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John Nelson in MN

We found 295 people named John Nelson in MN with home addresses, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and more. To get more specific results, we recommend narrowing down your search a bit. For example, you can check out free public records for John Nelson in major Minnesota cities such as Minneapolis (MN), Saint Paul (MN), Bemidji (MN), and Duluth (MN). You might also want to look for John Nelson in other states, specifically in Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Virginia, and South Carolina.

, Age 41
PO Box 53, Alexandria, MN
(320) 349-0039,
(320) 493-0856

FAQ ABOUT John K Nelson

Where does John K Nelson currently live?

He lives at County 33, Akeley, Minnesota, and has lived there since he changed his address in 2012.

How can I reach John K Nelson by phone?

You can try to reach John K Nelson on his home phone. His current landline phone number is (218) 652-3273.

How old is John K Nelson and when was he born?

John K Nelson was born on December 6, 1955 and is 69 now.

How do I reach out to John K Nelson by email?

His email address is not in our database.

How is John K Nelson also known?

The following nicknames are associated with John K Nelson’s name and be be referred to he: Deshaun Nelson, Deshawn Nelson, Keshaun Nelson, Keshawn Nelson, Rashaun Nelson, Rashawn Nelson, Gjon Nelson, Yahya Nelson, Yuhanna Nelson, Hovhannes Nelson, Ohannes Nelson, Ganix Nelson, Ion Nelson, Jon Nelson, Ivan Nelson, Yan Nelson, Ioannes Nelson, Yehochanan Nelson, Yochanan Nelson, Iohannes Nelson.

Who are John K Nelson’s relatives?

The following people have been identified as his relatives: Kent Nelson · Shelly Nelson · Laura Nelson · Mavis Nelson · Shirley Nelson · Wesley Nelson · Colleen Nelson.
People Search People J John Nelson Minnesota