835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3861
Owner & current residents Discover the people whose last known address is 835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3861.
Age 35
Date of birth May 15, 1989
Homeowner Probability Renter
Length of residence 11 years
Current phone (805) 268-3365
Marital status Single
Assimilation Bilingual - English Primary
Discover the people who lived here previously and find out their last known address.
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Years of residence
Years of residence
Last known address
Santa Maria, CA
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Find out about the property at this address.
Dwelling Type Indicates if more than one family lives at a particular address. Sources: survey data, public data, self-reported data, warranty registrations, buying activity, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Owner Probability Model The model is used to select the desired level of confidence for Homeowner/renter data. Verified home owners have at least 1 source that is assessor or recorder based data. Sources: real property, assessor records, modeled data Renter
Discover some facts about a household at this address.
Net worth Summary of the data that has been found to be predictive of Net worth. Predicts the range in which a household’s Net worth is likely to fall. It is composed of the elements that have been found predictive of Net worth and available on a large number of records. The elements are home value, age of head of household, dwelling size, and census level data. Sources: modeled Less than $1
Estimated income Indicates the estimated household income. This income is either self reported or estimated based on a variety of demographic factors. These factors include age, occupation, home ownership, and median income for the local area. Sources: survey data, public data, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions $35,000–$39,999
Number of persons in living unit Indicates the total number of occupants in the household. Sources: public data, buying activity and self-reported data 1
Generations in household Indicates the number of family generations in the household. Sources: public data, buying activity, self-reported data 2
Number of adults Indicates the number of adults in the household. An adult is anyone who is 18 years old or older living in a household. Sources: calculated using age and date of birth information 1
Presence of children Indicates that there is a child age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data No
Lifestyle, hobbies, interests Find out what the people in this house are interested in.
Apparel: women's, young women's
Buyer: mail order buyer
Collectibles: antiques
Cultural and artistic living: arts
Electronics: computers
Family: single parent
Learn some details about the properties within a one-mile radius.
Dwellings Single family dwelling units: 36
Oldest building built in 1959
Newest building built in 2015
Average age of buildings 41 y.o.
Lowest home purchase price $210,000
Highest home purchase price $700,000
Average home purchase price $400,000
Average number of adults per household 2.7
Number of households with young adults 3
Number of households with senior adults 6
Average number of children per household 1.5
Average generations per household 2.1
Average income per household $104,487
Average net worth per household $379,861
Explore the addresses nearby and find the people who live there.
Year built 1985
Home price $787,000
+ 3 more residents Age 88
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (805) 934-4363
Year built 1962
Home price $219,532
+ 4 more residents Age 39
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Year built 1962
Home price $237,256
+ 6 more residents Age 35
Gender Female
Been living since 2014
Phone number (760) 390-4925
Year built 1952
Home price $524,591
+ 8 more residents Age 49
Gender Female
Been living since 2019
Phone number (512) 771-9126
Year built 1959
Home price $170,238
+ 5 more residents Age 66
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (805) 305-1947
Year built 1959
Home price $204,360
+ 3 more residents Age 82
Gender Male
Been living since 1993
Phone number (805) 937-4527
Year built 1983
Home price $210,000
+ 4 more residents Age 85
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (805) 937-0450
Year built 1986
Home price $365,000
+ 7 more residents Age 43
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (805) 878-4600
Year built 1984
+ 5 more residents Age 103
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (805) 934-1868
+ 12 more residents Age 62
Gender Male
Been living since 2005
Phone number (805) 934-0462
+ 3 more residents Age 89
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (805) 934-5940
Year built 1959
Home price $204,565
+ 1 more resident Age 74
Gender Female
Been living since 2008
Phone number (805) 264-4168
Year built 1971
Home price $309,201
+ 8 more residents Age 65
Gender Female
Been living since 2000
Phone number (805) 266-2340
+ 8 more residents Age 63
Gender Female
Been living since 2006
Phone number (805) 354-4758
Year built 2015
+ 4 more residents Age 64
Gender Male
Been living since 2015
Phone number (805) 598-9933
Year built 2015
+ 3 more residents Age 73
Gender Female
Been living since 2015
Phone number (805) 219-0228
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835 Wayland Pl
Explore other streets in Santa Maria to learn about the properties and residents there.
Number of addresses 43
Number of people 108
First house number 100
Last house number 855
Number of addresses 84
Number of people 241
First house number 100
Last house number 5129
Number of addresses 18
Number of people 47
First house number 121
Last house number 455
Number of addresses 13
Number of people 22
First house number 352
Last house number 442
Number of addresses 22
Number of people 63
First house number 5674
Last house number 5699
Number of addresses 1
Number of people 2
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 7
First house number 235
Last house number 240
Number of addresses 15
Number of people 30
First house number 103
Last house number 199
Number of addresses 3
Number of people 6
First house number 110
Last house number 621
Number of addresses 13
Number of people 31
First house number 129
Last house number 198
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 5
First house number 5557
Last house number 5558
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Number of people 26
First house number 118
Last house number 144
Number of addresses 53
Number of people 149
First house number 161
Last house number 485
Number of addresses 28
Number of people 68
First house number 325
Last house number 469
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 10
First house number 147
Last house number 183
Number of addresses 5
Number of people 15
First house number 5301
Last house number 5342
Number of addresses 9
Number of people 29
First house number 5343
Last house number 5485
Number of addresses 42
Number of people 106
First house number 112
Last house number 399
Number of addresses 39
Number of people 93
First house number 214
Last house number 427
Number of addresses 1
Number of people 3
Number of addresses 65
Number of people 169
First house number 154
Last house number 5399
Number of addresses 20
Number of people 58
First house number 1802
Last house number 5431
Number of addresses 5
Number of people 8
First house number 401
Last house number 467
Number of addresses 13
Number of people 28
First house number 5346
Last house number 5476
Number of addresses 6
Number of people 12
First house number 507
Last house number 542
Find out which grocery stores, schools, colleges, hospitals and other amenities are located nearby.
Services SIC 804301
Category Podiatrists
Address 1701 S Thornburg St, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7411
Phone (805) 922-9945
Geo 34.92991, -120.44209
SIC 703203
Category Camps
Address 1777 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7603
Phone (805) 287-9240
Geo 34.92911, -120.43665
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 1767 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7603
Phone (805) 614-7820
Fax (805) 614-7823
Geo 34.92831, -120.43649
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 1767 S Broadway #1000, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7603
Phone (805) 614-7820
Fax (805) 614-7823
Geo 34.92831, -120.43649
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 121 W Battles Rd, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7114
Phone (805) 925-1470
Geo 34.93175, -120.43697
SIC 703203
Category Camps
Address 1611 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7601
Geo 34.93103, -120.43641
SIC 703203
Category Camps
Address 1617 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7601
Phone (805) 623-5240
Geo 34.93103, -120.43625
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 1555 S Broadway #b, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7296
Phone (805) 922-9884
Geo 34.93207, -120.43657
SIC 724101
Category Barbers
Address 1555 S Broadway #b, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7296
Phone (805) 925-2489
Geo 34.93207, -120.43657
SIC 809916
Category Blood banks & centers
Address 1768 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7604
Phone (805) 928-2546
Fax (805) 922-8751
Geo 34.92863, -120.43569
SIC 799105
Category Spas (health)
Address 1549 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7290
Phone (805) 287-9398
Geo 34.93223, -120.43657
SIC 799101
Category Health clubs studios & gymnasiums
Address 1766 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7604
Phone (805) 310-6447
Geo 34.92855, -120.43569
SIC 801104
Category Clinics
Address 1774 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7604
Geo 34.92855, -120.43569
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 1774 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7604
Phone (805) 928-5400
Geo 34.92855, -120.43569
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 1774 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7604
Phone (805) 928-5400
Geo 34.92855, -120.43569
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 1670 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7602
Phone (805) 928-6776
Geo 34.93007, -120.43561
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 1670 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7602
Phone (805) 928-6776
Geo 34.93007, -120.43561
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 1670 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7602
Phone (805) 928-6776
Geo 34.93007, -120.43561
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 1525 Stowell Center Plz, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7121
Phone (805) 314-2954
Geo 34.93367, -120.43761
Public Administration SIC 911101
Category Federal government-executive offices
Address 1619 S Thornburg St, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7401
Phone (805) 730-1710
Geo 34.93063, -120.44073
Retail Trade SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1546 Wallis Ave, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7108
Phone (805) 739-1701
Geo 34.93311, -120.44065
SIC 592103
Category Wines-retail
Address 523 Wood Mill Ln, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7478
Geo 34.92551, -120.44273
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 1711 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7603
Phone (805) 928-2500
Geo 34.92959, -120.43729
SIC 531104
Category Retail shops
Address 1567 Stowell Center Plz, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7121
Phone (805) 348-1111
Geo 34.93207, -120.43761
SIC 542107
Category Meat-retail
Address 1571 Stowell Center Plz, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7121
Phone (805) 347-0037
Fax (805) 347-1236
Geo 34.93231, -120.43777
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 1721 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7603
Phone (805) 925-6730
Fax (805) 925-9382
Geo 34.92951, -120.43649
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1609 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7601
Phone (805) 345-3178
Geo 34.93135, -120.43689
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1635 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7601
Phone (805) 925-0860
Geo 34.93007, -120.43641
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1785 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7603
Phone (805) 928-0811
Toll-free phone number (888) 249-6920
Geo 34.92783, -120.43665
SIC 561101
Category Men's clothing & furnishings-retail
Address 1553 Stowell Center Plz, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7121
Phone (805) 348-1066
Geo 34.93255, -120.43761
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1931 S Thornburg St, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7728
Phone (805) 925-3780
Geo 34.92463, -120.44081
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 1549 Stowell Center Plz, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7121
Phone (805) 922-7973
Geo 34.93263, -120.43761
SIC 554101
Category Service stations-gasoline & oil
Address 1611 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7601
Phone (805) 925-8415
Geo 34.93103, -120.43641
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1613 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7601
Phone (805) 922-0265
Geo 34.93111, -120.43625
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1551 Stowell Center Plz, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7121
Phone (805) 922-0025
Geo 34.93303, -120.43761
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1841 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7605
Phone (805) 287-9760
Geo 34.92687, -120.43649
SIC 554101
Category Service stations-gasoline & oil
Address 1901 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7807
Phone (805) 922-3868
Geo 34.92655, -120.43665
SIC 581222
Category Pizza
Address 1772 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7604
Phone (805) 925-5999
Geo 34.92863, -120.43569
SIC 549901
Category Health & diet foods-retail
Address 1790 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7604
Phone (805) 925-3432
Fax (805) 925-6213
Geo 34.92807, -120.43569
SIC 565101
Category Clothing-retail
Address 1541 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7213
Phone (805) 925-0185
Geo 34.93247, -120.43657
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 1521 Stowell Center Plz, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7121
Phone (805) 922-0816
Geo 34.93351, -120.43761
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1710 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7680
Phone (805) 922-6111
Fax (805) 922-6111
Geo 34.92959, -120.43537
SIC 592102
Category Liquors-retail
Address 1535 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7227
Phone (805) 925-7272
Geo 34.93263, -120.43657
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 1919 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7807
Phone (805) 922-5126
Geo 34.92607, -120.43665
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 1571 Stowell Center Plz, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7121
Geo 34.93231, -120.43777
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 1931 S Thornburg St, Santa Maria, CA, 93458-7728
Geo 34.92463, -120.44081
SIC 602101
Category Banks
Address 1670 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7602
Geo 34.93007, -120.43561
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 1535 S Broadway, Santa Maria, CA, 93454-7227
Geo 34.93263, -120.43657
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary service SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 561 Air Park Dr #b, Oceano, CA, 93445-9665
Phone (805) 781-5205
Geo 35.10448, -120.62434
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 1801 N H St #a, Lompoc, CA, 93436-2827
Phone (805) 736-4085
Toll-free phone number (800) 634-0245
Geo 34.66623, -120.462
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 975 Airport Dr #5, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401-8417
Phone (805) 781-5205
Fax (805) 781-5985
Geo 35.239, -120.638
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 903 Airport Dr #5, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401-8356
Geo 35.23924, -120.6412
Sex offenders in the area Discover possible sex offenders within 3 miles of the address.
Date of birth September 16, 1939
Age 85 years old
Height 600
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Leg, left, nonspecific|arm, right, nonspecific|elbow, right unknown
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 6, 1949
Age 76 years old
Height 507
Weight 220 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Shoulder, right initial|abdomen|scar, unknown surgical|arm, right upper|leg, right, nonspecific|knee, right unknown|shoulder, right unknown|forearm, left unknown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth May 12, 1981
Age 43 years old
Height 510
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 7, 1950
Age 74 years old
Height 509
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Gray/partially gray
Eyes color Brown
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 17, 1986
Age 38 years old
Height 602
Weight 300 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 22, 1979
Age 46 years old
Height 507
Weight 251 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Black
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth July 19, 1970
Age 54 years old
Height 510
Weight 215 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 6, 1968
Age 56 years old
Height 511
Weight 230 lbs
Hair color Unknown/bald
Eyes color Brown
Marks Abdomen|back
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 21, 1972
Age 52 years old
Height 506
Weight 135 lbs
Hair color Unknown/bald
Eyes color Brown
Marks Arm, left, nonspecific|arm, right, nonspecific|arm, left, nonspecific|arm, left, nonspecific
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 25, 1982
Age 42 years old
Height 510
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 16, 1947
Age 77 years old
Height 600
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Sandy
Eyes color Hazel
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 27, 1991
Age 33 years old
Height 509
Weight 195 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Arm, right, nonspecific|arm, left, nonspecific|back|chest
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 6, 1943
Age 81 years old
Height 510
Weight 215 lbs
Hair color Gray/partially gray
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth May 29, 1988
Age 36 years old
Height 511
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Back
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 6, 1957
Age 67 years old
Height 509
Weight 285 lbs
Hair color Red/auburn
Eyes color Brown
Marks Back surgical|knee, right surgical
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 10, 1954
Age 70 years old
Height 505
Weight 271 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Black
Marks Arm, left, nonspecific unknown
Race American indian
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 6, 1928
Age 97 years old
Height 600
Weight 230 lbs
Hair color White
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 25, 1958
Age 66 years old
Height 601
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Gray/partially gray
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Finger(s), right hand|arm, right, nonspecific|leg, right, nonspecific|knee, right unknown|elbow, right unknown|denture, upper and lower teeth|abdomen unknown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 8, 1955
Age 69 years old
Height 510
Weight 206 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Marks Hand, right|shoulder, right heart|shoulder, right|arm, left, nonspecific
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 4, 1965
Age 60 years old
Height 506
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Hazel
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Is the home located at 835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3861 rented or do owners live there?
The dwelling 835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3861 is rented.
What type of house is the property located at 835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3861?
This property is a single family dwelling unit.
Are the geographic coordinates known for 835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3861?
The latitude and longitude of the property situated at 835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3861 are 34.929421, -120.442266.
What are the interests of the residents of this property?
The people living here are fond of mail shopping, arts, computers, and parenting. They are also collectors.
What facts are available about the owner of the property located at 835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3861?
We found these details. Their name is Jessa A Quesada . They are 35 years old. Their phone number is (805) 268-3365 . What is known about the homes around this house?
The average household in this area is 41 years old. The average house price is 400,000. A typical household consists of 2.1 generations with 2.7 adults and 1.5 children under one roof. The estimated income per household is 104,487 and the average household net worth is 379,861.
How many grownups are living in the dwelling situated at 835 Wayland Pl, Santa Maria, CA?
This house is a home for 1 adult.
What is the time zone for this location?
This location is in the Pacific Time Zone.