Charles Ortega

We found 64 people named Charles Ortega with home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and more. Alternatively, you might want to look through addresses for Charles Ortega in the states where this name is most common, specifically in California, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

Apt 3, La Habra, CA,
3080 E Old West Dr, Mohave Valley, AZ + 10 MORE
(562) 694-6986,
(805) 236-5397,
(562) 824-3326,
(562) 696-6486 + 5 MORE

FAQ ABOUT Charles Ortega

What is Charles Ortega’s current residential address?

Charles Ortega moved to Sunkist St in Anaheim, California, in 2018 and has been a resident there since then.

Is Charles Ortega reachable by phone?

Charles can be reached at (714) 865-2394. This is a mobile phone number.

How old is Charles Ortega and when was he born?

Charles Ortega is or will soon be 70. He was born on December 28, 1954.

What similar names are associated with Charles Ortega?

The following nicknames are associated with Charles Ortega’s name and be be referred to he: Carolus Ortega, Karl Ortega, Carles Ortega, Carlos Ortega, Karlo Ortega, Karel Ortega, Carl Ortega, Carol Ortega, Kaarle Ortega, Kaarlo Ortega, Kale Ortega, Carlo Ortega, Sjarel Ortega, Karolis Ortega, Karol Ortega, Siarl Ortega, Charley Ortega, Charlie Ortega, Chas Ortega, Chaz Ortega.

Who are Charles Ortega’s relatives?

Our system has identified the following people as Charles Ortega’s relatives: Ronald Ortega · Anita Ortega · Ruth Ortega · Rigoberto Ortega · Graciela Ortega · Havier Ortega · Carmen Ortega.
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