5006 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3319
Owner & current residents Discover the people whose last known address is 5006 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3319.
Age 56
Date of birth May 17, 1968
Homeowner Probability Homeowner
Length of residence 15+ years
Current phone (281) 682-1408
Gender Male
Marital status Single
Education Completed High School
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Last known address
5006 Ingomar Way, Apt TX, Houston, TX
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Years of residence
Find out about the property at this address.
Dwelling Type Indicates if more than one family lives at a particular address. Sources: survey data, public data, self-reported data, warranty registrations, buying activity, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Owner Probability Model The model is used to select the desired level of confidence for Homeowner/renter data. Verified home owners have at least 1 source that is assessor or recorder based data. Sources: real property, assessor records, modeled data Homeowner
Discover some facts about a household at this address.
Net worth Summary of the data that has been found to be predictive of Net worth. Predicts the range in which a household’s Net worth is likely to fall. It is composed of the elements that have been found predictive of Net worth and available on a large number of records. The elements are home value, age of head of household, dwelling size, and census level data. Sources: modeled $1–$4,999
Estimated income Indicates the estimated household income. This income is either self reported or estimated based on a variety of demographic factors. These factors include age, occupation, home ownership, and median income for the local area. Sources: survey data, public data, online surveys and registrations, magazine subscriptions $20,000–$24,999
Number of persons in living unit Indicates the total number of occupants in the household. Sources: public data, buying activity and self-reported data 4
Number of adults Indicates the number of adults in the household. An adult is anyone who is 18 years old or older living in a household. Sources: calculated using age and date of birth information 1
Presence of children Indicates that there is a child age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data Yes
Number of children Indicates the number of children age 0-17 in the household. Sources: survey data, public data 3
Learn some details about the properties within a one-mile radius.
Dwellings Single family dwelling units: 45
Oldest building built in 1968
Newest building built in 2001
Average age of buildings 46 y.o.
Lowest home purchase price $37,000
Highest home purchase price $80,000
Average home purchase price $64,000
Average number of adults per household 2.9
Number of households with young adults 11
Number of households with senior adults 5
Average number of children per household 1.2
Average generations per household 2.2
Average income per household $47,722
Average net worth per household $37,202
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Year built 1971
Home price $56,658
+ 7 more residents Age 95
Gender Male
Been living since 1995
Phone number (713) 433-4368
+ 6 more residents Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Year built 1968
Home price $66,000
+ 14 more residents Age 44
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (832) 545-6268
Year built 2001
Home price $70,000
+ 1 more resident Age 54
Gender Female
Been living since 2012
Phone number (713) 367-9144
Year built 1968
+ 18 more residents Age 40
Gender Female
Been living since 2014
Phone number (832) 433-7409
Year built 1970
Home price $63,947
+ 6 more residents Age 42
Gender Female
Been living since 2014
Phone number (832) 978-6052
Year built 1978
Home price $37,000
+ 13 more residents Age 60
Gender Male
Been living since 2012
Phone number (713) 775-4264
Year built 1978
Home price $79,021
+ 5 more residents Age 71
Gender Male
Been living since 1995
Phone number (832) 433-7869
Year built 1973
Home price $66,693
+ 6 more residents Age 64
Been living since 1994
Phone number (832) 567-4571
Year built 1978
Home price $109,000
+ 9 more residents Age 52
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (832) 373-5207
Year built 2001
Home price $71,000
+ 6 more residents Age 54
Gender Male
Been living since 2001
Phone number (713) 775-8910
+ 16 more residents Age 39
Gender Male
Been living since 2019
Year built 1970
Home price $47,248
+ 8 more residents Age 57
Been living since 2014
Phone number (832) 643-0226
Year built 2001
Home price $93,000
+ 3 more residents Age 54
Gender Male
Been living since 2014
Phone number (713) 805-8632
+ 14 more residents Age 40
Gender Male
Been living since 2018
Phone number (281) 437-1022
+ 10 more residents Age 65
Gender Male
Been living since 2009
Phone number (281) 741-9069
Year built 1970
+ 3 more residents Age 75
Gender Female
Been living since 2013
Phone number (281) 434-1538
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5006 Ingomar Way
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Nonclassifiable Address 5314 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2112
Phone (832) 269-5418
Geo 29.60096, -95.4614
Address 5318 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2112
Phone (713) 433-6167
Geo 29.60104, -95.46148
Address 5310 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2112
Phone (713) 434-0148
Geo 29.60088, -95.46124
Address 5323 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2111
Phone (713) 433-6587
Geo 29.60064, -95.4618
Address 5230 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2110
Phone (713) 413-2453
Geo 29.60088, -95.46084
Address 5322 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2106
Phone (713) 433-3892
Geo 29.60024, -95.46172
Address 5322 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2106
Phone (713) 433-3892
Geo 29.60024, -95.46172
Address 15415 Bow Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2101
Phone (713) 434-9131
Geo 29.60144, -95.46164
Address 15410 Markwood Ct, Houston, TX, 77053-2115
Phone (713) 413-9042
Geo 29.60144, -95.46132
Address 5310 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2106
Phone (713) 433-7996
Geo 29.60016, -95.4614
Address 5338 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2106
Phone (713) 433-6370
Geo 29.60056, -95.46228
Address 5402 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2108
Phone (713) 434-9363
Geo 29.60056, -95.46244
Address 15418 Bow Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2102
Phone (713) 433-5813
Geo 29.60144, -95.4622
Address 15414 Bow Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2102
Phone (713) 433-9938
Geo 29.6016, -95.46212
Address 15402 Markwood Ct, Houston, TX, 77053-2115
Phone (713) 434-0791
Geo 29.60176, -95.46116
Address 5327 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2105
Phone (832) 409-6715
Geo 29.59992, -95.46212
Address 5226 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2104
Phone (713) 433-0056
Geo 29.60008, -95.46068
Address 5223 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2116
Phone (713) 433-8667
Geo 29.6016, -95.46068
Address 5219 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2116
Phone (713) 433-6826
Geo 29.60144, -95.46052
Address 5335 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2105
Phone (713) 434-1772
Geo 29.60008, -95.46244
Address 15403 Bow Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2101
Phone (832) 582-5615
Geo 29.60192, -95.46156
Address 15406 Bow Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2102
Phone (713) 434-1035
Geo 29.60184, -95.46204
Address 5219 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2109
Phone (832) 269-5508
Geo 29.6004, -95.46036
Address 5311 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2105
Phone (713) 434-8263
Geo 29.59968, -95.46156
Address 5218 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2104
Phone (713) 433-0284
Geo 29.60008, -95.46036
Address 5211 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2116
Phone (713) 393-7677
Geo 29.60136, -95.4602
Address 5211 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2109
Phone (713) 433-2635
Geo 29.6004, -95.46004
Address 5223 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2103
Phone (713) 433-0040
Geo 29.59968, -95.4606
Address 5422 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2114
Phone (713) 413-3952
Geo 29.60168, -95.46292
Address 5415 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2107
Phone (713) 434-9571
Geo 29.6004, -95.46316
Address 5202 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2110
Phone (832) 491-0369
Geo 29.60088, -95.45972
Address 5202 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-2110
Phone (832) 491-0369
Geo 29.60088, -95.45972
Address 5202 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-2104
Phone (713) 433-4032
Geo 29.60016, -95.45972
Address 5410 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2120
Phone (713) 434-8255
Geo 29.60248, -95.4622
Address 5414 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2120
Phone (713) 413-1725
Geo 29.60248, -95.46236
Address 5235 Wickview Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2129
Phone (832) 940-1423
Geo 29.59904, -95.46108
Address 5422 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2120
Phone (713) 433-5403
Geo 29.60248, -95.46268
Address 5171 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3320
Phone (713) 433-0421
Geo 29.60048, -95.45924
Address 5166 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3321
Phone (713) 434-1260
Geo 29.60096, -95.45908
Address 5169 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-3327
Phone (713) 434-0308
Geo 29.6012, -95.45908
Address 5450 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2120
Phone (713) 434-9155
Geo 29.60208, -95.46372
Address 5166 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-3311
Phone (713) 433-8542
Geo 29.60016, -95.459
Address 5169 Glenridge Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2241
Phone (713) 433-4014
Geo 29.602, -95.45924
Address 5171 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-3310
Phone (832) 409-6209
Geo 29.59968, -95.45916
Address 5446 Markwood Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-2120
Phone (713) 413-2161
Geo 29.60232, -95.46372
Address 5160 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3321
Phone (713) 433-5592
Geo 29.60096, -95.45876
Address 5158 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3321
Phone (713) 413-9797
Geo 29.60096, -95.45868
Address 5162 Danfield Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-3311
Phone (713) 433-5771
Geo 29.60016, -95.45876
Address 5314 Maywood Dr, Houston, TX, 77053-3207
Phone (281) 835-6762
Geo 29.59848, -95.46276
Address 5170 Wickview Ln, Houston, TX, 77053-3338
Phone (281) 888-3793
Geo 29.59928, -95.45916
Sex offenders in the area Discover possible sex offenders within 3 miles of the address.
Date of birth March 11, 1972
Age 52 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 288 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth June 22, 1958
Age 66 years old
Height 5′7″
Weight 185 lbs
Hair color Gray or partially gray
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 22, 1979
Age 45 years old
Height 5′9″
Weight 220 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 19, 1960
Age 64 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 245 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 20, 1988
Age 36 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 211 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 18, 1961
Age 63 years old
Height 5′5″
Weight 154 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 31, 1967
Age 58 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 235 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 11, 1962
Age 63 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 230 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 10, 1981
Age 44 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 220 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth January 31, 1983
Age 42 years old
Height 5′6″
Weight 240 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth October 26, 1947
Age 77 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 260 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 31, 1946
Age 78 years old
Height 5′8″
Weight 145 lbs
Hair color Gray or partially gray
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth August 19, 1964
Age 60 years old
Height 5′10″
Weight 175 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth August 19, 1979
Age 45 years old
Height 6′1″
Weight 235 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth February 5, 1957
Age 68 years old
Height 5′10″
Weight 257 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 7, 1958
Age 66 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 210 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth March 23, 1993
Age 31 years old
Height 5′10″
Weight 220 lbs
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Green
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 16, 1949
Age 75 years old
Height 6′0″
Weight 185 lbs
Hair color Gray or partially gray
Eyes color Brown
Race White
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth November 20, 1983
Age 41 years old
Height 5′6″
Weight 155 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Date of birth December 20, 1973
Age 51 years old
Height 5′11″
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Race Black
Sex offender’s address Unlock
Do owners or renters live in this property?
Homeowners live here.
How old is this house built?
The dwelling 5006 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3319 is 57 years old.
Is 5006 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3319 a single family dwelling unit?
This home is a single family dwelling unit.
Are the latitude and longitude known for 5006 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX?
The home situated at 5006 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3319 has these geographic coordinates: 29.60083, -95.461538.
What details are known about the owner of this property?
The following details are known: their full name is Clifton J Williams Jr. . They are 56 years old. Their phone number is (281) 682-1408 . Is there any information known about the homes in the vicinity of the dwelling situated at 5006 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX, 77053-3319?
The average built year for houses in this street is 1979. The average house price is 64,000. 2.9 adults and 1.2 children live in an average household in this neighborhood. There’s 2.2 generations living under the same roof. The average household net worth is 37,202 and the estimated income per household is 47,722.
Is there any information available about the residents who previosly lived in home?
8 people lived in this house before. The last resident’s name is Arminda Flores . They lived here in 2014-2018. This person is 46 now. Try reaching them at (832) 353-0562 . How many children are known to live in the household situated at 5006 Ingomar Way, Houston, TX?
3 kids are living here.