Clifton G Hale from Anniston, AL

Alias C G Hale, Clifton G Hale, Clifton Hale
Male, 95. Born January 11, 1930
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Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
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Home Owner
Property Value
56 511 USD
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Landline phone number for Clifton G Hale in anniston, al

No Associated People
Seen 2004-2023


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Clifton G Hale, born January 11, 1930 in Anniston, AL
Clifton G Hale



Jan 11, 1930

5 facts you might not know about Clifton G Hale

1930 When is born
1 Phone number
3 Relatives
1 Past address
9 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Clifton G Hale

What year was Clifton G Hale born and how old is he?

Clifton G Hale was born on January 11, 1930, so he is turning or has already turned 95.

How can I call Clifton G Hale?

You can try to reach Clifton G Hale on his landline phone. His current home phone number is (256) 236-0496.

How do I reach out to Clifton G Hale by email?

Clifton’s email addresses are not known.

Where does Clifton G Hale currently live?

Clifton currently lives at Rosewood Cir in Anniston, Alabama, 36201-6220. He has been a resident there since 2004.

Where did Clifton G Hale live before?

Before Clifton G Hale moved to his current place, he lived at 223 Bynum Acres Dr, Anniston, AL, 36201-6830.

Who lives in close proximity to Clifton G Hale?

Our system lists the following people as the neighbors of Clifton G Hale: R E Willingham · Magaline Willingham · Eva J Leonard · Mary E Sams · Bobbie J Rohman · Claudia G Mullikin · Clydus E Ford · Augusta Ford · Augusta Ford · Ola S Brueggen · Randal A Harrison · Regina B Pate · Phillip W Pate · Shelby A Gilmore · Brent E Gilmore.

Does Clifton G Hale have a better half?

Yes, our records show Clifton as married.

Who is Clifton G Hale’s family?

The following people are reported as Clifton’s family members: Garland R Hale · Ezma H Hale · Garland R Hale.

What kind of work does Clifton G Hale do?

For a certain period of his life, Clifton G Hale’s career has been related to the following area/job: Retired/Pensioner.

Who are friends with Clifton G Hale, works, has worked or is associated with him?

The following people can be coworkers, roommates or friends of Clifton G Hale: Harl Skipper · Barbara F Skipper · Linda L Lamberth · Teresa C Blackburn · Paul D Blackburn · Martha D League · Darryl R League · Chasity A Mcpeek · Shannon H Skipper.

What is Clifton G Hale’s sign of the zodiac?

Clifton is a Capricorn by date of birth.

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People Search States AL Anniston 471 Rosewood Cir Clifton G Hale