Shelley B Jones from Brierfield, AL

Alias Mrs Shelley B Jones, Shelley B Jones, Ms Shelley Jones, Shelley Jones, Ms Shelley B Jones
Female, 57. Born February 12, 1967
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Shelley B Jones’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
263 321 USD
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Mobile Phone numbers for Shelley B Jones in brierfield, al

Associated with Elizabeth R Weathers (2007)
Seen 2010-2021
No Associated People
Seen 2005-2018

Landline phone numbers for Shelley B Jones in brierfield, al

No Associated People
Seen 2005-2023
Associated with Errin M Larsen (2016), Derek B Larsen (2016), Elaine P Monroe (2009), Leslie V Moorer (2003, 2016-2022), Gerald M Ellenburg (1999, 2016)
Seen 2016
Associated with Mary I Mclaughlin (2016), Angela D Hatwood (2000, 2018), Marguerita Walker (1982, 2003)
Seen 2009



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Shelley B Jones, born February 12, 1967 in Brierfield, AL
Shelley B Jones



Feb 12, 1967

7 facts you might not know about Shelley B Jones

1967 When is born
5 Phone numbers
2 Relatives
14 Past addresses
1 Email
9 Associate by phone number
14 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Shelley B Jones

When was Shelley B Jones born and how old is she now?

Shelley B Jones has already turned or will soon turn 57. She was born on February 12, 1967.

How do I phone Shelley B Jones?

You can call Shelley B Jones’s landline phone at (205) 926-6333 or reach Shelley on her cell phone at (205) 410-1171.

How can I contact Shelley B Jones by email?

You can try to email her at [email protected].

Where does Shelley B Jones currently live and when did she move there?

Shelley B Jones has been living at Thomas Mill Rd in Brierfield, Alabama, 35035-3419 where she moved in 2013.

Where did Shelley B Jones previously live?

Shelley has often moved and lived at the following addresses: 161 Thomas Mill Rd, Brierfield, AL, 35035 · 3401 Loch Ridge Dr, Hoover, AL, 35216-4403 · PO Box 861, Town Creek, AL, 35672-0861 · 5868 Thomas M Rd, Brierfield, AL, 35035 · Brierfield, AL, 35035 · 161 Thomas Ml, Brierfield, AL, 35035 · County Road 2, Brierfield, AL, 35035 · PO Box 164, Brierfield, AL, 35035-0164 · 3430 Blankenship SE, Bessemer, AL, 35023 · 3405 Blakenship Rdse, Bessemer, AL, 35023 · 3430 Blankenship Rdse, Bessemer, AL, 35023 · 6014 Galena Dr, Mobile, AL, 36608-4030 · PO Box 25, Brierfield, AL, 35035-0025 · 3405 Blakenship SE, Bessemer, AL, 35023.

Who resides near Shelley B Jones?

Multiple records show the following people as Shelley B Jones’s neighbors: Gordon Burdette · Peggy C Lagrone · Walter D Lagrone · Kenny Chapman · Ann Mitchell · Kelly M Chapman · Anna Strachan.

Does Shelley B Jones have a better half?

Yes, according to our records she has a better half.

Who is related to Shelley B Jones?

Our records have indicated the following people as related to Shelley: Jason C Jones · Colton B Jones.

What kind of work does Shelley B Jones do?

For a certain period of her life, Shelley B Jones’s career has been related to the following area/occupation: Homemaker.

Who has worked with Shelley B Jones or shared the same address with her?

Our records indicate the following people as her probable friends, current or former coworkers and roommates: Peter Benanti · Diane Z Swaggerty · Charles S Bower · Edward A Dunne · Donna L Linder · Martin E Bower Jr. · Lisa S Bower · Tanaka D Thomas · Tyronda Thomas · Tyrone L Thomas · Aaron C Thomas · Jason Turner · Isiah E Thomas · Christine H Himes · Jeff Freeman.

What astrological sign is Shelley B Jones?

Shelley’s date of birth is February 12, which makes her an Aquarius.

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People Search States AL Brierfield 5868 Thomas Mill Rd Shelley B Jones