Walter E Burgess from Cherokee, AL

Alias Mr Walter E Burgess, Mr Walter Burgess, Walter Burgess
Male, 62. Born March 24, 1962
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Walter E Burgess’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
19 620 USD
Residence Since

Landline phone numbers for Walter E Burgess in cherokee, al

No Associated People
Seen 2006-2023
Associated with Carol Kelsoe (2017-2018), Shirley C Lindsey (2017), Linda Hoefler (2016), Doug Groth (2016, 2018), Beth J Fuller (2016, 2018), Michael E Mcwilliams (2016-2017), Daniel E Weaver (2016-2017), Martha H Robinson (2016-2017), Michael S Dawson (2016-2017), Jeffrey M Huggins (2016-2017), William H Mols (2016, 2018), Jennifer S Dawson (2016-2017), Lando J Lentz Jr. (2016-2017), Ramona H Mcwilliams (2016-2017), Cassie L Vinson (2016-2017), Sandra Nunley (2016), Valerie V Adams (2016, 2018), Terry K Jackson (2016-2017)
Seen 2016-2017



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Walter E Burgess, born March 24, 1962 in Cherokee, AL
Walter E Burgess



Mar 24, 1962

7 facts you might not know about Walter E Burgess

1962 When is born
2 Phone numbers
2 Relatives
11 Past addresses
1 Email
18 Associates by phone number
4 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Walter E Burgess

When was Walter E Burgess born and how old is he now?

Walter E Burgess is 62 now. Her date of birth is March 24, 1962.

How do I phone Walter E Burgess?

To reach Walter, try calling his home phone at (256) 360-2894.

How can I email Walter E Burgess?

You can try to email him at [email protected].

What is Walter E Burgess’s current place of residence?

Walter lives at Mill Creek Loop, Cherokee, Alabama, 35616-6107 and has been living there since he changed his address in 2012.

Where did Walter E Burgess use to live before he moved to his current place?

Walter has moved frequently. His previous addresses are as follows: 375 Mill Creek Loop, Apt LO, Cherokee, AL, 35616-6107 · 450 Mill Creek Loop, Cherokee, AL, 35616-6108 · Margerum, Cherokee, AL, 35616 · 375 Mill Rd, Cherokee, AL, 35616-5839 · 307 Garrod St, Iuka, MS, 38852-2906 · PO Box 356, Cherokee, AL, 35616-0356 · Cherokee, AL, 35616 · PO Box 1136, Iuka, MS, 38852-6136 · PO Box 375, Cherokee, AL, 35616-0375 · PO Box 396, Cherokee, AL, 35616-0396 · PO Box 357, Cherokee, AL, 35616-0357.

Who are Walter E Burgess’s neighbors?

Is Walter E Burgess married?

Yes, he is listed as married in our files.

Who are Walter E Burgess’s family members?

Multiple records indicate the following people as his family: Juan M Burgess · Kayla R Burgess.

What is Walter E Burgess's job?

Walter is known to have a career related to the following field/occupation: Laborer.

Who are Walter E Burgess’s friends, current and former coworkers, roommates and other people associated with him?

Our system identifies the following people as Walter’s friends, current or former coworkers and roommates: Jane M Davis · Frederick M Davis · Christopher Davis · Michael T Davis.

What sign is Walter E Burgess?

The zodiac sign of Walter is an Aries.

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People Search States AL Cherokee 375 Mill Creek Loop Walter E Burgess