Nancy Evans in NM

We found 10 people named Nancy Evans in NM with home addresses, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and more. To get more specific results, we recommend narrowing down your search a bit. For example, you can check out free public records for Nancy Evans in major New Mexico cities such as Albuquerque (NM). You might also want to look for Nancy Evans in other states, specifically in Colorado, West Virginia, Texas, Connecticut, and Illinois.

, Age 68
  + 12 MORE
(410) 788-4513,
(716) 439-4164,
(410) 439-4164
, Age 86
PO Box 2957, Shiprock, NM
(505) 860-0190,
(505) 350-2115,
(928) 656-3550

FAQ ABOUT Nancy G Evans

What is Nancy G Evans’s address and when did she move there?

Nancy G Evans has been living at Poplar Ln SW in Albuquerque, New Mexico, since she moved there in 2014.

What is the mobile or landline phone number for Nancy G Evans?

To reach Nancy, dial (505) 280-6328. This is her mobile phone number.

How old is Nancy G Evans and what is her date of birth?

Nancy G Evans’s exact date of birth is November 22, 1936. She is 88.

How can I reach out to Nancy G Evans by email?

Her email address is not known.

What similar names are associated with Nancy G Evans?

Nancy G Evans is also known as: Agnes Evans, Anissa Evans, Ann Evans, Anna Evans, Anne Evans, Annice Evans, Annis Evans, Hannah Evans, Inez Evans, Keanna Evans, Quanna Evans, Hagne Evans, Ane Evans, Hanna Evans, Channah Evans, Annick Evans, Oanez Evans, Ana Evans, Ani Evans, Anka Evans. These names can be aliases, nicknames, or other names she have used.

Who are the members of Nancy G Evans’s family?

Our records have identified the following people as the family of Nancy G Evans: Julie Evans · Barbara Evans · Phyllis Evans · Yvonne Evans · Victoria Evans · Robert Evans · Adria Evans.
People Search People N Nancy Evans New Mexico