- Cedar Rapids, IA 12
- Des Moines, IA 13
- Dubuque, IA 5
- Fort Dodge, IA 5
- Lone Tree, IA 7
- Mason City, IA 7
- Sioux City, IA 15
- Waterloo, IA 7
- Akron, OH 23
- Albuquerque, NM 32
- Alexandria, VA 29
- Anchorage, AK 20
- Anderson, SC 19
- Arlington, TX 22
- Atlanta, GA 76
- Augusta, GA 17
- Aurora, CO 35
- Austin, TX 39
- Baltimore, MD 73
- Baton Rouge, LA 49
- Birmingham, AL 52
- Bronx, NY 28
- Brooklyn, NY 74
- Buffalo, NY 20
- Canton, OH 23
- Chandler, AZ 22
- Charleston, WV 20
- Charlotte, NC 104
- Chattanooga, TN 39
- Chesapeake, VA 31
- Chicago, IL 125
- Cincinnati, OH 79
- Clarksville, TN 24
- Clearwater, FL 18
- Cleveland, OH 86
- Colorado Springs, CO 44
- Columbia, SC 37
- Columbus, OH 73
- Concord, NC 20
- Dallas, TX 60
- Dayton, OH 58
- Decatur, GA 21
- Denver, CO 67
- Detroit, MI 96
- Dothan, AL 26
- Duluth, MN 19
- Durham, NC 27
- Evansville, IN 20
- Fayetteville, NC 36
- Flint, MI 25
- Fort Lauderdale, FL 33
- Fort Worth, TX 63
- Gary, IN 24
- Grand Rapids, MI 29
- Greensboro, NC 26
- Greenville, SC 25
- Houston, TX 128
- Huntsville, AL 24
- Indianapolis, IN 95
- Jackson, MS 24
- Jacksonville, FL 86
- Jacksonville, NC 17
- Kansas City, MO 42
- Kansas City, KS 21
- Killeen, TX 21
- Knoxville, TN 49
- Lakeland, FL 25
- Lansing, MI 20
- Las Vegas, NV 81
- Lawton, OK 18
- Lebanon, TN 22
- Lexington, KY 46
- Little Rock, AR 24
- Littleton, CO 18
- Longview, TX 18
- Los Angeles, CA 36
- Louisville, KY 84
- Lubbock, TX 21
- Madison, WI 22
- Marietta, GA 28
- Memphis, TN 110
- Mesa, AZ 27
- Miami, FL 39
- Miamisburg, OH 17
- Milwaukee, WI 64
- Minneapolis, MN 91
- Mobile, AL 50
- Montgomery, AL 34
- Murfreesboro, TN 36
- Muskegon, MI 22
- Nashville, TN 68
- New Orleans, LA 32
- New York, NY 50
- Newark, NJ 18
- Newport News, VA 22
- Norfolk, VA 21
- Norman, OK 19
- North Little Rock, AR 17
- Oakland, CA 17
- Ocala, FL 26
- Oklahoma City, OK 60
- Olympia, WA 19
- Omaha, NE 48
- Orlando, FL 72
- Panama City, FL 31
- Pensacola, FL 40
- Philadelphia, PA 83
- Phoenix, AZ 57
- Pittsburgh, PA 40
- Plano, TX 26
- Portland, OR 45
- Raleigh, NC 49
- Reno, NV 19
- Richmond, VA 28
- Rochester, NY 38
- Sacramento, CA 44
- Saginaw, MI 19
- Saint Louis, MO 66
- Saint Paul, MN 84
- Saint Petersburg, FL 33
- Salt Lake City, UT 25
- San Antonio, TX 67
- San Diego, CA 52
- San Francisco, CA 21
- San Jose, CA 19
- Sarasota, FL 24
- Savannah, GA 28
- Seattle, WA 44
- Shreveport, LA 33
- Spokane, WA 22
- Spring, TX 28
- Spring Hill, FL 18
- Springfield, MO 19
- Tacoma, WA 27
- Tallahassee, FL 38
- Tampa, FL 49
- Toledo, OH 31
- Trenton, NJ 17
- Tucson, AZ 41
- Tulsa, OK 43
- Tyler, TX 17
- Uppr Marlboro, MD 23
- Vancouver, WA 29
- Virginia Beach, VA 33
- Washington, DC 79
- Wichita, KS 30
- Wilmington, DE 22
- Winston Salem, NC 21
- Woodbridge, VA 22
- Youngstown, OH 19
- Any state
- Alaska 52
- Alabama 784
- Arkansas 330
- Arizona 353
- California 1308
- Colorado 362
- Connecticut 106
- District of Columbia 79
- Delaware 73
- Florida 1553
- Georgia 1042
- Hawaii 25
- Iowa 259
- Idaho 84
- Illinois 813
- Indiana 543
- Kansas 197
- Kentucky 520
- Louisiana 424
- Massachusetts 210
- Maryland 496
- Maine 49
- Michigan 882
- Minnesota 613
- Missouri 497
- Mississippi 467
- Montana 75
- North Carolina 1110
- North Dakota 49
- Nebraska 138
- New Hampshire 44
- New Jersey 311
- New Mexico 101
- Nevada 175
- New York 667
- Ohio 1079
- Oklahoma 339
- Oregon 246
- Pennsylvania 608
- Rhode Island 34
- South Carolina 614
- South Dakota 56
- Tennessee 1000
- Texas 1704
- Utah 169
- Virginia 751
- Vermont 26
- Washington 459
- Wisconsin 503
- West Virginia 168
- Wyoming 42
James Johnson in IA
We found 259 people named James Johnson in IA with home addresses, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and more. To get more specific results, we recommend narrowing down your search a bit. For example, you can check out free public records for James Johnson in major Iowa cities such as Sioux City (IA), Des Moines (IA), Cedar Rapids (IA), Lone Tree (IA), and Mason City (IA). You might also want to look for James Johnson in other states, specifically in Maine, Utah, Vermont, Nebraska, and South Dakota.
Patricia S Johnson
Des Moines, IA
Alec N Johnson
Margaret K Johnson
Stratford, IA
Ames, IA
Nevada, IA
Cheryl A Johnson
Peggy C Johnson
Abbey Johnson
Abbagail L Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Ankeny, IA
Janet S Johnson
Lincoln J Johnson
Melissa E Johnson
James Johnson
Rachel L Johnson
Council Blfs, IA
Scott A Johnson
Conrad, IA
Marshalltown, IA
Jill A Johnson
Kathryn L Johnson
Steven Johnson
Susanne E Johnson
Kerrick, MN
Minnetonka, MN
Bettendorf, IA
Beverly E Johnson
Pikesville, MD
Gwynn Oakland, MD
Vindy Johnson
Valinda J Johnson
Lacy J Johnson
James W Johnson
Moulton, IA
Eddyville, IA
Marilyn Johnson