Leonor Nieves Santana
from Jacksonville, FL

Also known as: Leonor Nieves, Ms Leonor Nieves
Age: 86 years old
Gender: Female
Born: February 13, 1938

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Leonor Nieves Santana, born February 13, 1938 in Jacksonville, FL
Leonor Nieves Santana



Feb 13, 1938

11 facts you might not know about Leonor Nieves Santana

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type

Home Owner

Home Ownership

161 000 USD

Property Value


Year Build


Residence Since


Marital Status

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FAQ ABOUT Leonor Nieves Santana

How old is Leonor Nieves Santana and when was she born?

Born on February 13, 1938, Leonor Nieves Santana is or will soon be 86.

How can I call Leonor Nieves Santana?

There are no landline or cell phone numbers associated with Leonor in publicly available sources.

How can I email Leonor Nieves Santana?

Use leonor.nieves@hotmail.com to email Leonor.

What is Leonor Nieves Santana’s current address?

Leonor Nieves Santana lives at Misty Meadows Ct in Jacksonville, Florida, 32210-4639. She has been living at this address since 2005.

Where did Leonor Nieves Santana live before?

Leonor Nieves Santana has moved numerous times. Her previous addresses are as follows: 9380 103rd St, Apt 8, Jacksonville, FL, 32210-8662 · 380 Calle Jose R Acosta, San Juan, PR, 00918-2336 · 380 Urb, Hato Rey, PR, 00918 · 6539 Townsend Rd, Apt 92, Jacksonville, FL, 32244-4368 · 6227 Eastwood Ln, Jacksonville, FL, 32211-3906 · P16 Calle D, Juncos, PR, 00777-2909 · 12 Calle C, Gurabo, PR, 00778-2057 · 8371 Cross Timbers Dr E, Jacksonville, FL, 32244-5464 · 16 Rep, Apt 16, Juncos, PR, 00777 · 8371 Cross Timbers Dr E, Juncos, PR, 00777 · 16 Cd, Juncos, PR, 00777 · 16 D, Juncos, PR, 00777 · Ruisenor, Apt A 31, Catano, PR, 00962 · 778 Pque Las Cond, Apt 12, Gurabo, PR, 00778 · 778 Pque Las Cond C, Gurabo, PR, 00778 · A31 Vista Morr, Catano, PR, 00962 · A31 Calle Ruisenor, Catano, PR, 00962-4514.

Who lives in close proximity to Leonor Nieves Santana?

Does Leonor Nieves Santana have a spouse?

No, Leonor is reportedly single as of now.

Who is Leonor Nieves Santana related to?

The following people are Leonor Nieves Santana’s relatives: Frances Santana.

What Zodiac sign is Leonor Nieves Santana?

The Zodiac sign of Leonor Nieves Santana is a Aquarius.
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People Search States FL Jacksonville 4142 Misty Meadows Ct Leonor Nieves Santana