Nuwber provides accurate and reliable contact and background information on people around you. We do it by aggregating public records from everywhere in the U.S. When you run a search on Nuwber, our technology finds and pulls ALL publicly available information from 400+ sources — including hard-to-access personal details — and compiles it into a comprehensive and easy-to-read report for you.
We do what we do to help you find or reconnect with the people in your life.
Nuwber is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and we do not provide consumer reports. Nuwber is a public search engine. It implies certain limitations as to how and why you can use our website. So before you run a search on, please review our Do’s and Don’ts below to make sure your search is legit.
We all intend to stay connected but then life happens. In just a matter of a few clicks, Nuwber will help you find that old friend you’ve lost touch with over the years.
Don’t just wonder where your relative is, find out. Simply input their name and location (if known), and you’ll have the information you need right away.
Knowing a little more about your new neighbor can help break the ice. Our database provides helpful details about the people living next door.
Are your children safe in their own neighborhood? Nuwber helps protect your family by locating registered sexual predators nearby.
Don’t want any surprises when making new friends? Run a background check to be sure.
Your social media friends and followers often know more about you than your family. It’s only fair if you learn more about who’s watching your activity.
Anxious about an upcoming date? Nuwber can give you the peace of mind of knowing who you’re about to meet.
You don’t have to tag along when your child is having a playdate at her best friend’s home. But it’s only natural to want to make sure that your little one is safe in another parent’s presence. Use Nuwber to background check parents to learn about potential threats.
Many of us don’t like answering calls from unknown numbers. Nuwber can help you find out who is calling. Just enter the phone number and get information about a person or business on the other end.
Have a high school reunion to plan? Browse public records for your classmates’ addresses and contact details for stress-free planning.
Found a travel buddy for your next trip? Protect yourself by running a background check on them.
Nuwber reports may include criminal and arrest records, traffic tickets and a lot more!
Curious to see what someone can find when they run a background check on you? Learn what your background report contains today!
Online marketplaces are a cheap and convenient way to shop. Run a background check to learn more about online buyers and sellers before you agree to the transaction.
Does your favorite star have anything to hide? Find out by searching public records.
No risk assessment of someone’s existing credit obligations or determining someone’s eligibility for issuing or extending credit, insurance, or loans (car, mortgage, etc.) is allowed with the help of Nuwber.
Nuwber can’t be used to assign/terminate renting, leasing, selling, or retaining commercial or residential property.
Nuwber cannot be used by employers for pre-employment background checks, promotion, demotion, or termination of an employee.
Nuwber cannot be used to screen all types of at-home aids and domestic workers – babysitters, nannies, gardeners, etc.
Nuwber cannot be used to screen teachers, tutors, coaches, doctors, personal trainers, or any other individuals rendering professional services.
Nuwber cannot be used to qualify someone for an educational program, grant, scholarship, financial aid, or any other related use.