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Samantha Crane in IA
We found 2 people named Samantha Crane in IA with home addresses, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and more. You might also want to look for Samantha Crane in other states, specifically in Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, New Mexico, and Arkansas.
Vicky S Crane
Sabrina A Crane
Richard Crane
Samantha Crane is thirty-seven years old.
This person is related to 4 people.
Samantha has got 1 phone number and can be reached at (641) 522-7062.
In addition, there is 1 email address for Samantha Crane.
FAQ ABOUT Samantha Crane
What is Samantha Crane’s current home address?
Samantha resides at
Cedar Ridge Rd, Dubuque, Iowa, and has lived there since 2020.
What is the date of birth of Samantha Crane?
The age of Samantha Crane is not found.
How can I contact Samantha Crane by email?
There is no publicly available email address for Samantha Crane.
What are the nicknames associated with Samantha Crane?
Samantha Crane’s alternative nicknames are: Samanta Crane, Sam Crane, Sammi Crane, Sammie Crane, Sammy Crane, Samouel Crane, Samuhel Crane, Samuel Crane, Samuil Crane, Sami Crane, Samppa Crane, Samu Crane, Samuli Crane, Shmuel Crane, Samuela Crane, Samuele Crane, Samoil Crane, Samuilu Crane, Sawyl Crane.
Who are Samantha Crane’s family members?
The following people are reported as the family members of Samantha:
Vicky Crane ·
Sabrina Crane ·
Richard Crane.