Galen L King
from Fairbanks, AK

Also known as: Mr Galen L King, Mr Galen King, Galen King
Age: 61 years old
Gender: Male
Born: August 29, 1962

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Landline phone number

Associated with Jill R King (2013-2015)
Seen 1996-2023


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Galen L King, born August 29, 1962 in Fairbanks, AK
Galen L King



Aug 29, 1962

10 facts you might not know about Galen L King

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type


Residence Since


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Galen L King AK

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Galen L King AK

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Galen L King AK

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FAQ ABOUT Galen L King

How old is Galen L King and when was he born?

Galen L King’s date of birth is August 29, 1962. He is 61 years old.

What is Galen L King’s phone number?

To reach Galen, call at (907) 479-8636. This is a home phone number.

How do I email Galen L King?

Galen’s email address is not in our database.

What is Galen L King’s current home address and when did he move there?

Galen L King lives at King Rd in Fairbanks, Alaska, . He has been living there since 2020.

What were Galen L King’s residential addresses before he moved to his current place?

Before he moved to his current place, Galen used to live at 4620 Elliott Ln, Fairbanks, AK, 99709-4479 · PO Box 60244, Fairbanks, AK, 99706-0244 · 4620 Elliott Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, 99709 · 4620 Elliott Hwy, Fairbanks, AK, 99712-1031 · 2253 King Rd, Fairbanks, AK, 99709-4666.

Who resides close to Galen L King?

Our records indicate the following people as the neighbors of Galen: Roland R Castillo · Wesley A Tufford · Joshua M Creque · Corina M Kriska · Alison Bender.

Does Galen L King have a spouse?

No, our files have Galen L King listed as not married.

Who is Galen L King related to?

The following people are believed to be related to him: Alice E King · Jill R King.

What is Galen L King's occupation?

Our database shows that at some point in his career Galen L King was associated with the following professional area/employment: Engineer.

Who are the people associated with Galen L King based on his place of work or residence?

Our files have identified the following people as friends, current or former coworkers and roommates of Galen L King: Jill R King · Alice E King.

What Zodiac sign is Galen L King?

Galen is a Virgo by date of birth.
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People Search States AK Fairbanks 2000 King Rd Galen L King