Catherine A James from Tucson, AZ

Alias Mrs Cathy A James, Ms Catherine A James, Ms Catherine James
Female, 50. Born July 19, 1974
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Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
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Property Value
78 914 USD
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Mobile Phone numbers for Catherine A James in tucson, az

No Associated People
Seen 2016-2023
No Associated People
Seen 1996
No Associated People
Seen 1996-2018

Landline phone numbers for Catherine A James in tucson, az

No Associated People
Seen 1996-2015
Associated with Kim M Dockery (2016), Joseph W Dockery (1996, 2012-2015, 2018, 2022-2023), Harriette A Dockery (1993, 2013-2021)
Seen 1996
No Associated People
Seen 1996


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Catherine A James, born July 19, 1974 in Tucson, AZ
Catherine A James



Jul 19, 1974

7 facts you might not know about Catherine A James

1974 When is born
6 Phone numbers
5 Relatives
6 Past addresses
6 Emails
3 Associate by phone number
55 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Catherine A James

How old is Catherine A James and what is her date of birth?

Catherine A James was born on July 19, 1974 and is 50 years old now.

How can I reach Catherine A James by phone?

The current landline phone number for Catherine is (520) 578-2812. The cell phone number associated with Catherine A James is (602) 327-9530.

How can I get in touch with Catherine A James by email?

Use the following email addresses to reach out to her: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Catherine A James’s residence address and when did she move there?

Where did Catherine A James use to live before she moved to her current place?

Before she moved into her current home, Catherine A James used to live at the following addresses: 7474 Rio Vista Cir, Tucson, AZ, 85715-3548 · 5292 N Coronado Pl, Apt B, Tucson, AZ, 85750-9662 · 4550 Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, 85745-8862 · 8509 W 1st, Tucson, AZ, 85735 · 1040 Calle Mariposa, Tucson, AZ, 85718-2950 · 1222 Bryant Ave, Tucson, AZ, 85712-3808.

Who lives near Catherine A James?

Our system lists the following people as Catherine’s neighbors: Walter Almgian · Ashley Miller · Georgia A Stoneham · Samantha D Stoneham · Ulamarion B Doyle · Debra A Mcginley · John L Mcginley · Katy Manzano · Mark S Larose · Kyle Larose · Cody R Larose.

Does Catherine A James have a better half?

Yes, our files have Catherine listed as married.

Who are Catherine A James’s relatives?

Our system has indicated the following people as related to Catherine A James: Carol S James · Donald L James · Madeline A James · Moria N James · Carol S James.

What kind of work does Catherine A James do?

It is believed that at some point Catherine was associated with the following professional field/job: Homemaker.

What is Catherine A James’s star sign by date of birth?

Her astrological sign by date of birth is a Cancer.

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People Search States AZ Tucson 8509 Quattlebaum Dr Catherine A James