32075 Apple Ridge Run, Millsboro, DE, 19966-5989
Owner & current residents Discover the people whose last known address is 32075 Apple Ridge Run, Millsboro, DE, 19966-5989.
Age 80
Date of birth October, 1944
Homeowner Probability Homeowner
Length of residence two years
Current phone (302) 945-4271
Gender Male
Find out about the property at this address.
Air Conditioning Indicates the type of air conditioning present in the household property. Sources: real property information, county assessor, recorder records Central
Home Owner Probability Model The model is used to select the desired level of confidence for Homeowner/renter data. Verified home owners have at least 1 source that is assessor or recorder based data. Sources: real property, assessor records, modeled data Homeowner
Learn mortgage and refinancing details about this home.
Pass Prospector Value PASS PROSPECTOR VALUE (PASS) combines two independent valuation systems coupled with continuous blind testing to deliver greater accuracy and hit rate. Paired with the largest online property and ownership database in the nation, PASS uses a hedonic model that incorporates property characteristics that are combined with appraisal logic and price-time indexing to arrive at an accurate and reliable property valuation. This neural scoring system enables the technology to sense and immediately adapt to changing market conditions. 329900
Learn some details about the properties within a one-mile radius.
Dwellings Single family dwelling units: 1
Average number of adults per household 1.0
Number of households with young adults 9
Number of households with senior adults 2
Number of households with veterans 6
Average number of children per household 1.3
Average income per household $129,167
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+ 1 more resident Age 70
Gender Female
Been living since 2017
Phone number (302) 947-2303
+ 1 more resident Age 98
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (641) 484-4849
Age 27
Been living since 2022
+ 1 more resident Age 78
Gender Male
Been living since 2022
Phone number (703) 754-8283
+ 1 more resident Age 78
Gender Male
Been living since 2022
Phone number (302) 448-6150
+ 1 more resident Age 65
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (856) 596-7334
Age 55
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (302) 337-8012
+ 1 more resident Age 56
Gender Male
Been living since 2022
Phone number (703) 912-7917
+ 1 more resident Age 66
Gender Male
Been living since 2022
Phone number (860) 305-7265
+ 1 more resident Age 74
Gender Male
Been living since 2022
Phone number (910) 769-8879
Age 66
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (302) 945-1420
Age 83
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (302) 475-1113
Age 70
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (302) 945-9063
Gender Male
Been living since 2023
+ 2 more residents Age 34
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (610) 255-4775
+ 1 more resident Age 68
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (410) 939-5991
Age 100
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (302) 645-2406
+ 1 more resident Age 72
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (845) 893-3979
+ 1 more resident Age 75
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (717) 773-0216
+ 1 more resident Age 70
Gender Male
Been living since 2022
Phone number (410) 647-0262
+ 1 more resident Age 81
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (201) 843-3622
+ 2 more residents Age 70
Gender Male
Been living since 2022
Phone number (973) 459-8685
Age 69
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (610) 983-3822
Age 66
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (718) 492-2080
+ 1 more resident Age 76
Gender Female
Been living since 2023
Phone number (610) 485-0133
+ 3 more residents Age 66
Been living since 2023
Phone number (610) 413-9004
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32075 Apple Ridge Run
Find out which grocery stores, schools, colleges, hospitals and other amenities are located nearby.
Retail Trade SIC 592102
Category Liquors-retail
Address 26205 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4950
Phone (302) 945-4080
Geo 38.62585, -75.19594
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 26506 Victorias Landing Rd #5, Millsboro, DE, 19966-7064
Phone (302) 945-3111
Geo 38.62433, -75.19674
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 26506 Victorias Landing Rd #2, Millsboro, DE, 19966-7064
Phone (302) 945-1145
Geo 38.62433, -75.19674
SIC 581222
Category Pizza
Address 26396 Bay Farm Rd #3, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4993
Phone (302) 945-5000
Geo 38.62545, -75.19498
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 26370 Bay Farm Rd #1, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4904
Phone (302) 945-1705
Geo 38.62489, -75.19498
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 25938 Plaza Dr, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6290
Phone (302) 947-4700
Geo 38.63185, -75.19442
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 25938 Plaza Dr #3, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6290
Phone (302) 947-9444
Geo 38.63185, -75.19442
SIC 581222
Category Pizza
Address 25938 Plaza Dr #4, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6290
Phone (302) 945-7800
Geo 38.63185, -75.19442
SIC 581222
Category Pizza
Address 25938 Plaza Dr, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6290
Phone (302) 945-7800
Geo 38.63185, -75.19442
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 25935 Plaza Dr #5, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6289
Phone (302) 947-9000
Geo 38.63193, -75.1933
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 25935 Plaza Dr #7, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6289
Phone (302) 947-9388
Geo 38.63193, -75.1933
SIC 541103
Category Convenience stores
Address 24851 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4992
Phone (302) 945-6221
Fax (302) 945-6221
Geo 38.63593, -75.19346
SIC 565101
Category Clothing-retail
Address 26582 John J Williams Hwy #2, Millsboro, DE, 19966-5000
Geo 38.61729, -75.20186
Services SIC 804939
Category Science of mind practitioners
Address 26191 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4950
Phone (302) 945-6060
Geo 38.62617, -75.19586
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 26002 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4948
Phone (302) 945-2144
Geo 38.63081, -75.19682
SIC 804907
Category Nurses-practitioners
Address 26002 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4948
Phone (302) 947-4360
Geo 38.63081, -75.19682
SIC 804907
Category Nurses-practitioners
Address 26002 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4948
Geo 38.63081, -75.19682
SIC 805101
Category Nursing & convalescent homes
Address 26002 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4948
Phone (302) 945-2144
Geo 38.63081, -75.19682
SIC 809907
Category Health services
Address 26002 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4948
Phone (484) 731-2500
Fax (484) 731-1234
Geo 38.63081, -75.19682
SIC 723102
Category Manicuring
Address 26506 Victorias Landing Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-7064
Phone (302) 945-1212
Geo 38.62433, -75.19674
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 26396 Bay Farm Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4993
Phone (302) 947-9662
Geo 38.62545, -75.19498
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 26396 Bay Farm Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4993
Phone (302) 947-9662
Geo 38.62545, -75.19498
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 26396 Bay Farm Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4993
Phone (302) 947-9662
Fax (302) 947-9692
Geo 38.62545, -75.19498
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 26396 Bay Farm Rd #1, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4993
Phone (302) 947-9662
Fax (302) 947-9692
Geo 38.62545, -75.19498
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 26396 Bay Farm Rd #1, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4993
Phone (302) 947-9662
Geo 38.62545, -75.19498
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 25935 Plaza Dr #14, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6289
Phone (302) 947-4111
Geo 38.63193, -75.1933
SIC 809913
Category Medical & surgical svc organizations
Address 25935 Plaza Dr #1, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6289
Phone (302) 947-4111
Geo 38.63193, -75.1933
SIC 723102
Category Manicuring
Address 25935 Plaza Dr #8, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6289
Phone (302) 945-2866
Geo 38.63193, -75.1933
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 25935 Plaza Dr #3, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6289
Phone (302) 945-2546
Geo 38.63193, -75.1933
SIC 804939
Category Science of mind practitioners
Address 24892 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4939
Phone (302) 947-1204
Geo 38.63513, -75.19458
SIC 804939
Category Science of mind practitioners
Address 24892 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4939
Phone (302) 947-1204
Geo 38.63513, -75.19458
SIC 804911
Category Occupational therapists
Address 32026 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Phone (302) 947-4437
Geo 38.63489, -75.19242
SIC 809907
Category Health services
Address 32026 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Phone (302) 947-4437
Geo 38.63489, -75.19242
SIC 804920
Category Physicians assistants
Address 32026 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Geo 38.63489, -75.19242
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 32026 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Phone (302) 947-4437
Geo 38.63489, -75.19242
SIC 804201
Category Optometrists od
Address 32030 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Phone (302) 947-2020
Fax (302) 947-1300
Geo 38.63481, -75.19226
SIC 804201
Category Optometrists od
Address 32030 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Phone (302) 947-2020
Geo 38.63481, -75.19226
SIC 807101
Category Laboratories-medical
Address 32060 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Phone (302) 947-1202
Fax (302) 947-9514
Geo 38.63401, -75.1913
SIC 804912
Category Audiologists
Address 32034 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Phone (302) 945-8886
Geo 38.63481, -75.19218
SIC 807101
Category Laboratories-medical
Address 32036 Long Neck Rd #1, Millsboro, DE, 19966-6228
Phone (302) 945-9403
Geo 38.63481, -75.1921
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 26370 Bay Farm Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4904
Geo 38.62489, -75.19498
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 25926 Plaza Dr, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4998
Geo 38.63257, -75.19434
SIC 602101
Category Banks
Address 25926 Plaza Dr, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4998
Phone (302) 360-0020
Geo 38.63257, -75.19434
SIC 602101
Category Banks
Address 25926 Plaza Dr #500, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4998
Geo 38.63257, -75.19434
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 24930 John J Williams Hwy, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4976
Geo 38.63425, -75.19506
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 24892 John J Williams Hwy #3, Millsboro, DE, 19966-4939
Geo 38.63513, -75.19458
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 31768 Legion Rd, Millsboro, DE, 19966-7114
Geo 38.61833, -75.19706
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary service SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 21553 Rudder Ln #1, Georgetown, DE, 19947-2029
Phone (302) 855-7774
Toll-free phone number (877) 875-7651
Geo 38.69056, -75.36344
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 12724 Airport Rd, Berlin, MD, 21811-2420
Phone (410) 213-2471
Fax (410) 213-7749
Geo 38.3115, -75.11515
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 5485 Airport Terminal Rd #a, Salisbury, MD, 21804-1599
Phone (410) 548-4827
Toll-free phone number (800) 428-4322
Geo 38.34338, -75.51737
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 28886 Naylor Mill Rd, Salisbury, MD, 21801-8039
Phone (410) 742-9642
Fax (410) 742-9642
Geo 38.40915, -75.6125
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 8739 Spring Hill Ln, Salisbury, MD, 21801-3800
Phone (410) 219-5011
Geo 38.43723, -75.66074
Sex offenders in the area Discover possible sex offenders within 3 miles of the address.
Date of birth August 26, 1985
Age 39 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 240 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Marks Tat ul arm-tattoo--upper left arm | tat ur arm-tattoo--upper right arm
Race White
Date of offence January 9, 2013
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth August 5, 1957
Age 67 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 235 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Mole fhd-
Race Black/african american
Date of offence August 16, 1994
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 14, 1962
Age 62 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tat r calf-right calf: orioles | tat l shld-left shoulder: oriole bird
Race White
Date of offence May 2, 2012
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 10, 1963
Age 61 years old
Weight 155 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Marks Scar-face, nonspecific | scar-arm, left
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 10, 1963
Age 61 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 150 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Marks Tat r arm- | tat ul arm- | tat chest-tat chest-red heart | tat l arm- | tat ur arm-
Race White
Date of offence July 29, 1992
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth October 12, 1960
Age 64 years old
Height 6′4″
Weight 279 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Blue
Marks Sc l arm- | sc r knee-scar--right knee
Race White
Date of offence April 17, 1997
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth October 15, 1970
Age 54 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 156 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Sc r arm- | sc rf arm- | tat l arm- | tat r arm- | tat lf arm- | tat l hnd- | tat l shld- | tat r shld- | tat l wrs- | sc l wrist- | tat chest-
Race White
Date of offence March 21, 1989
August 23, 2006
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth May 16, 1978
Age 46 years old
Height 6′2″
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Blond or strawberry
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Tat r shld- | tat ur arm-upper right arm: grim reaper,cross | tat ul arm-upper left arm: dragon | sc abdom- | tat chest- | sc r wrist- | tat shld- | tat l arm- | tat r arm-
Race White
Date of offence November 16, 1998
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 14, 1984
Age 39 years old
Height 6
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 14, 1984
Age 39 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 215 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Date of offence February 27, 2008
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 12, 1958
Age 66 years old
Height 5′9″
Weight 220 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Prcd l ear-pierced ear, left
Race Black/african american
Date of offence June 28, 1989
January 12, 1990
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 18, 1955
Age 69 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Sc neck- | sc face-left cheek
Race White
Date of offence July 10, 2000
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 19, 1970
Age 54 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 230 lbs
Hair color Blond or strawberry
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Date of offence September 29, 2008
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth October 5, 1970
Age 54 years old
Height 5′5″
Weight 170 lbs
Hair color Red or auburn
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tat r arm-tattoo--right arm: baby's fathers name | tat l shld-tattoo--left shoulder
Race Black/african american
Date of offence November 5, 2003
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 3, 1967
Age 57 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tat r arm-
Race Black/african american
Date of offence September 30, 1985
November 17, 1989
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 15, 1985
Age 39 years old
Height 6′1″
Weight 260 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Marks Glasses- | sc abdom-
Race White
Date of offence March 12, 2007
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth September 18, 1963
Age 61 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 160 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Marks Sc r wrist- | sc l wrist- | sc r leg-
Race White
Date of offence May 26, 1998
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 5, 1953
Age 71 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 175 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Blue
Marks Tat l fgr-finger(s)--l hand: "fran"
Race White
Date of offence January 5, 1979
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 25, 1969
Age 55 years old
Height 5′9″
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Marks Sc ur arm- | tat l arm- | tat rf arm- | tat lf arm- | tat ur arm- | tat r leg-skull | tat back- | sc r arm- | tat r arm-skull | tat chest-cross | tat l leg-skull
Race White
Date of offence October 24, 1994
January 25, 1993
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth July 28, 1955
Age 69 years old
Height 6′3″
Weight 168 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Green
Marks Tat chest-victoria, jackie | sc chest-1 inch scar left side of chest | tat back-popop, ella. day day | tat l arm-leo | tat r arm-virgil
Race Black/african american
Date of offence May 24, 1988
Sex offender’s address Unlock
What are the amenities in the dwelling situated at 32075 Apple Ridge Run, Millsboro, DE, 19966-5989?
This home has air conditioning (central).
Is the home located at 32075 Apple Ridge Run, Millsboro, DE, 19966-5989 rented or do owners live there?
Homeowners live there.
Are the gps coordinates known for the property located at 32075 Apple Ridge Run, Millsboro, DE?
The property 32075 Apple Ridge Run, Millsboro, DE, 19966-5989 has these coordinates: 38.627803, -75.201529.
Which details are known about the owner of the dwelling located at 32075 Apple Ridge Run, Millsboro, DE, 19966-5989?
We found these details. The homeowner's full name is John T Brosonski . They are 80. Their current phone number is (302) 945-4271 . How many grownups are living in the dwelling located at 32075 Apple Ridge Run, Millsboro, DE?
There is 1 adult living here.
What time zone is Millsboro, Delaware in?
The time zone in Millsboro, Delaware is ET.