Lady Carla Davis from Agoura Hills, CA

Alias C Davis, Ms Carla Davis
Female, 78. Born October 25, 1946
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Property Info

Home Type
Multiple Family Dwelling Unit
Property Value
500 000 USD
Year Build
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Mobile Phone numbers for Lady Carla Davis in agoura hills, ca

Associated with Monique T Jelley (2008, 2011)
Seen 2008-2018
Associated with Destiny Radleigh (2017), Destiny N Gerber (2017), Karin C Sturm (2007, 2018)
Seen 2017
No Associated People
Seen 2016

Landline phone numbers for Lady Carla Davis in agoura hills, ca

Associated with Joseph A Defalco (2016), Margaret N Hayes (2016), Kathleen T Cruz (2016), Frederick Defalco (2006)
Seen 2016
Associated with Kent B Davis (2019-2021), Kimberly S Bradfield (2006, 2012)
Seen 2015-2016
Associated with Monique T Jelley (2016)
Seen 2004-2012


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Lady Carla Davis, born October 25, 1946 in Agoura Hills, CA
Lady Carla Davis

Agoura Hills


Oct 25, 1946

7 facts you might not know about Lady Carla Davis

1946 When is born
6 Phone numbers
2 Relatives
23 Past addresses
2 Emails
11 Associates by phone number
268 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Lady Carla Davis

How old is Lady Carla Davis and what is her date of birth?

Lady Carla Davis has already turned or will soon turn 78. She was born on October 25, 1946.

How do I phone Lady Carla Davis?

You can try to reach her landline at (561) 391-4141 or call her mobile phone at (818) 468-6233.

Is Lady Carla Davis reachable by email?

You can reach out to her at the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Lady Carla Davis’s current home address and when did she move there?

Lady’s current address is Agoura Rd, Agoura Hills, CA, 91301-4306. She has been living there since she moved in 2008.

Where did Lady Carla Davis use to live before she moved into her current home?

Before she moved into her current home, Lady used to live at the following addresses: 30856 Agoura Rd, Agoura Hills, CA, 91301-4306 · Apt G12, Agoura Hills, CA, 91301-4356 · 616 Catalina St, Burbank, CA, 91505-3245 · 3805 Lupine Ln, Apt D, Calabasas, CA, 91302-3507 · 47 Beck Ave, Rye, NY, 10580-3703 · 30856 Agoura Rd, Apt G12, Agoura Hills, CA, 91301-4306 · 4008 Maguire Blvd, Apt 5207, Orlando, FL, 32803-7208 · 5604 Arbor Club Way, Apt 8, Boca Raton, FL, 33433-5681 · 2918 Antique Oaks Cir, Apt 28, Winter Park, FL, 32792-5633 · 936 Bishop Park Ct, Apt 1329, Winter Park, FL, 32792-2874 · 11431 Ghiberti Way, Porter Ranch, CA, 91326-4084 · 1636 Ridgewood St, Orlando, FL, 32803-5539 · 20820 Del Luna Dr, Boca Raton, FL, 33433-1787 · 4008 Maguire Blvd, Apt 520, Orlando, FL, 32803-7206 · 560408 Arbor Club Way, Apt 12, Boca Raton, FL, 33433-5630 · 560408 Arbor Club Way, Apt WA, Boca Raton, FL, 33433-5630 · 2918 Antique Oaks Cir, Apt 32, Winter Park, FL, 32792-5633 · 85 Halsted Pl, Rye, NY, 10580-3314 · Columbus, GA, 31902 · 297 Bryces Rd, Chilmark, MA, 02535 · 560 Arbor Club Way, Apt 408, Boca Raton, FL, 33433 · 560480 Arbor Club Way, Boca Raton, FL, 33433-5630 · 560 Arbor Clb, Apt 408, Boca Raton, FL, 33496.

Who resides close to Lady Carla Davis?

Our files show the following people as the neighbors of Lady: Rosemarie Nassif · David Mansel · Timoteo Ortiz · Annie P Hazelwood · Willie A Rivera · Nancy L Barnard · Hosiel Simon · Vito Errico · Jessica L Croley · Lee Huang · Cynthia K Foscue · Charles T Foscue · Eric U Bensamochan.

Is Lady Carla Davis married?

No, our records report Lady as single.

Who are Lady Carla Davis’s family members?

The following people are indicated as Lady’s family members: Christina M Davis · Carla Davis.

What kind of work does Lady Carla Davis do?

There are no publicly available work records for Lady.

What is Lady Carla Davis’s star sign by date of birth?

The zodiac sign of Lady is a Scorpio.

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People Search States CA Agoura Hills 30856 Agoura Rd Lady Carla Davis