295 Meadowbrook Rd, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3756
Owner & current residents Discover the people whose last known address is 295 Meadowbrook Rd, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3756.
Age 38
Date of birth May 1, 1986
Current phone (334) 730-1194
Gender Female
Discover the people who lived here previously and find out their last known address.
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Years of residence
Last known address
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Find out about the property at this address.
Dwelling Type Indicates if more than one family lives at a particular address. Sources: survey data, public data, self-reported data, warranty registrations, buying activity, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions Single Family Dwelling Unit
Learn mortgage and refinancing details about this home.
Pass Prospector Value PASS PROSPECTOR VALUE (PASS) combines two independent valuation systems coupled with continuous blind testing to deliver greater accuracy and hit rate. Paired with the largest online property and ownership database in the nation, PASS uses a hedonic model that incorporates property characteristics that are combined with appraisal logic and price-time indexing to arrive at an accurate and reliable property valuation. This neural scoring system enables the technology to sense and immediately adapt to changing market conditions. 143479
Discover some facts about a household at this address.
Net worth Summary of the data that has been found to be predictive of Net worth. Predicts the range in which a household’s Net worth is likely to fall. It is composed of the elements that have been found predictive of Net worth and available on a large number of records. The elements are home value, age of head of household, dwelling size, and census level data. Sources: modeled $100,000–$249,999
Estimated income Indicates the estimated household income. This income is either self reported or estimated based on a variety of demographic factors. These factors include age, occupation, home ownership, and median income for the local area. Sources: survey data, public data, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions $40,000–$44,999
Number of lines of credit Indicates credit purchases made in multiple retail stores for the household. Sources: warranty registration data, buying activity data 1
Number of persons in living unit Indicates the total number of occupants in the household. Sources: public data, buying activity and self-reported data 4
Generations in household Indicates the number of family generations in the household. Sources: public data, buying activity, self-reported data 2
Number of adults Indicates the number of adults in the household. An adult is anyone who is 18 years old or older living in a household. Sources: calculated using age and date of birth information 2
Presence of children Indicates that there is a child age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data Yes
Number of children Indicates the number of children age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data 2
Lifestyle, hobbies, interests Find out what the people in this house are interested in.
Electronics: computers, computing and home office
Family: single parent
Home living: home improvement, home furnishings, decorating
Outdoor enthusiasts: hunting, hunting, shooting
Sports: sports and leisure
Learn some details about the properties within a one-mile radius.
Dwellings Single family dwelling units: 3
Oldest building built in 1950
Newest building built in 1950
Average age of buildings 75 y.o.
Average number of adults per household 2.3
Average number of children per household 1.0
Average generations per household 1.7
Average income per household $39,167
Average net worth per household $241,667
Explore the addresses nearby and find the people who live there.
Year built 1951
Home price $171,266
+ 1 more resident Age 102
Gender Female
Been living since 1997
Phone number (256) 339-2050
+ 6 more residents Age 55
Gender Male
Been living since 2008
Phone number (256) 234-4401
Year built 1950
Home price $138,861
+ 5 more residents Age 53
Gender Female
Been living since 2002
Phone number (256) 750-3283
+ 15 more residents Age 57
Been living since 2014
Phone number (334) 787-2737
Year built 1950
Home price $136,766
+ 4 more residents Age 56
Gender Male
Been living since 2016
Phone number (256) 215-3342
Year built 1950
Home price $97,199
+ 8 more residents Age 60
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (770) 489-9849
+ 6 more residents Age 56
Gender Female
Been living since 2007
Phone number (256) 329-2193
Year built 1955
Home price $125,526
Distance 149 feet
+ 2 more residents Age 80
Gender Female
Been living since 2001
Phone number (256) 234-4470
Distance 149 feet
+ 1 more resident Age 53
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (256) 234-0072
Year built 1960
Home price $117,972
Distance 149 feet
+ 1 more resident Age 94
Gender Female
Been living since 1996
Phone number (256) 390-2505
Distance 149 feet
+ 3 more residents Age 43
Gender Male
Been living since 2016
Phone number (662) 603-3808
Year built 1960
Home price $128,730
Distance 149 feet
+ 9 more residents Age 34
Gender Female
Been living since 1996
Phone number (256) 749-3165
Year built 1950
Home price $122,833
Distance 149 feet
+ 1 more resident Age 92
Gender Female
Been living since 1995
Phone number (205) 234-5558
Distance 149 feet
+ 6 more residents Age 65
Gender Male
Been living since 2004
Phone number (205) 240-0025
Distance 168 feet
+ 11 more residents Age 54
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (256) 786-9468
Distance 168 feet
+ 3 more residents Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (256) 234-6006
Check out 295 Meadowbrook Rd fact file . Feel free to download and print.
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295 Meadowbrook Rd
Explore other streets in Alexander City to learn about the properties and residents there.
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 10
First house number 714
Last house number 788
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 8
First house number 127
Last house number 695
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 8
First house number 1318
Last house number 1940
Number of addresses 1
Number of people 1
Number of addresses 3
Number of people 4
First house number 811
Last house number 1012
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 4
First house number 34
Last house number 142
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 4
First house number 55
Last house number 116
Number of addresses 20
Number of people 25
First house number 1784
Last house number 9751
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 6
First house number 1140
Last house number 1315
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 4
First house number 3305
Last house number 3340
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 2
First house number 1764
Last house number 1790
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 10
First house number 1432
Last house number 1604
Number of addresses 3
Number of people 4
First house number 16
Last house number 93
Number of addresses 1
Number of people 1
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 4
First house number 210
Last house number 219d
Number of addresses 1
Number of people 1
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 5
First house number 507
Last house number 1335
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 9
First house number 158
Last house number 734
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 3
First house number 77
Last house number 340
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 5
First house number 2198
Last house number 2250
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 6
First house number 5069
Last house number 5400
Number of addresses 1
Number of people 1
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 3
First house number 387
Last house number 434
Find out which grocery stores, schools, colleges, hospitals and other amenities are located nearby.
Services SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 228 Robin Hl, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2612
Phone (256) 329-8459
Geo 32.94316, -85.96045
SIC 801104
Category Clinics
Address 275 Green St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2609
Phone (256) 215-4053
Geo 32.9466, -85.95493
SIC 841201
Category Museums
Address 124 Broad St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2689
Phone (256) 329-8474
Geo 32.94404, -85.95525
SIC 799101
Category Health clubs studios & gymnasiums
Address 26 Broad St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2670
Phone (256) 329-1004
Geo 32.94604, -85.95341
SIC 723102
Category Manicuring
Address 52 Broad St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2670
Phone (256) 234-6557
Geo 32.945, -85.95373
SIC 821120
Category Educational & social services
Address 375 Lee St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2708
Phone (256) 234-8600
Fax (256) 234-8649
Geo 32.94068, -85.95845
SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 375 Lee St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2708
Phone (256) 234-8672
Geo 32.94068, -85.95845
SIC 821113
Category Boards of education
Address 375 Lee St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2708
Phone (256) 234-8600
Fax (256) 234-8649
Geo 32.94068, -85.95845
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 232 S Central Ave, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2535
Phone (256) 234-4311
Geo 32.94156, -85.95629
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 229 S Central Ave, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2536
Phone (256) 234-2233
Fax (256) 234-0847
Geo 32.94188, -85.95565
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 102 Calhoun St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1932
Phone (256) 212-9692
Geo 32.94476, -85.95309
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 107 Jefferson St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1845
Phone (256) 329-0765
Geo 32.94636, -85.95173
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 163 Alabama St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1934
Phone (256) 234-6353
Geo 32.94436, -85.95213
SIC 823106
Category Libraries-public
Address 284 Church St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2516
Phone (256) 234-4644
Geo 32.9418, -85.95389
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 169 Main St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1915
Phone (256) 329-0033
Geo 32.94276, -85.95301
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 239 Church St #a, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2517
Phone (256) 234-4404
Geo 32.9422, -85.95349
SIC 801104
Category Clinics
Address 239 Church St #a, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2517
Phone (256) 234-4404
Geo 32.9422, -85.95349
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 6 Franklin St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1913
Phone (256) 234-6401
Geo 32.94564, -85.95141
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 6 Franklin St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1913
Phone (256) 234-6401
Geo 32.94564, -85.95141
SIC 823106
Category Libraries-public
Address 318 Church St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2573
Phone (256) 329-6796
Fax (256) 329-6797
Geo 32.94116, -85.95429
SIC 802104
Category Health services
Address 340 Church St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2573
Phone (256) 234-5678
Geo 32.94084, -85.95405
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 440 Church St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2582
Phone (256) 234-2671
Geo 32.93972, -85.95333
SIC 801104
Category Clinics
Address 440 Church St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2582
Phone (256) 234-2671
Geo 32.93972, -85.95333
SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 359 State St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1948
Phone (256) 234-8661
Fax (256) 234-8659
Geo 32.94516, -85.94933
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 748 Commerce Dr, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2660
Phone (256) 392-4445
Geo 32.93716, -85.96893
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 748 Commerce Dr, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2660
Phone (256) 749-6039
Geo 32.93716, -85.96893
SIC 724101
Category Barbers
Address 452 Laurel St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1441
Phone (256) 234-4636
Geo 32.95004, -85.94837
SIC 701107
Category Bed & breakfast accommodations
Address 497 Hillabee St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1823
Phone (256) 329-3717
Geo 32.9478, -85.94821
SIC 804201
Category Optometrists od
Address 2643 Highway 280, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3675
Geo 32.94124, -85.97573
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 192 Broad St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2689
Geo 32.94332, -85.95645
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 61 Jefferson St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1816
Geo 32.9454, -85.95309
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 1030 Lee St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2655
Geo 32.93748, -85.96749
SIC 602101
Category Banks
Address 1154 Lee St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2656
Phone (256) 329-7510
Fax (256) 234-4403
Geo 32.93652, -85.96853
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 2643 Highway 280, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3675
Geo 32.94124, -85.97573
Retail Trade SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 136 Wheeler St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2618
Phone (256) 329-9901
Geo 32.94532, -85.95485
SIC 565101
Category Clothing-retail
Address 60 Broad St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2670
Phone (256) 392-4223
Toll-free phone number (800) 932-7653
Geo 32.94492, -85.95389
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 60 Broad St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2670
Phone (256) 392-5017
Geo 32.94492, -85.95389
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 16 Broad St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2670
Phone (256) 234-4300
Geo 32.94596, -85.95341
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 2 Broad St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2670
Phone (256) 392-5454
Geo 32.94612, -85.95317
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 61 Jefferson St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1816
Phone (256) 234-3454
Fax (256) 329-8581
Geo 32.9454, -85.95309
SIC 592103
Category Wines-retail
Address 128 Calhoun St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1932
Phone (256) 212-9463
Geo 32.94484, -85.95261
SIC 581301
Category Bars
Address 145 Alabama St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1934
Phone (256) 329-2328
Fax (256) 329-8115
Geo 32.94436, -85.95245
SIC 541103
Category Convenience stores
Address 127 Jefferson St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1845
Phone (256) 234-0024
Fax (256) 234-0024
Geo 32.94644, -85.95149
SIC 549901
Category Health & diet foods-retail
Address 119 Madison St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-2525
Phone (256) 414-4355
Geo 32.94324, -85.95261
SIC 562104
Category Bridal shops
Address 256 Tallapoosa St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1937
Phone (256) 234-2421
Fax (256) 234-2421
Geo 32.94412, -85.95053
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 480 Laurel St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1441
Phone (256) 392-5122
Geo 32.95036, -85.94861
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 147 Franklin St, Alexander City, AL, 35010-1958
Phone (256) 329-8588
Geo 32.94292, -85.94989
SIC 546102
Category Bakers-retail
Address 2643 Highway 280, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3675
Phone (256) 414-3080
Geo 32.94124, -85.97573
SIC 591205
Category Pharmacies
Address 2643 Highway 280, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3675
Phone (256) 234-7172
Geo 32.94124, -85.97573
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary service SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 965 T C Russell Dr, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3358
Phone (256) 329-9057
Geo 32.91836, -85.96109
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 2544 Willow Point Rd, Alexander City, AL, 35010-6218
Phone (256) 212-1401
Geo 32.79452, -85.97509
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 195 Airport Rd, Sylacauga, AL, 35151-4544
Phone (256) 245-3246
Fax (256) 245-3246
Geo 33.17496, -86.29797
Sex offenders in the area Discover possible sex offenders within 3 miles of the address.
Date of birth February 26, 1964
Age 60 years old
Height 5′ 11″
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth July 20, 1989
Age 35 years old
Height 5′ 9″
Weight 160 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scars, eyebrow, left/left eye area - scar | tattoos, forearm, left - "reggie" "melinda" | scars, elbow, left - scars | tattoos, forearm, right - "lorene" | tattoos, arm, left - praying hands, angel wings, halo, stars, clouds | scars, hand, right - scars |
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 20, 1972
Age 52 years old
Height 6′ 0″
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Gray or partially gray
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 17, 1983
Age 41 years old
Height 5′ 8″
Weight 150 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoos, arm, right - jameia | tattoos, arm, right - clown faces | tattoos, arm, left - cody | tattoos, arm, left - clown faces
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 2, 1969
Age 56 years old
Height 6′ 1″
Weight 205 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 28, 1986
Age 38 years old
Height 5′ 10″
Weight 140 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoos, hand, right - alex | tattoos, hand, left - city | tattoos, tattoos - multiple tattoos on both arms, ki'adria on left arm, baby face on right arm
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 24, 1969
Age 55 years old
Height 5′ 11″
Weight 220 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoos, calf, right - murle | tattoos, arm, right upper - br | tattoos, arm, left upper - mule
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 4, 1983
Age 41 years old
Height 5′ 11″
Weight 162 lbs
Hair color Blonde or strawberry
Eyes color Blue
Marks Tattoos, arm, left - in simons city | tattoos, arm, right - aint no pity | tattoos, leg, left, nonspecific - tribal
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 9, 1960
Age 65 years old
Height 5′ 11″
Weight 175 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoos, forearm, left - panther | scars, chin - | scars, neck - 6" surgery scar on left side | tattoos, forearm, right - praying hands | tattoos, arm, left upper - psalm 23 in entirety
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 27, 1963
Age 62 years old
Height 5′ 11″
Weight 153 lbs
Hair color Red or auburn
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoos, knee, right - cross | tattoos, forearm, right - playboy bunny
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 24, 1961
Age 63 years old
Height 5′ 8″
Weight 210 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Green
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 17, 1985
Age 39 years old
Height 5′ 6″
Weight 270 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoos, chest - cheyenne | tattoos, shoulder, left - fernando | tattoos, shoulder, right - heart with mom and dap and 02/08/63 | tattoos, breast, left - janaveious | tattoos, neck - takelia
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 27, 1992
Age 32 years old
Height 5′ 11″
Weight 150 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth August 5, 1976
Age 48 years old
Height 5′ 7″
Weight 215 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scars, abdomen - | scars, forehead -
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth May 2, 1991
Age 33 years old
Height 5′ 11″
Weight 185 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Black
Marks Tattoos, arm, left - marijuana leaf, gun, weight scale | tattoos, breast, left - city background with alex city written below
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 6, 1976
Age 49 years old
Height 5′ 11″
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Bald
Eyes color Blue
Marks Tattoos, neck - k a o $ | tattoos, arm, left - eagle | tattoos, back - 2 chinese emblems | tattoos, abdomen - cat | tattoos, chest - chinese emblem | tattoos, arm, left - "not possessions" | tattoos, arm, right - tribal arm band | tattoos, arm, right - cr
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 13, 1992
Age 33 years old
Height 5′ 6″
Weight 125 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Green
Marks Tattoos, arm, left - carolyn | tattoos, arm, right - intials dwg with cross
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth October 21, 1981
Age 43 years old
Height 6′ 0″
Weight 185 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth July 11, 1965
Age 59 years old
Height 5′ 6″
Weight 220 lbs
Hair color Unknown or completely bald
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 8, 1964
Age 60 years old
Height 5′ 10″
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Marks Tattoos, back - indian head dream catcher | tattoos, arm, right - panther, skull, and cross | tattoos, tattoos - indian on horse | tattoos, arm, left - skull & cross | tattoos, leg, left, nonspecific - dragon | tattoos, arm, left upper - skull, cross, and
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
When was the property 295 Meadowbrook Rd, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3756 built?
This dwelling was built 70 years ago.
What type of dwelling is this home?
It is a single family dwelling unit.
What are the latitude and longitude for this house?
The dwelling located at 295 Meadowbrook Rd, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3756 has these coordinates: 32.948405, -85.963016.
What interests are the residents of this property known to have?
The residents like computers, electronics, parenting, home improvement, and home decorating. They are also outdoor enthusiasts, and sports spectators.
What details are known about the owner of the dwelling located at 295 Meadowbrook Rd, Alexander City, AL, 35010-3756?
The property owner's full name is Kelli Macargel . They are 38 and their phone number is (334) 730-1194 . What is known about the homes around this house?
The average age of buildings in this household is 75 years old. A typical household consists of 1.7 generations with 2.3 adults and 1.0 children under one roof. The estimated household income in the area is 39,167 and the average household net worth is 241,667.
What information is known about the people who used to live in home?
8 people lived in this house previously. The last resident’s name is Celida Garcia . This person moved out in 2013-2021. They are currently 44 years old. If you want to reach them, dial (256) 749-2191 . They live at 525 Parsmith Dr, Alex City, AL now. Who lives in the property located at 295 Meadowbrook Rd, Alexander City, AL?
2 children and 1 adult are reported to live there.
Which time zone is this location in?
The time zone for this location is CT.