Bettye L Ellington from Birmingham, AL

Alias Ms Bettye L Ellington
Female, 70. Born April 23, 1954
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Bettye L Ellington’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Property Value
359 000 USD
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Mobile Phone numbers for Bettye L Ellington in birmingham, al

No Associated People
Seen 2015-2020
Associated with Boyce Harper (2016), Roger T Harper (2016, 2018, 2022-2023), Patrick C Nassetta (2009, 2016)
Seen 2016

Landline phone numbers for Bettye L Ellington in birmingham, al

Associated with Clarence Smiley (2016), Anita L Mcneil (2013-2014), Marcus D Mcneil (2013-2016), Lenora Grey (2013), Myecia L Mcneil (2013), Alice M Mcneil (2007, 2012-2014, 2018), Marvin D Sellers (2005, 2018, 2022-2023)
Seen 2017
Associated with Jackie L Kell (2016), Erica Champion (2011, 2016)
Seen 1996-2016
No Associated People
Seen 2016-2017
Associated with Sharron R Lancaster (2016-2017), Dennis B Rapp (2016), Bo Z Doss (2012, 2014), Lorie L Bailey (2004, 2015)
Seen 2016
Associated with Verna Gates (1996, 2016)
Seen 2016
Associated with Erica Champion (2006, 2018)
Seen 1996-2015
Associated with Karla Edwards (2017), Sabrina Smitherman (2014), Karla F Edwards (2013-2014)
Seen 1900-2017


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Bettye L Ellington, born April 23, 1954 in Birmingham, AL
Bettye L Ellington



Apr 23, 1954

7 facts you might not know about Bettye L Ellington

1954 When is born
9 Phone numbers
4 Relatives
20 Past addresses
6 Emails
21 Associates by phone number
76 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Bettye L Ellington

What year was Bettye L Ellington born and how old is she?

Bettye L Ellington was born on April 23, 1954, so she is 70 now.

How can I call Bettye L Ellington?

Bettye L Ellington’s cell phone number is (205) 706-2313 and the landline phone number associated with Bettye is (334) 872-1569.

How do I send an email to Bettye L Ellington?

Use the following email addresses to reach her: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Bettye L Ellington’s current residence address and when did she move there?

Bettye L Ellington lives at Meadow Brook Rd in Birmingham, Alabama, 35242-3138. She has been living there since 2013.

Where did Bettye L Ellington previously live?

Bettye L Ellington has moved many times. Her previous addresses are as follows: 157 Brisstol Ln, Birmingham, AL, 35242-6876 · 189 Williams Rd, Alexander City, AL, 35010-9104 · 308 Calloway Ter, Pelham, AL, 35124-4896 · 3001 Long Leaf Lake Ct, Helena, AL, 35022-4352 · 200 Cahaba Park Cir, Apt 114, Birmingham, AL, 35242-5042 · 200 Cahaba Park Cir, Apt 126, Birmingham, AL, 35242-8116 · 400 River, Birmingham, AL, 35244 · 7030 Meadowlark Dr, Apt G, Birmingham, AL, 35242-5340 · 5073 Headowbrook Rd, Birmingham, AL, 35242 · 2203 Springfield Loop W, Apt WEST, Birmingham, AL, 35242-5133 · Digital Fx, Birmingham, AL, 35242 · PO Box 383066, Birmingham, AL, 35238-3066 · 110 Inverness Cors, Birmingham, AL, 35242-3760 · 2047 Long Leaf Lake Cir, Helena, AL, 35022-4350 · 5073 Meadow Brk, Alexander City, AL, 33742 · 600 18th St N, Apt N0800, Birmingham, AL, 35203-2206 · 400 River Hills Bus Pkste 410, Apt 410, Birmingham, AL, 35242 · 400 Riverhills Business Park, Apt 410, Birmingham, AL, 35242-5181 · 600 19th St, Birmingham, AL, 35211-3203 · 832 Green Crest Turn, Birmingham, AL, 35212-3823.

Who lives close to Bettye L Ellington?

Who is Bettye L Ellington related to?

Our records have identified the following people as her family members: Erica L Ellington · Eric J Ellington · Bettye L Ellington · Erica L Ellington.

What is Bettye L Ellington’s sign of the zodiac?

Bettye’s star sign by date of birth is a Taurus.

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People Search States AL Birmingham 5073 Meadow Brook Rd Bettye L Ellington