306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759
Owner & current residents Discover the people whose last known address is 306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759.
Age 32
Date of birth 1992
Unit 102
Homeowner Probability Renter
Length of residence 6 years
Current phone (319) 217-3331
Gender Male
Marital status Single
Education Completed High School
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Years of residence
Last known address
Years of residence
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Dwelling Type Indicates if more than one family lives at a particular address. Sources: survey data, public data, self-reported data, warranty registrations, buying activity, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions Multiple Family Dwelling Unit
Home Owner Probability Model The model is used to select the desired level of confidence for Homeowner/renter data. Verified home owners have at least 1 source that is assessor or recorder based data. Sources: real property, assessor records, modeled data Renter
Discover some facts about a household at this address.
Net worth Summary of the data that has been found to be predictive of Net worth. Predicts the range in which a household’s Net worth is likely to fall. It is composed of the elements that have been found predictive of Net worth and available on a large number of records. The elements are home value, age of head of household, dwelling size, and census level data. Sources: modeled Less than $1
Estimated income Indicates the estimated household income. This income is either self reported or estimated based on a variety of demographic factors. These factors include age, occupation, home ownership, and median income for the local area. Sources: survey data, public data, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions $15,000–$19,999
Number of persons in living unit Indicates the total number of occupants in the household. Sources: public data, buying activity and self-reported data 1
Number of adults Indicates the number of adults in the household. An adult is anyone who is 18 years old or older living in a household. Sources: calculated using age and date of birth information 1
Presence of children Indicates that there is a child age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data No
Learn some details about the properties within a one-mile radius.
Dwellings Single family dwelling units: 36
Multiple family dwelling units: 3
Oldest building built in 1900
Newest building built in 2012
Average age of buildings 61 y.o.
Lowest home purchase price $100,000
Highest home purchase price $100,000
Average home purchase price $100,000
Average number of adults per household 2.5
Number of households with senior adults 6
Number of households with veterans 8
Average number of children per household 1.7
Average generations per household 1.9
Average income per household $53,415
Average net worth per household $68,649
Explore the addresses nearby and find the people who live there.
Year built 1900
Home price $43,486
+ 9 more residents Age 54
Been living since 2014
Phone number (319) 385-8373
Year built 2009
+ 6 more residents Age 88
Gender Male
Been living since 1999
Phone number (319) 986-6305
Year built 1976
Home price $86,458
+ 3 more residents Age 77
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (319) 385-2368
Year built 1976
Home price $86,230
+ 3 more residents Age 46
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (319) 217-2313
Year built 1900
+ 4 more residents Age 60
Gender Female
Been living since 2017
Phone number (319) 385-3823
Year built 1900
Home price $70,659
+ 10 more residents Age 61
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (319) 385-4929
Year built 1978
Home price $100,000
+ 5 more residents Age 62
Gender Female
Been living since 2008
Phone number (319) 931-2065
Year built 1999
Home price $127,000
+ 8 more residents Age 37
Gender Male
Been living since 2023
Year built 1975
Home price $86,013
+ 7 more residents Age 54
Gender Female
Been living since 2001
Phone number (319) 385-7083
Year built 1977
Home price $90,591
+ 2 more residents Age 74
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (319) 385-4236
Year built 1976
Home price $103,902
+ 9 more residents Gender Female
Been living since 2018
Phone number (319) 385-8092
+ 11 more residents Age 74
Gender Male
Been living since 2019
Year built 1976
Home price $101,581
+ 4 more residents Age 86
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (319) 931-8236
Year built 2012
Home price $107,783
+ 2 more residents Age 67
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (319) 201-1391
+ 6 more residents Gender Female
Been living since 2018
+ 3 more residents Age 43
Gender Male
Been living since 2019
Phone number (319) 201-1554
Check out 306 Lee St fact file . Feel free to download and print.
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306 Lee St
Explore other streets in Mount Pleasant to learn about the properties and residents there.
Number of addresses 8
Number of people 22
First house number 701
Last house number 900
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 8
First house number 1518
Last house number 1524
Number of addresses 6
Number of people 18
First house number 1818
Last house number 1845
Number of addresses 6
Number of people 11
First house number 2445
Last house number 2455
Number of addresses 13
Number of people 25
First house number 601
Last house number 617
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 3
First house number 303
Last house number 305
Number of addresses 6
Number of people 16
First house number 302
Last house number 314
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 15
First house number 302
Last house number 312
Number of addresses 3
Number of people 5
First house number 504
Last house number 508
Number of addresses 30
Number of people 78
First house number 600
Last house number 909
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 13
First house number 302
Last house number 405
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 8
First house number 1618
Last house number 1744
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 7
First house number 1401
Last house number 1407
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 20
First house number 1703
Last house number 1807
Number of addresses 12
Number of people 30
First house number 602
Last house number 617
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 7
First house number 300
Last house number 305
Number of addresses 5
Number of people 11
First house number 102
Last house number 915
Number of addresses 27
Number of people 51
First house number 700
Last house number 811
Number of addresses 13
Number of people 30
First house number 803
Last house number 1203
Number of addresses 6
Number of people 15
First house number 1105
Last house number 1111
Number of addresses 8
Number of people 20
First house number 1001
Last house number 1008
Number of addresses 3
Number of people 6
First house number 401
Last house number 605
Number of addresses 12
Number of people 33
First house number 1800
Last house number 1811
Number of addresses 9
Number of people 22
First house number 1607
Last house number 1821
Number of addresses 3
Number of people 5
First house number 1389
Last house number 1419
Find out which grocery stores, schools, colleges, hospitals and other amenities are located nearby.
Services SIC 821120
Category Educational & social services
Address 309 N Poplar St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1735
Phone (319) 385-7784
Toll-free phone number (800) 457-4416
Geo 40.96942, -91.54818
SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 400 E Madison St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2010
Phone (319) 385-7709
Toll-free phone number (800) 457-4416
Geo 40.96694, -91.54866
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 811 E Washington St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1902
Phone (319) 385-7320
Fax (319) 385-7322
Geo 40.9647, -91.54274
SIC 823106
Category Libraries-public
Address 307 E Monroe St #101, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1920
Phone (319) 385-1490
Fax (319) 385-1491
Geo 40.96638, -91.55018
SIC 821120
Category Educational & social services
Address 307 E Monroe St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1920
Phone (319) 385-7777
Geo 40.96638, -91.55018
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 107 E Madison St #101, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2071
Phone (319) 385-4915
Geo 40.96766, -91.55178
SIC 804907
Category Nurses-practitioners
Address 107 E Madison St #101, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2071
Phone (319) 385-4915
Fax (319) 385-2118
Geo 40.96766, -91.55178
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 217 E Monroe St #101, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1975
Phone (319) 385-4680
Geo 40.96646, -91.5509
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 217 E Monroe St #2, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1975
Phone (319) 553-5950
Geo 40.96646, -91.5509
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 217 E Monroe St #2, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1975
Phone (319) 553-5950
Geo 40.96646, -91.5509
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 217 E Monroe St #101, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1975
Phone (319) 385-4680
Geo 40.96646, -91.5509
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 210 N Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2057
Phone (319) 986-2121
Geo 40.96838, -91.55242
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 907 E Washington St #104, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1977
Phone (319) 385-7320
Fax (319) 385-9508
Geo 40.9647, -91.54002
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 208 N Main St #101, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2092
Phone (319) 385-1113
Geo 40.96774, -91.5525
SIC 822298
Category Junior colleges & technical institutes
Address 200 N Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2057
Phone (319) 385-8012
Toll-free phone number (866) 722-4692
Geo 40.96774, -91.5525
SIC 822101
Category Schools-universities & colleges academic
Address 601 N Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1398
Phone (319) 385-8021
Fax (319) 385-6296
Toll-free phone number (800) 582-2383
Geo 40.97374, -91.55194
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 1104 E Henry St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1817
Phone (319) 385-9777
Geo 40.9667, -91.53682
SIC 805908
Category Hospices
Address 118 N Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2264
Phone (319) 385-4472
Toll-free phone number (888) 385-4472
Geo 40.9671, -91.55266
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 410 N Broadway St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1608
Phone (319) 385-3579
Geo 40.97094, -91.5537
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 100 N Main St #102, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2192
Phone (319) 263-2639
Geo 40.9667, -91.55274
SIC 822114
Category Educational & social services
Address 601 N Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1348
Phone (319) 385-8021
Geo 40.97374, -91.5525
SIC 823109
Category Libraries-institutional
Address 601 N Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1348
Phone (319) 385-6316
Fax (319) 385-6324
Geo 40.97374, -91.5525
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 800 N Lincoln St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1231
Phone (319) 385-3013
Geo 40.9763, -91.54906
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 304 N Jefferson St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1621
Phone (319) 385-8912
Geo 40.96902, -91.55386
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 304 N Jefferson St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1621
Phone (319) 385-8912
Geo 40.96902, -91.55386
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 304 N Jefferson St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1621
Phone (319) 545-7600
Geo 40.96902, -91.55386
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 304 N Jefferson St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1621
Phone (319) 385-8912
Geo 40.96902, -91.55386
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 204 N Jefferson St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2017
Phone (319) 385-3000
Geo 40.96814, -91.55386
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 204 N Jefferson St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2017
Phone (319) 385-3000
Fax (319) 385-1235
Geo 40.96814, -91.55386
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 204 N Jefferson St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2017
Phone (319) 217-0095
Fax (319) 385-3008
Geo 40.96814, -91.55386
SIC 783201
Category Theatres
Address 115 N Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2089
Phone (319) 385-3726
Geo 40.9671, -91.55346
Retail Trade SIC 581228
Category Coffee shops
Address 420 N Adams St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1649
Phone (319) 385-0747
Geo 40.97158, -91.55058
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 701 N Wohlleber Dr, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1483
Phone (319) 385-8015
Geo 40.97454, -91.53954
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 701 N Wohlleber Dr, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1483
Phone (319) 385-8015
Geo 40.97454, -91.53954
SIC 581222
Category Pizza
Address 901 E Washington St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1948
Phone (319) 385-4112
Geo 40.96454, -91.54106
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 700 N Wohlleber Dr, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1483
Phone (319) 385-4266
Toll-free phone number (800) 244-6227
Geo 40.97462, -91.53858
SIC 546105
Category Doughnuts
Address 201 E Washington St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1934
Phone (319) 385-1165
Geo 40.9655, -91.55154
SIC 549918
Category Oriental goods
Address 114 S Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2183
Phone (319) 385-7514
Geo 40.96638, -91.5529
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 119 N Main St, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-2027
Phone (319) 385-8520
Geo 40.96718, -91.55346
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 301 E Washington St #201, Mt Pleasant, IA, 52641-1966
Phone (800) 872-2657
Toll-free phone number (800) 872-2657
Geo 40.96566, -91.5501
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary service SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 1625 S Airport Rd, Washington, IA, 52353-1378
Phone (319) 653-7002
Geo 41.28232, -91.66874
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 2013 Airport Rd, Fairfield, IA, 52556-9027
Phone (641) 472-3166
Fax (641) 472-0183
Geo 41.04652, -91.98307
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 50 Airport Rd, Fort Madison, IA, 52627-9416
Phone (319) 372-7439
Geo 40.65802, -91.3228
Sex offenders in the area Discover possible sex offenders within 3 miles of the address.
Date of birth June 26, 1984
Age 40 years old
Height 5′9″
Weight 280 lbs
Hair color Sandy
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Tattooed leg, right | tattooed leg, left | tattooed forearm, left | scar on breast, left | tattooed breast, left | tattooed forearm, right | tattooed arm, left upper | tattooed arm, left | tattooed calf, right | tattooed ankle, right | tattooed chest | ta
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth August 23, 1955
Age 69 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Marks Scar on forearm, right | tattooed arm, left | glasses (prescription) | scar on wrist, right
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth July 3, 1989
Age 35 years old
Height 5′3″
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Pierced ears | tattooed breast, right | tattooed arm, left upper | tattooed arm, right upper | tattooed forearm, right | tattooed chest | scar on head, nonspecific | scar on shoulder, right | tattooed finger(s), right hand | scar on face, nonspecific
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 21, 1991
Age 33 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Pierced ears | scar on head, nonspecific | scar on leg, left, nonspecific | tattooed forearm, left | tattooed back | tattooed arm, right upper | tattooed forearm, right
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth September 2, 1979
Age 45 years old
Height 5′10″
Weight 215 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scar on arm, left | glasses (prescription)
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth May 13, 1993
Age 31 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 140 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Marks Glasses (prescription) | tattooed calf, left | tattooed calf, right | tattooed shoulder, left | tattooed forearm, left
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 16, 1992
Age 32 years old
Height 5′6″
Weight 360 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Glasses (prescription) | scar on hand, right
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 19, 1964
Age 60 years old
Height 5′3″
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Blond
Eyes color Green
Marks Tattooed wrist, left | tattooed arm, left | tattooed hand, left | scar on arm, left upper | scar on shoulder, left | scar on elbow, right
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth May 28, 1984
Age 40 years old
Height 6′2″
Weight 215 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Marks Scar on knee, left | scar on finger(s), right hand | tattooed forearm, left | scar on knee, right | tattooed forearm, right | tattooed back | scar on forearm, left | scar on head, nonspecific | scar on calf, right
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 1, 1980
Age 44 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Blond
Eyes color Hazel
Marks Scar on arm, left | scar on arm, right | scar on neck | pierced tongue | glasses (prescription)
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 22, 1954
Age 69 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Blue
Marks Scar on forearm, left | tattooed forearm, left
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 24, 1964
Age 60 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 170 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Blue
Marks Glasses (prescription) | tattooed arm, right upper | tattooed arm, right
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Is the home situated at 306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759 rented or do owners live there?
This home is rented.
Is this property a multiple family dwelling unit?
The home 306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759 is a multiple family dwelling unit.
Are the gps coordinates known for the dwelling situated at 306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759?
The dwelling at 306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759 has these gps coordinates: 40.97006, -91.544524.
Which information is known about the owner of the dwelling situated at 306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759?
We found these details. Their name is Brandon Case . They are 32 years old. Their phone number is (319) 217-3331 . What is known about the homes in the vicinity of the dwelling situated at 306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759?
The average household in the area was built in 1963. The average home price is 100,000. A typical household size is 1.9 generations with 2.5 adults and 1.7 children living under the same roof. The estimated income per household is 53,415 and the average household net worth is 68,649.
Are there any details available about the people who previosly lived at 306 Lee St, Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641-1759?
2 people lived in this house before the current residents. The most recent resident's name is Janice Carpenter . This person lived here in 2012. You can reach them at (515) 250-0145 . Their current address is 911 Crocker St, Apt 94, Des Moines, IA . How many grownups live in this household?
This place is a home for 1 adult.
Which time zone is Mount Pleasant, IA in?
The time zone for Mount Pleasant, IA is CT.