. Use the opt-out option to remove information you do not want anyone to access on the web.