35 Boundary Ave, Johnston, RI, 02919-5525
Owner & current residents Discover the people whose last known address is 35 Boundary Ave, Johnston, RI, 02919-5525.
The Merola family Age 41
Date of birth May, 1983
Current phone (401) 270-6959
Gender Male
Others Age 38
Date of birth May 5, 1986
Homeowner Probability Renter
Length of residence 4 years
Current phone (401) 434-2125
Gender Female
Marital status Single
Education Completed High School
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Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Find out about the property at this address.
Dwelling Type Indicates if more than one family lives at a particular address. Sources: survey data, public data, self-reported data, warranty registrations, buying activity, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Owner Probability Model The model is used to select the desired level of confidence for Homeowner/renter data. Verified home owners have at least 1 source that is assessor or recorder based data. Sources: real property, assessor records, modeled data Renter
Discover some facts about a household at this address.
Net worth Summary of the data that has been found to be predictive of Net worth. Predicts the range in which a household’s Net worth is likely to fall. It is composed of the elements that have been found predictive of Net worth and available on a large number of records. The elements are home value, age of head of household, dwelling size, and census level data. Sources: modeled Less than $1
Estimated income Indicates the estimated household income. This income is either self reported or estimated based on a variety of demographic factors. These factors include age, occupation, home ownership, and median income for the local area. Sources: survey data, public data, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions $25,000–$29,999
Number of persons in living unit Indicates the total number of occupants in the household. Sources: public data, buying activity and self-reported data 3
Number of adults Indicates the number of adults in the household. An adult is anyone who is 18 years old or older living in a household. Sources: calculated using age and date of birth information 1
Presence of children Indicates that there is a child age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data Yes
Number of children Indicates the number of children age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data 2
Learn some details about the properties within a one-mile radius.
Dwellings Single family dwelling units: 28
Oldest building built in 1938
Newest building built in 2006
Average age of buildings 48 y.o.
Lowest home purchase price $110,000
Highest home purchase price $282,000
Average home purchase price $173,000
Average number of adults per household 1.6
Number of households with young adults 4
Number of households with senior adults 2
Number of households with veterans 1
Average number of children per household 1.4
Average generations per household 1.9
Average income per household $64,355
Average net worth per household $108,125
Explore the addresses nearby and find the people who live there.
+ 10 more residents Age 41
Been living since 2022
Phone number (401) 742-0039
+ 6 more residents Age 43
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (401) 516-7744
Year built 2003
Home price $139,000
+ 7 more residents Age 38
Been living since 2012
Phone number (401) 226-3417
Year built 1957
Home price $198,969
Age 89
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (401) 942-8153
Year built 1964
Home price $110,000
+ 8 more residents Age 70
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (401) 946-3249
Year built 1938
Home price $149,588
+ 9 more residents Age 66
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (401) 946-2186
Year built 1954
Home price $172,340
+ 8 more residents Age 56
Been living since 2013
Phone number (401) 353-1237
Year built 1955
Home price $139,984
+ 1 more resident Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (401) 946-0762
Year built 2006
Home price $203,000
+ 14 more residents Age 41
Gender Female
Been living since 2015
Phone number (401) 206-6393
Year built 1966
Home price $122,000
+ 7 more residents Age 52
Gender Male
Been living since 2013
Phone number (401) 316-5118
Year built 1969
Home price $172,465
+ 5 more residents Age 65
Gender Female
Been living since 2016
Phone number (401) 301-4341
Year built 1985
Home price $170,531
+ 5 more residents Age 42
Gender Male
Been living since 2020
Phone number (401) 944-6828
Year built 1990
+ 27 more residents Age 34
Gender Male
Been living since 2022
+ 10 more residents Age 59
Gender Female
Been living since 2016
Phone number (401) 516-7292
Year built 1989
+ 17 more residents Been living since 2020
+ 2 more residents Age 62
Gender Male
Been living since 1997
Phone number (562) 422-7536
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35 Boundary Ave
Explore other streets in Johnston to learn about the properties and residents there.
Number of addresses 11
Number of people 26
First house number 20
Last house number 34
Number of addresses 5
Number of people 14
First house number 3
Last house number 20
Number of addresses 17
Number of people 44
First house number 7
Last house number 52
Number of addresses 16
Number of people 54
First house number 1
Last house number 164
Number of addresses 36
Number of people 112
First house number 1
Last house number 67
Number of addresses 20
Number of people 52
First house number 1
Last house number 47
Number of addresses 3
Number of people 7
First house number 3
Last house number 6
Number of addresses 141
Number of people 294
First house number 1
Last house number 161
Number of addresses 11
Number of people 26
First house number 1
Last house number 14
Number of addresses 30
Number of people 98
First house number 3
Last house number 45
Number of addresses 32
Number of people 58
First house number 16
Last house number 121
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 7
First house number 10
Last house number 20
Number of addresses 9
Number of people 24
First house number 5
Last house number 19
Number of addresses 20
Number of people 69
First house number 5
Last house number 170
Number of addresses 14
Number of people 41
First house number 1
Last house number 18
Number of addresses 4
Number of people 11
First house number 3
Last house number 10
Number of addresses 9
Number of people 30
First house number 3
Last house number 14
Number of addresses 33
Number of people 85
First house number 2
Last house number 50
Number of addresses 7
Number of people 17
First house number 1
Last house number 7
Number of addresses 14
Number of people 34
First house number 14
Last house number 469
Number of addresses 17
Number of people 38
First house number 2
Last house number 33
Number of addresses 13
Number of people 46
First house number 12
Last house number 56
Number of addresses 38
Number of people 112
First house number 1
Last house number 64
Number of addresses 28
Number of people 93
First house number 3
Last house number 65
Number of addresses 31
Number of people 96
First house number 2
Last house number 77
Find out which grocery stores, schools, colleges, hospitals and other amenities are located nearby.
Retail Trade SIC 541103
Category Convenience stores
Address 780 Hartford Ave, Johnston, RI, 02919-5405
Phone (401) 331-1090
Geo 41.8194, -71.47144
SIC 554101
Category Service stations-gasoline & oil
Address 716 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5918
Phone (401) 831-9797
Geo 41.81973, -71.46914
SIC 581222
Category Pizza
Address 739 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02919-5418
Phone (401) 331-1123
Geo 41.82004, -71.47
SIC 581222
Category Pizza
Address 692 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5949
Phone (401) 270-1727
Geo 41.81973, -71.4681
SIC 546105
Category Doughnuts
Address 729 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5922
Phone (401) 861-3235
Fax (401) 861-8079
Geo 41.82013, -71.46954
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 699 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5958
Phone (401) 274-4792
Geo 41.82029, -71.4681
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 550 Hartford Ave #h, Providence, RI, 02909-5845
Phone (401) 621-3216
Geo 41.81837, -71.4625
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 550 Hartford Ave #f, Providence, RI, 02909-5845
Phone (401) 270-9553
Geo 41.81837, -71.4625
SIC 562105
Category Boutique items-retail
Address 550 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5800
Phone (401) 263-8308
Geo 41.81837, -71.4625
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 553 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5838
Phone (401) 282-6930
Geo 41.81925, -71.46234
SIC 546102
Category Bakers-retail
Address 559 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5838
Phone (401) 421-4554
Geo 41.81941, -71.46242
SIC 542107
Category Meat-retail
Address 531 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5847
Phone (401) 272-8700
Geo 41.81901, -71.46122
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 531 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5847
Phone (401) 537-7643
Geo 41.81901, -71.46122
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 519 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5860
Phone (401) 751-1010
Geo 41.81909, -71.46098
SIC 546105
Category Doughnuts
Address 672 Plainfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-5310
Phone (401) 464-4546
Geo 41.81181, -71.46122
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 469 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5132
Phone (401) 453-6666
Geo 41.81901, -71.45938
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 469 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5132
Phone (401) 383-1587
Geo 41.81901, -71.45938
SIC 541103
Category Convenience stores
Address 525 Killingly St, Johnston, RI, 02919-5212
Phone (401) 621-9232
Geo 41.82468, -71.47104
SIC 581228
Category Coffee shops
Address 525 Killingly St, Johnston, RI, 02919-5212
Phone (401) 383-4450
Geo 41.82468, -71.47104
SIC 592102
Category Liquors-retail
Address 452 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5116
Phone (401) 621-8528
Geo 41.81837, -71.45882
SIC 546102
Category Bakers-retail
Address 445 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5131
Phone (401) 421-9119
Geo 41.81877, -71.4585
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 560 Killingly St #4, Johnston, RI, 02919-5200
Phone (401) 861-7878
Fax (401) 861-2838
Geo 41.8258, -71.47216
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 574 Plainfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-4629
Phone (401) 944-0017
Geo 41.81277, -71.45762
SIC 542107
Category Meat-retail
Address 574 Plainfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-4629
Phone (401) 473-0085
Geo 41.81277, -71.45762
SIC 542107
Category Meat-retail
Address 400 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5115
Phone (401) 490-5165
Geo 41.81813, -71.4569
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 564 Plainfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-4629
Phone (401) 521-6670
Geo 41.81277, -71.45738
SIC 569919
Category Tailors
Address 595 Killingly St #d, Johnston, RI, 02919-4060
Phone (401) 274-7274
Geo 41.82724, -71.472
SIC 546105
Category Doughnuts
Address 602 Killingly St, Johnston, RI, 02919-4027
Phone (401) 351-7192
Geo 41.82724, -71.47264
SIC 541105
Category Grocers-retail
Address 508 Plainfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-4450
Phone (401) 946-8044
Geo 41.81301, -71.45546
SIC 581208
Category Restaurants
Address 930 Plainfield St, Johnston, RI, 02919-6700
Phone (401) 383-4900
Geo 41.80532, -71.46512
SIC 546102
Category Bakers-retail
Address 928 Plainfield St, Johnston, RI, 02919-6728
Geo 41.80532, -71.46504
Finance, Insurance and Real Estate SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 451 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5132
Geo 41.81877, -71.45882
SIC 602103
Category Automated teller machines
Address 609 Killingly St, Johnston, RI, 02919-4008
Geo 41.82764, -71.47208
Services SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 50 Springfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-5831
Phone (401) 278-0554
Fax (401) 278-0556
Geo 41.81797, -71.46546
SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 50 Springfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-5831
Phone (401) 278-0554
Fax (401) 278-0556
Geo 41.81797, -71.46546
SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 152 Springfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-5833
Phone (401) 278-0557
Fax (401) 278-0564
Geo 41.81861, -71.46602
SIC 821120
Category Educational & social services
Address 152 Springfield St, Providence, RI, 02909-5833
Phone (401) 278-0557
Geo 41.81861, -71.46602
SIC 724101
Category Barbers
Address 634 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5917
Phone (401) 831-5052
Geo 41.81941, -71.4661
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 15 Wolfe St, Providence, RI, 02909-5856
Phone (401) 383-2900
Geo 41.81469, -71.46266
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 550 Hartford Ave #d, Providence, RI, 02909-5845
Phone (401) 351-8918
Geo 41.81837, -71.4625
SIC 829919
Category Art instruction & schools
Address 6 Needham St, Johnston, RI, 02919-6513
Phone (401) 455-0022
Geo 41.80796, -71.47416
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 442 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5116
Phone (401) 270-6429
Geo 41.81837, -71.45866
SIC 723102
Category Manicuring
Address 547 Killingly St, Johnston, RI, 02919-5214
Phone (401) 454-7779
Geo 41.82556, -71.47104
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 419 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5130
Phone (401) 943-5075
Geo 41.81853, -71.45778
SIC 723106
Category Beauty salons
Address 560 Killingly St, Johnston, RI, 02919-5200
Phone (401) 273-3003
Geo 41.8258, -71.47216
SIC 821103
Category Schools
Address 240 Laban St, Providence, RI, 02909-4428
Phone (401) 456-1783
Fax (401) 456-1785
Geo 41.81413, -71.45706
SIC 804908
Category Nurses & nurses' registries
Address 370 Hartford Ave, Providence, RI, 02909-5104
Phone (401) 347-1106
Geo 41.81733, -71.45626
SIC 809907
Category Health services
Address 985 Plainfield St, Johnston, RI, 02919-6703
Phone (401) 946-0650
Fax (401) 406-3771
Geo 41.80468, -71.4672
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary service SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 544 Airport Rd, Warwick, RI, 02886-2422
Phone (401) 738-2600
Fax (401) 738-2600
Geo 41.73235, -71.42557
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 1 Airport Rd, Hopedale, MA, 01747-1501
Phone (508) 478-1726
Toll-free phone number (888) 317-4910
Geo 42.10607, -71.51367
SIC 458106
Category Airports
Address 168 Padelford St, Berkley, MA, 02779-1201
Phone (508) 822-2457
Geo 41.83912, -71.02633
Sex offenders in the area Discover possible sex offenders within 3 miles of the address.
Date of birth May 6, 1986
Age 38 years old
Height 5′6″
Weight 163 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 6, 1961
Age 63 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 120 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth September 7, 1987
Age 37 years old
Height 5′5″
Weight 170 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race Hispanic
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth September 16, 1976
Age 48 years old
Height 5′6″
Weight 231 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 17, 1976
Age 48 years old
Height 5′1″
Weight 140 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Hazel
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 9, 1980
Age 44 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 137 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 1, 1961
Age 63 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 150 lbs
Hair color White
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 21, 1964
Age 60 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 4, 1958
Age 66 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 185 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 28, 1972
Age 52 years old
Height 5′1″
Weight 275 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 4, 1969
Age 55 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 173 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth April 27, 1969
Age 55 years old
Height 6′2″
Weight 190 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 23, 1961
Age 62 years old
Height 5′1″
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth July 20, 1967
Age 57 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 161 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth August 19, 1964
Age 60 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 240 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Hazel
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 15, 1982
Age 41 years old
Height 6′4″
Weight 280 lbs
Hair color Red
Eyes color Blue
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 2, 1977
Age 47 years old
Height 6′2″
Weight 171 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 22, 1948
Age 76 years old
Height 5′6″
Weight 158 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Brown
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 11, 1934
Age 90 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 195 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 11, 1934
Age 90 years old
Weight 195 lbs
Hair color Gray
Eyes color Brown
Marks Scar-chest
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Is the dwelling located at 35 Boundary Ave, Johnston, RI, 02919-5525 rented?
This property is rental.
What type of dwelling is the home located at 35 Boundary Ave, Johnston, RI, 02919-5525?
This home is a single family dwelling unit.
Are the gps coordinates available for the property 35 Boundary Ave, Johnston, RI?
The dwelling 35 Boundary Ave, Johnston, RI, 02919-5525 has these gps coordinates: 41.816121, -71.47017.
What information is available about the owner of the property located at 35 Boundary Ave, Johnston, RI, 02919-5525?
The dwelling owner's full name is Amanda Lang . They are 38 years old and their current phone number is (401) 434-2125 . What is known about the homes around the dwelling situated at 35 Boundary Ave, Johnston, RI, 02919-5525?
The average built year for houses in this street is 1976. The average house price is 173,000. 1.6 adults and 1.4 children live in an average household in this neighborhood. There’s 1.9 generations living under the same roof. The average household net worth is 108,125 and the estimated income per household is 64,355.
Are there any details about the people who used to live in property?
9 people lived in this dwelling before the current residents. The last resident's name is Matthew W Smithers . They lived in this house in 2014-2018. They are 41 years old. Their current phone number is (401) 475-4123 . Their new address 173 Evergreen St, Pawtucket, RI . How many adults live in this household?
5 adults are reported to live there.
Which time zone is Johnston, RI in?
The time zone for Johnston, RI is ET.