464354 1090th Rd, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5349
Owner & current residents Discover the people whose last known address is 464354 1090th Rd, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5349.
Age 59
Date of birth June 15, 1965
Current phone (918) 775-4011
Gender Female
Discover the people who lived here previously and find out their last known address.
Full name
Years of residence
Last known address
Last known address
Muldrow, OK
Learn some details about the properties within a one-mile radius.
Dwellings Single family dwelling units: 27
Oldest building built in 1965
Newest building built in 2005
Average age of buildings 40 y.o.
Lowest home purchase price $35,000
Highest home purchase price $130,000
Average home purchase price $84,000
Average number of adults per household 2.1
Number of households with young adults 3
Number of households with senior adults 5
Number of households with veterans 3
Average number of children per household 1.2
Average generations per household 2.1
Average income per household $56,429
Average net worth per household $111,400
Explore the addresses nearby and find the people who live there.
Year built 2005
Home price $103,000
+ 4 more residents Age 106
Gender Female
Been living since 2014
Phone number (918) 775-2266
Year built 1971
Home price $62,845
+ 1 more resident Age 81
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (918) 775-3022
Year built 1986
+ 3 more residents Age 101
Gender Female
Been living since 2014
Phone number (727) 581-6583
Year built 1966
Home price $35,000
+ 7 more residents Age 57
Gender Male
Been living since 2013
Phone number (918) 208-3166
Year built 2002
Home price $132,000
+ 4 more residents Age 67
Gender Female
Been living since 2022
Phone number (336) 769-4691
Year built 1953
Home price $70,000
+ 8 more residents Age 58
Gender Female
Been living since 2014
Phone number (918) 208-0714
Age 76
Gender Female
Been living since 2005
Phone number (918) 775-9314
Year built 2005
Home price $115,000
+ 12 more residents Age 56
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (918) 774-2354
Year built 1971
Home price $68,033
+ 3 more residents Age 73
Gender Male
Been living since 2013
Phone number (918) 774-2180
Year built 1985
+ 8 more residents Age 86
Gender Male
Been living since 2019
+ 4 more residents Age 43
Gender Male
Been living since 2010
Phone number (918) 465-2176
+ 2 more residents Age 57
Gender Female
Been living since 2019
Phone number (262) 639-2160
Year built 1965
+ 2 more residents Age 89
Been living since 2018
Phone number (918) 208-3211
+ 2 more residents Gender Male
Been living since 2018
+ 2 more residents Age 32
Been living since 2018
Year built 1995
+ 2 more residents Gender Male
Been living since 2018
+ 1 more resident Age 79
Gender Female
Been living since 2017
Phone number (918) 776-0902
Check out 464354 1090th Rd fact file . Feel free to download and print.
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464354 1090th Rd
Explore other streets in Sallisaw to learn about the properties and residents there.
Number of addresses 35
Number of people 77
First house number 455112
Last house number 468302
Number of addresses 14
Number of people 26
First house number 100229
Last house number 110888
Number of addresses 16
Number of people 31
First house number 99821
Last house number 104961
Number of addresses 2
Number of people 5
First house number 2107
Last house number 2113
Number of addresses 44
Number of people 99
First house number 287
Last house number 114399
Number of addresses 9
Number of people 23
First house number 1502
Last house number 3311
Number of addresses 45
Number of people 98
First house number 464032
Last house number 469387
Number of addresses 16
Number of people 61
First house number 205
Last house number 2970
Number of addresses 21
Number of people 34
First house number 460994
Last house number 463182
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 16
First house number 98172
Last house number 100828
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 9
First house number 701
Last house number 909
Number of addresses 21
Number of people 39
First house number 1910
Last house number 2072
Number of addresses 16
Number of people 35
First house number 900
Last house number 1041
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 11
First house number 707
Last house number 903
Number of addresses 8
Number of people 21
First house number 605
Last house number 712
Number of addresses 12
Number of people 34
First house number 105
Last house number 220
Number of addresses 10
Number of people 51
First house number 1300
Last house number 1512
Number of addresses 29
Number of people 71
First house number 99047
Last house number 113936
Number of addresses 17
Number of people 33
First house number 463425
Last house number 463824
Number of addresses 11
Number of people 28
First house number 1700
Last house number 1714
Number of addresses 14
Number of people 40
First house number 201
Last house number 224
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 21
First house number 458801
Last house number 459386
Number of addresses 6
Number of people 15
First house number 110786
Last house number 111534
Number of addresses 8
Number of people 28
First house number 701
Last house number 911
Number of addresses 3
Number of people 11
First house number 2008
Last house number 3018
Find out which grocery stores, schools, colleges, hospitals and other amenities are located nearby.
Services SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 213 E Redwood Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-2811
Phone (918) 774-1100
Geo 35.46405, -94.78849
SIC 804907
Category Nurses-practitioners
Address 213 E Redwood Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-2811
Geo 35.46405, -94.78849
SIC 806202
Category Hospitals
Address 213 E Redwood Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-2811
Phone (918) 774-1171
Geo 35.46405, -94.78849
SIC 806203
Category Emergency medical & surgical service
Address 213 E Redwood Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-2811
Phone (918) 774-1100
Fax (918) 774-1143
Geo 35.46405, -94.78849
SIC 804939
Category Science of mind practitioners
Address 213 E Redwood Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-2811
Phone (918) 774-1161
Geo 35.46405, -94.78849
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 213 E Redwood Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-2811
Phone (918) 774-1189
Geo 35.46405, -94.78849
SIC 808201
Category Home health service
Address 114 E Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4622
Phone (918) 775-6236
Fax (918) 775-1226
Geo 35.46013, -94.78929
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 217 N Elm St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4633
Phone (918) 790-3316
Geo 35.45965, -94.79041
SIC 724101
Category Barbers
Address 219 1/2 N Oak St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4639
Phone (918) 775-3983
Geo 35.46013, -94.78881
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 105 W Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4416
Phone (918) 790-3770
Geo 35.45957, -94.79041
SIC 804908
Category Nurses & nurses' registries
Address 201 N Elm St #a, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4657
Phone (918) 479-5784
Fax (918) 479-6254
Geo 35.45957, -94.79041
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 209 N Oak St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4639
Phone (918) 503-6276
Geo 35.45989, -94.78897
SIC 801104
Category Clinics
Address 209 N Oak St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4639
Phone (918) 503-6276
Geo 35.45989, -94.78897
SIC 808201
Category Home health service
Address 103 N Walnut St #a, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4438
Phone (918) 235-0536
Fax (918) 592-1231
Geo 35.45941, -94.79153
SIC 804907
Category Nurses-practitioners
Address 103 N Walnut St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4438
Geo 35.45941, -94.79153
SIC 805908
Category Hospices
Address 103 N Walnut St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4438
Phone (918) 775-9500
Toll-free phone number (877) 775-9505
Geo 35.45941, -94.79153
SIC 804920
Category Physicians assistants
Address 1015 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5011
Phone (479) 314-8958
Geo 35.45965, -94.78865
SIC 804907
Category Nurses-practitioners
Address 1015 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5011
Phone (918) 774-0034
Geo 35.45965, -94.78865
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 1015 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5011
Phone (918) 774-0034
Geo 35.45965, -94.78865
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 1015 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5011
Phone (918) 774-0034
Toll-free phone number (877) 637-6834
Geo 35.45965, -94.78865
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 1015 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5011
Phone (918) 774-0034
Geo 35.45965, -94.78865
SIC 809907
Category Health services
Address 201 N Oak St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4639
Phone (405) 604-6826
Geo 35.45957, -94.78881
SIC 804914
Category Dental hygienists
Address 200 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4604
Phone (918) 775-3201
Geo 35.45941, -94.78841
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 200 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4604
Phone (918) 775-3201
Geo 35.45941, -94.78841
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 200 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4604
Phone (918) 775-3201
Geo 35.45941, -94.78841
SIC 804908
Category Nurses & nurses' registries
Address 210 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4604
Phone (918) 775-4439
Fax (918) 775-9242
Geo 35.45949, -94.78801
SIC 809907
Category Health services
Address 204 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4604
Phone (918) 289-0201
Geo 35.45933, -94.78817
SIC 806301
Category Mental health services
Address 101 N Wheeler Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4617
Phone (918) 235-9903
Geo 35.45965, -94.78721
SIC 801101
Category Physicians & surgeons
Address 105 E Chickasaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4625
Geo 35.45861, -94.78937
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 502 W Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4212
Phone (918) 775-3742
Geo 35.45997, -94.79529
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 201 S Oak St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-6209
Phone (918) 775-4431
Geo 35.45757, -94.78857
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 504 E Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4842
Phone (918) 774-4369
Geo 35.46061, -94.78457
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 502 E Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4842
Phone (918) 775-7100
Fax (918) 775-7138
Geo 35.46061, -94.78457
SIC 802101
Category Dentists
Address 504 E Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4842
Phone (918) 776-0804
Geo 35.46061, -94.78457
SIC 804101
Category Chiropractors dc
Address 502 E Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4842
Phone (918) 775-7100
Geo 35.46061, -94.78457
SIC 804201
Category Optometrists od
Address 603 W Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4213
Phone (918) 775-5529
Fax (918) 775-0515
Geo 35.46013, -94.79713
SIC 821120
Category Educational & social services
Address 211 S Main St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5812
Phone (918) 775-9581
Geo 35.45717, -94.79257
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 600 E Choctaw Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4818
Phone (918) 774-0180
Geo 35.45973, -94.78337
SIC 805902
Category Convalescent homes
Address 615 E Redwood Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-3037
Phone (918) 775-4881
Fax (918) 775-8426
Geo 35.46445, -94.78225
Retail Trade SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 118 E Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4622
Geo 35.46013, -94.78921
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 211 N Oak St, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4639
Phone (918) 208-0649
Geo 35.45997, -94.78881
SIC 541103
Category Convenience stores
Address 423 N Wheeler Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-3647
Phone (918) 235-0552
Geo 35.46197, -94.78673
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 220 E Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4600
Phone (918) 235-0486
Geo 35.46021, -94.78769
SIC 592102
Category Liquors-retail
Address 215 N Wheeler Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4664
Phone (918) 776-9577
Geo 35.46013, -94.78721
SIC 554101
Category Service stations-gasoline & oil
Address 523 W Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4211
Phone (918) 775-6409
Geo 35.46029, -94.79641
SIC 591205
Category Pharmacies
Address 505 E Redwood Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-3020
Phone (918) 776-0100
Fax (918) 775-4749
Geo 35.46349, -94.78361
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 600 E Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-4800
Phone (918) 775-4418
Geo 35.46069, -94.78361
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 423 N Wheeler Ave, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-3647
Geo 35.46197, -94.78673
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary service SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 6700 Mckennon Blvd #200, Fort Smith, AR, 72903-4109
Phone (479) 452-7000
Toll-free phone number (800) 433-7300
Geo 35.34084, -94.35823
Sex offenders in the area Discover possible sex offenders within 3 miles of the address.
Date of birth July 18, 1983
Age 41 years old
Height 5′ 05
Weight 135 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoo - forearm, left "one strong"| tattoo - chest "my life my everything my love"| tattoo - forearm, right "good"| tattoo - arm, right upper cross with "paw"| tattoo - chest "brittany"| tattoo - hand, le
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 17, 1962
Age 62 years old
Height 5′ 09
Weight 216 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Marks Tattoo - back upper: tiger, marijuana leaf, head or tail in a coin field| tattoo - chest dream catcher| tattoo - arm, left ksh, dream catcher, tribal artwork| tattoo - arm, right horse, woman standing in fire| scar - abdomen 3"
Race American indian
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth August 29, 1980
Age 44 years old
Height 5′ 07
Weight 337 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scar - hand, right| scar - abdomen
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 20, 1994
Age 30 years old
Height 6′ 02
Weight 285 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scar - chin| scar - lip, nonspecific both upper & lower
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Are the geographic coordinates known for the property 464354 1090th Rd, Sallisaw, OK?
The property situated at 464354 1090th Rd, Sallisaw, OK has these gps coordinates: 35.462822, -94.790943.
What details are known about the owner of the property situated at 464354 1090th Rd, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5349?
We found these details. The property owner's full name is Susan C Hill . They are 59. Their current phone number is (918) 775-4011 . Is there any information available about the homes in the vicinity of the property located at 464354 1090th Rd, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5349?
The average house in this street was built in 1984 with the general age of buildings being 40 years old. The majority of houses are single family dwelling unit. The average property value is 84,000. The size of the household in this neighborhood is 2.1 generations. On average, 2.1 adults and 1.2 children live under the same roof. The average household net worth is 111,400 and the estimated income per household is 56,429.
Are there any details available about the residents who previosly lived at 464354 1090th Rd, Sallisaw, OK, 74955-5349?
1 person was a resident of this address before. Their name was Jimmy D Hill . They moved out in 2012. They are 64 years old. This person’s current phone number is (936) 443-6173 . How many grownups are living at this address?
This property is a home for 1 adult.
What is the time zone for Sallisaw?
Sallisaw is in the Central Time Zone.