19 Stegman Pl, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1414
Owner & current residents Discover the people whose last known address is 19 Stegman Pl, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1414.
Age 55
Date of birth 1969
Unit 1
Length of residence two years
Current phone (201) 344-9087
Gender Female
Marital status Single
Education Completed High School
Assimilation Bilingual - English Primary
Age 36
Date of birth 1988
Homeowner Probability Renter
Length of residence 6 years
Current phone (551) 358-2734
Gender Female
Marital status Single
Age 69
Date of birth January 11, 1955
Current phone (201) 451-2030
Gender Female
Discover the people who lived here previously and find out their last known address.
Full name
Years of residence
Last known address
Years of residence
Find out about the property at this address.
Dwelling Type Indicates if more than one family lives at a particular address. Sources: survey data, public data, self-reported data, warranty registrations, buying activity, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Owner Probability Model The model is used to select the desired level of confidence for Homeowner/renter data. Verified home owners have at least 1 source that is assessor or recorder based data. Sources: real property, assessor records, modeled data Renter
Discover some facts about a household at this address.
Net worth Summary of the data that has been found to be predictive of Net worth. Predicts the range in which a household’s Net worth is likely to fall. It is composed of the elements that have been found predictive of Net worth and available on a large number of records. The elements are home value, age of head of household, dwelling size, and census level data. Sources: modeled Less than $1
Estimated income Indicates the estimated household income. This income is either self reported or estimated based on a variety of demographic factors. These factors include age, occupation, home ownership, and median income for the local area. Sources: survey data, public data, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions $35,000–$39,999
Number of persons in living unit Indicates the total number of occupants in the household. Sources: public data, buying activity and self-reported data 1 - 3
Number of adults Indicates the number of adults in the household. An adult is anyone who is 18 years old or older living in a household. Sources: calculated using age and date of birth information 1
Presence of children Indicates that there is a child age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data Yes
Number of children Indicates the number of children age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data 2
Learn some details about the properties within a one-mile radius.
Dwellings Single family dwelling units: 125
Multiple family dwelling units: 2
Oldest building built in 1927
Newest building built in 1959
Average age of buildings 78 y.o.
Lowest home purchase price $22,000
Highest home purchase price $393,000
Average home purchase price $168,000
Average number of adults per household 2.7
Number of households with young adults 1
Number of households with senior adults 31
Average number of children per household 2.3
Average generations per household 1.1
Average income per household $81,359
Average net worth per household $280,982
Explore the addresses nearby and find the people who live there.
Home price $90,000
+ 6 more residents Age 68
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 463-9089
Year built 1955
Home price $230,000
+ 11 more residents Been living since 2015
+ 8 more residents Age 37
Gender Female
Been living since 2017
Phone number (201) 615-9089
Home price $35,000
+ 4 more residents Age 81
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 332-3507
Year built 1927
Home price $233,534
+ 9 more residents Age 60
Gender Male
Been living since 2010
Phone number (201) 726-0845
Year built 1927
Home price $184,000
+ 4 more residents Age 59
Been living since 2014
Home price $22,000
+ 5 more residents Age 71
Gender Male
Been living since 2013
Phone number (570) 350-0741
Year built 1950
Home price $85,000
+ 7 more residents Age 74
Gender Female
Been living since 2023
Year built 1948
Home price $209,000
+ 8 more residents Age 57
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 401-2171
Home price $85,000
+ 5 more residents Age 81
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (201) 435-4080
Home price $77,000
+ 14 more residents Age 61
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (201) 463-5344
Home price $232,091
+ 2 more residents Age 93
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (573) 635-4661
Home price $43,000
Age 74
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 332-2855
Year built 1959
Home price $250,000
+ 4 more residents Age 51
Gender Female
Been living since 2005
Phone number (201) 451-7879
Year built 1927
Home price $220,000
+ 6 more residents Age 39
Gender Female
Been living since 2011
Phone number (201) 682-9532
Home price $245,000
+ 8 more residents Age 56
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 332-1145
Year built 1927
+ 2 more residents Age 36
Gender Male
Been living since 2019
Year built 1950
Home price $100,000
+ 4 more residents Age 86
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 333-1449
Home price $96,900
+ 2 more residents Age 63
Gender Female
Been living since 2019
Home price $110,000
+ 13 more residents Age 68
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 356-7288
Home price $151,000
+ 5 more residents Age 63
Gender Male
Been living since 2013
Phone number (201) 736-0070
Year built 1927
Home price $208,714
+ 4 more residents Age 86
Gender Male
Been living since 2013
Phone number (201) 434-3499
Home price $157,000
+ 12 more residents Age 60
Been living since 2003
Phone number (201) 920-6627
Home price $150,000
+ 5 more residents Age 30
Gender Female
Been living since 2019
Phone number (201) 463-3869
Year built 1927
Home price $340,000
+ 6 more residents Age 32
Gender Female
Been living since 2015
Phone number (201) 985-0225
Home price $135,000
+ 15 more residents Age 52
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (917) 945-2293
Year built 1927
Home price $385,000
+ 4 more residents Age 76
Gender Male
Been living since 2009
Phone number (201) 680-8244
Home price $329,000
+ 12 more residents Gender Female
Been living since 2014
Phone number (917) 660-0432
Home price $393,000
+ 10 more residents Age 45
Gender Male
Been living since 2013
Phone number (201) 993-6506
Home price $120,000
+ 14 more residents Age 73
Gender Male
Been living since 1996
Phone number (917) 543-8071
Home price $100,000
+ 5 more residents Age 77
Gender Female
Been living since 2019
Phone number (201) 332-5698
Year built 1940
Home price $113,000
+ 5 more residents Age 47
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (201) 668-0902
Home price $221,000
+ 3 more residents Age 70
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (646) 831-5828
Year built 1927
+ 7 more residents Age 56
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (201) 210-1423
Home price $35,000
+ 2 more residents Age 70
Gender Male
Been living since 2003
Phone number (732) 359-6511
Home price $149,000
+ 5 more residents Age 67
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (201) 936-1645
Year built 1927
Home price $160,000
+ 9 more residents Age 39
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (201) 668-0221
Home price $98,700
+ 3 more residents Age 74
Gender Male
Been living since 2010
Phone number (201) 434-1033
Year built 1927
Home price $128,000
+ 5 more residents Age 52
Gender Male
Been living since 2019
Year built 1948
Home price $160,000
+ 6 more residents Age 32
Gender Female
Been living since 2015
Phone number (201) 435-3241
Home price $97,700
Age 82
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 434-8510
Home price $190,000
+ 8 more residents Age 91
Gender Male
Been living since 2013
Phone number (201) 978-7966
Home price $200,000
+ 2 more residents Age 76
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (201) 333-1103
Home price $123,000
+ 12 more residents Age 41
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (978) 866-9332
Home price $94,000
+ 17 more residents Age 51
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (347) 399-7671
Home price $150,000
+ 11 more residents Age 62
Gender Male
Been living since 2001
Phone number (201) 920-7675
+ 1 more resident Age 77
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (201) 332-1874
Home price $89,000
+ 6 more residents Age 58
Gender Male
Been living since 2017
Phone number (201) 200-1366
Home price $480,000
Age 47
Gender Female
Been living since 2017
Phone number (201) 600-0422
Year built 1927
Home price $155,000
+ 1 more resident Age 64
Gender Female
Been living since 2020
Phone number (201) 912-2024
Check out 19 Stegman Pl fact file . Feel free to download and print.
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19 Stegman Pl
Explore other streets in Jersey City to learn about the properties and residents there.
Number of addresses 25
Number of people 104
First house number 1
Last house number 1a
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 34
First house number 1
Last house number 10
Number of addresses 36
Number of people 198
First house number 2
Last house number 50
Number of addresses 64
Number of people 297
First house number 6
Last house number 84
Number of addresses 52
Number of people 136
First house number 1
Last house number 78
Number of addresses 26
Number of people 87
First house number 1
Last house number 42
Number of addresses 55
Number of people 223
First house number 83
Last house number 278
Number of addresses 85
Number of people 348
First house number 9
Last house number 149
Number of addresses 138
Number of people 535
First house number 8
Last house number 19a
Number of addresses 87
Number of people 372
First house number 14
Last house number 161
Number of addresses 41
Number of people 247
First house number 101
Last house number 262
Number of addresses 133
Number of people 511
First house number 7
Last house number 127a
Number of addresses 21
Number of people 65
First house number 2
Last house number 46
Number of addresses 20
Number of people 42
First house number 7
Last house number 122-2
Number of addresses 26
Number of people 72
First house number 10
Last house number 64
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 22
First house number 2
Last house number 16
Number of addresses 28
Number of people 73
First house number 5
Last house number 39
Number of addresses 26
Number of people 75
First house number 4
Last house number 38
Number of addresses 73
Number of people 239
First house number 2
Last house number 14a
Number of addresses 35
Number of people 135
First house number 5
Last house number 51
Number of addresses 10
Number of people 46
First house number 3
Last house number 19
Number of addresses 42
Number of people 191
First house number 6
Last house number 52
Number of addresses 88
Number of people 453
First house number 5
Last house number 146
Number of addresses 48
Number of people 213
First house number 3
Last house number 313
Number of addresses 80
Number of people 362
First house number 3
Last house number 147
Find out which grocery stores, schools, colleges, hospitals and other amenities are located nearby.
Services SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 2 Stegman Pl, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1414
Phone (973) 754-2052
Toll-free phone number (888) 582-3973
Geo 40.70885, -74.09254
SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 339 Stegman Pkwy, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1408
Phone (201) 915-6620
Fax (201) 333-6044
Geo 40.70893, -74.09038
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 222 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1443
Phone (201) 521-0444
Geo 40.71109, -74.09286
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 232 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1443
Phone (201) 434-4080
Geo 40.71133, -74.09278
SIC 807201
Category Laboratories-dental
Address 170 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1426
Phone (201) 433-2286
Geo 40.70749, -74.09174
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 164 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1466
Phone (201) 984-0025
Geo 40.70733, -74.09182
SIC 723102
Category Manicuring
Address 168 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1426
Phone (201) 761-0990
Geo 40.70725, -74.09182
SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 275 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1130
Phone (201) 200-3200
Fax (201) 200-3262
Geo 40.71237, -74.0915
SIC 806301
Category Mental health services
Address 320 Armstrong Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-2102
Phone (201) 860-9180
Geo 40.70669, -74.09254
SIC 822101
Category Schools-universities & colleges academic
Address 54 College St, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1520
Phone (201) 200-3585
Geo 40.71069, -74.08838
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 330 Van Nostrand Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1320
Phone (201) 360-2957
Geo 40.70645, -74.0935
SIC 809907
Category Health services
Address 351 Van Nostrand Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1308
Phone (551) 225-5513
Geo 40.70653, -74.0943
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 1999 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1432
Phone (201) 433-3535
Geo 40.70797, -74.08774
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 1947 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1436
Phone (201) 433-4848
Geo 40.70645, -74.08926
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 1947 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1436
Phone (209) 247-9609
Geo 40.70645, -74.08926
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 1947 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1436
Phone (201) 433-4848
Geo 40.70645, -74.08926
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 1947 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1436
Phone (201) 433-4848
Geo 40.70645, -74.08926
SIC 822114
Category Educational & social services
Address 2039 John F Kennedy Blvd #313, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1596
Phone (201) 200-3111
Geo 40.71013, -74.08702
SIC 822298
Category Junior colleges & technical institutes
Address 2039 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1596
Phone (201) 200-2000
Fax (201) 200-2044
Toll-free phone number (888) 441-6528
Geo 40.71013, -74.08702
SIC 823109
Category Libraries-institutional
Address 2039 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1596
Phone (201) 200-3026
Toll-free phone number (888) 441-6528
Geo 40.71013, -74.08702
SIC 804918
Category Physical therapists
Address 2054 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1526
Phone (201) 792-2582
Geo 40.70901, -74.0855
SIC 805101
Category Nursing & convalescent homes
Address 198 Stevens Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-2111
Phone (201) 451-9000
Fax (201) 451-0609
Geo 40.70437, -74.0919
SIC 801104
Category Clinics
Address 198 Stevens Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-2111
Phone (201) 332-2000
Geo 40.70437, -74.0919
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 198 Stevens Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-2111
Phone (201) 432-4462
Geo 40.70437, -74.0919
SIC 808201
Category Home health service
Address 1906 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-2114
Phone (201) 863-7999
Geo 40.70477, -74.0895
Retail Trade SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 222 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1443
Phone (201) 433-3941
Geo 40.71109, -74.09286
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 228 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1443
Phone (201) 433-3162
Geo 40.71109, -74.09286
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 226 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1443
Phone (201) 435-5403
Geo 40.71109, -74.09294
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 234 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1443
Phone (201) 285-5375
Fax (201) 333-3888
Geo 40.71125, -74.09262
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 157 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1429
Phone (201) 333-4777
Geo 40.70725, -74.09238
SIC 592102
Category Liquors-retail
Address 153 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1429
Phone (201) 435-1251
Geo 40.70709, -74.0927
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 150 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1428
Phone (201) 395-0094
Geo 40.70701, -74.09206
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 136 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1428
Phone (201) 433-7311
Geo 40.70669, -74.09254
SIC 562101
Category Women's apparel-retail
Address 11 Van Houten Ave #1, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1421
Phone (201) 915-5252
Geo 40.70725, -74.08926
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 111 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-4920
Phone (201) 763-7513
Geo 40.70621, -74.09366
SIC 546102
Category Bakers-retail
Address 111 Sterling Ave #1, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-4921
Phone (201) 432-7100
Geo 40.70621, -74.09366
SIC 541103
Category Convenience stores
Address 109 Sterling Ave #2, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-4917
Phone (201) 630-4099
Geo 40.70613, -74.09382
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 322 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1128
Phone (201) 333-5468
Geo 40.71301, -74.08974
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 2039 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1596
Phone (201) 200-2107
Geo 40.71013, -74.08702
SIC 546105
Category Doughnuts
Address 2039 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1596
Phone (201) 200-2486
Geo 40.71013, -74.08702
SIC 581301
Category Bars
Address 70 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1417
Phone (201) 333-9835
Geo 40.70525, -74.09422
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 60 Fisk St, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1119
Phone (201) 333-3343
Geo 40.71413, -74.09286
SIC 581222
Category Pizza
Address 337 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1127
Phone (201) 332-1515
Geo 40.71365, -74.0895
SIC 581212
Category Caterers
Address 255 Armstrong Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-2101
Phone (201) 209-9325
Geo 40.70501, -74.09078
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 352 W Side Ave #a, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1135
Phone (201) 332-3335
Geo 40.71373, -74.0887
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 354 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1128
Phone (201) 332-5581
Geo 40.71381, -74.08862
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 349 W Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1110
Phone (201) 630-4061
Geo 40.71405, -74.0891
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 157 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1429
Geo 40.70725, -74.09238
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 155 Sterling Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1429
Geo 40.70725, -74.09254
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 2039 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1596
Phone (844) 401-8500
Toll-free phone number (844) 401-8500
Geo 40.71013, -74.08702
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary service SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 620 Frelinghuysen Ave, Newark, NJ, 07114-1318
Phone (973) 792-0968
Fax (212) 264-9400
Geo 40.69989, -74.19665
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 31 Wright Way, Fairfield, NJ, 07004-3504
Phone (973) 227-4567
Fax (973) 808-0968
Geo 40.87306, -74.27973
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 1 Dayton Dr #87a, Edison, NJ, 08820-3437
Phone (732) 675-7777
Fax (732) 325-1767
Geo 40.57253, -74.34328
Sex offenders in the area Discover possible sex offenders within 3 miles of the address.
Date of birth May 6, 1953
Age 71 years old
Height 5′11
Weight 160 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Piercing on l_ear ()
Race Asian or pac. isl.
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth October 4, 1978
Age 46 years old
Height 5′07
Weight 140 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoo on r_forearm (felicia) | tattoo on chest (kids names) | scar on neck (under left ear) | scar on ear (under left ear) | tattoo on chest (qyuame tyquille)
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 13, 1960
Age 64 years old
Weight 154 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Green
Marks None reported
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 25, 1959
Age 64 years old
Height 5′07
Weight 196 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Green
Marks Tattoo on upper_l_arm ((heart)) | tattoo on upper_r_arm ((praying hands))
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 13, 1960
Age 64 years old
Height 5′07
Weight 154 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Green
Marks Mark on l_cheek (raised lump)
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 18, 1986
Age 38 years old
Height 5′06
Weight 145 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoo on r_arm (joelvis| y r) | tattoo on r_arm (virgin mary) | tattoo on r_arm (cross w/beads) | scar on r_arm ()
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 16, 1933
Age 91 years old
Height 5′06
Weight 183 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Other
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth September 12, 1965
Age 59 years old
Height 5′1
Weight 185 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 17, 1951
Age 73 years old
Height 5′07
Weight 150 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 16, 1961
Age 62 years old
Weight 250 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoo-arm, right | tattoo-forearm, right | tattoo-arm, left | tattoo-chest | tattoo-shoulder, right
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth October 14, 1951
Age 72 years old
Height 5′07
Weight 189 lbs
Hair color Bald
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scar on r_arm (burn scars) | scar on chest (burn scars)
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 25, 1970
Age 54 years old
Weight 160 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks None reported
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 20, 1987
Age 37 years old
Height 5′09
Weight 165 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scar on l_forearm () | tattoo on upper_r_arm (s) | tattoo on r_forearm (rip 40 cal) | tattoo on upper_l_arm ("d" j)
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 18, 1955
Age 69 years old
Height 5′11
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Hazel
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 14, 1961
Age 62 years old
Height 5′05
Weight 120 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoo on r_shoulder - front (skull with fire) | tattoo on r_arm (cross|indian skull) | tattoo on l_arm (cross|heart|pegasos) | tattoo on l_arm (back dove) | tattoo on back () | tattoo on r_forearm (indian| cross)
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 23, 1973
Age 51 years old
Height 5′09
Weight 230 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scar on r_wrist ()
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 13, 1977
Age 47 years old
Height 5′1
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 29, 1951
Age 73 years old
Height 5′07
Weight 180 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoo on r_arm (tiger skull snake) | tattoo on l_arm (flower) | tattoo on upper_l_arm ((rose)) | tattoo on r_forearm ((panther & devil)) | tattoo on l_hand () | tattoo on l_arm (motorcycle woman)
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth August 5, 1956
Age 68 years old
Height 5′11
Weight 210 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth May 17, 1959
Age 65 years old
Height 5′05
Weight 135 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scar on face () | scar on eye (below right eye)
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Is this dwelling rented?
The dwelling located at 19 Stegman Pl, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1414 is rental.
Is the property situated at 19 Stegman Pl, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1414 a single family dwelling unit?
Yes, this home is a single family dwelling unit.
Are the latitude and longitude known for this address?
The home situated at 19 Stegman Pl, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1414 has these coordinates: 40.709571, -74.092274.
Which facts are available about the owner of this dwelling?
The dwelling owner's full name is Ana I Rivera . They are 55 years old and their phone number is (201) 344-9087 . Are there any details known about the homes around the property situated at 19 Stegman Pl, Jersey City, NJ, 07305-1414?
The average built year for buildings in this neighborhood is 1946. The majority of buildings are single family dwelling unit and the average home price is 168,000. The household typically consists of 2.7 adults and 2.3 children with 1.1 generations living under the same roof. The estimated income per household is 81,359 whereas the average household net worth is 280,982.
How many grownups are reported to live at 19 Stegman Pl, Jersey City, NJ?
There are 3 adults living there.
What is the time zone in New Jersey?
New Jersey is in the ET zone.