Georgia Nelson in NC
We found 3 people named Georgia Nelson in NC with home addresses, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and more. You might also want to look for Georgia Nelson in other states, specifically in Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Arizona, and Texas.
Georgia Y Nelson, Age 94
Alternative names, nicknames, pseudonyms, and married/maiden names for Georgia Y Nelson in Chapel Hill, NC Also known as
Ms Georgia Y Nelson, Ms Georgia Nelson
Past Addresses for Georgia Y Nelson Previous Addresses
Phone Numbers for Georgia Y Nelson Phone Numbers
(919) 270-9529,
(919) 968-6486
Georgia S Nelson, Age 66
Alternative names, nicknames, pseudonyms, and married/maiden names for Georgia S Nelson in Garner, NC Also known as
Ms Georgia S Nelson
Past Addresses for Georgia S Nelson Previous Addresses
Atlantic Beach, NC
Phone Numbers for Georgia S Nelson Phone Numbers
(919) 553-4807
Georgia P Nelson, Age 82
Alternative names, nicknames, pseudonyms, and married/maiden names for Georgia P Nelson in Hickory, NC Also known as
Georgia P Nelson
Past Addresses for Georgia P Nelson Previous Addresses
940 27th St NE, Apt 145, Conover, NC,
720 7th Ave NE, Apt B32, Hickory, NC + 10 MORE
Phone Numbers for Georgia P Nelson Phone Numbers
(828) 256-7238
Relatives for Georgia P Nelson Relatives
FAQ ABOUT Georgia Y Nelson
What is Georgia Y Nelson’s residence address and when did she move there?
She currently resides at
Tadley Dr, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and has been living there since 2019.
Do you know Georgia Y Nelson’s phone number?
Georgia has both landline and mobile phone numbers. (919) 968-6486 is her landline phone number and the mobile phone number associated with Georgia Y Nelson is (919) 270-9529.
What year was Georgia Y Nelson born and how old is she?
Born on May 10, 1930, Georgia Y Nelson is approaching or has already turned 94.
How do I reach out to Georgia Y Nelson by email?
Georgia’s email address are not found in our database.
What are Georgia Y Nelson’s alternative names?
The following nicknames are associated with Georgia Y Nelson’s name and be be referred to she: Gergana Nelson, Georgina Nelson, Georgeanna Nelson, Georgene Nelson, Georgiana Nelson, Jorja Nelson, Georgette Nelson, Georgine Nelson, Giorgia Nelson, Georgeta Nelson, Djuradja Nelson, Lagina Nelson, Geena Nelson, Gena Nelson, Georgie Nelson, Gina Nelson, Gigi Nelson, Giorgina Nelson, Gjergj Nelson, Georgios Nelson.
Who is related to Georgia Y Nelson?
Our records have indicated the following people as related to Georgia:
Philip Nelson ·
Gigi Nelson ·
Victoria Nelson ·
Alexander Nelson ·
Joyce Nelson.