Melissa L Cano from Lakeland, FL

Alias Ms Melissa Cano, Ms Melissa L Cano
Female, 46. Born March 15, 1978
Cell phone
Health Care
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Melissa L Cano’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Property Value
469 000 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone number for Melissa L Cano in lakeland, fl

No Associated People
Seen 2007-2024

Landline phone numbers for Melissa L Cano in lakeland, fl

Associated with Sean R Ryan (2016), Lisa R Jeffries (2016), Mike Ryan (2016), Carl E Royer (2016), Vincent B Clements (2014), Marc R Howarth (2014, 2016), Gustavo Dejesus (2014, 2016), Gregory A Guice (2014, 2016), Karen Z Hinkley (2014, 2016), Luis O Crespo (2013, 2016), Colleen L Burton (2013-2014), Lisa K Mckendrick (2013, 2016), Jana D Thomas (2013, 2017), Timothy D Pratt (2012), Ralph A Leslie (2008-2009), Karen Schick (2008, 2010), James A Casteel (2008-2009), Mavis Y Battle (2008-2009), Rebecca A Crumpler (2008, 2012), Richard R Bunnell (2008, 2010), Jeffrey D Mccann (2008, 2017, 2023), Douglas G Ebersole (2008, 2010), David Helm (2008, 2012), Debbie D Killingsworth (2008, 2011), Irene D Lyons (2008), Jason M Sobczak (2008, 2011), James D Vida (2008, 2012), Carl J Burgess (2008), Brett Okelly (2008, 2011), Harry M Lucas (2008, 2010)
Seen 2014-2016
No Associated People
Seen 2011
Associated with John A Almack (2016), Celines Delgado (2014, 2016), Randolph Dunston (2014-2015), Laura L Johnson (2014, 2016), Tracey Ann Rodriguez (2014, 2016), Edwin Carroll (2014, 2016), Clelia Ayala (2013, 2016), Kenneth O Kirkconnell (2013-2014), Johnny L Paschall (2013-2014), Angela Roman (2013, 2018), Jorge L Nicho (2012, 2018), Allen Stroth (2011-2012), Mark L Weissfeld (2011, 2013), Beatrice H Smith (2010, 2012), Colin L Kelly (2009), Floyd A Hampton (2009-2010), Antinorris K Richards (2009), Venus L Mays (2009-2010), Pearlie M Doyle (2009, 2014), Bradford A Patrick (2008, 2010), Andres M Quiles (2008, 2010), Corey D Dempsey (2008, 2010), Amelia P Pierce (2008, 2010), Christy W Eubank (2008, 2010), Herbert B Gonzalez (2008, 2018), Heather M Nordyke (2008-2009), Elizabeth Maysonet (2008, 2012), Nettie J Lopez (2008, 2011), Tanya M Flaherty (2008, 2010), Debra L Robertson (2008-2009)
Seen 2008-2009
Associated with Linda K Holley (2023-2024), Kari W Deboskey (2022), Marjan E Davey (2017), Marjanh Deboskey (2015-2016, 2019, 2022), Christopher Deboskey (2015-2016), Christopher C Deboskey (2013, 2015, 2019), Karen M Steeves (2010, 2016), Autumn A Bonsall (2000)
Seen 2000


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Melissa L Cano, born March 15, 1978 in Lakeland, FL
Melissa L Cano



Mar 15, 1978

7 facts you might not know about Melissa L Cano

1978 When is born
5 Phone numbers
1 Relative
6 Past addresses
4 Emails
68 Associates by phone number
69 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Melissa L Cano

How old is Melissa L Cano and what is her date of birth?

Melissa L Cano was born on March 15, 1978 and is about to turn or has already turned 46.

How do I phone Melissa L Cano?

She has both landline and mobile phone numbers. Try to call Melissa L Cano’s landline at (863) 644-0000 or phone her at (813) 451-1245. The latter is her mobile phone number.

Does Melissa L Cano have an email address?

You can send Melissa an email at the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Melissa L Cano’s residence address?

Melissa’s current residential address is Sligh Rd, Lakeland, FL, 33813-3066. She has been living there since she moved in 2021.

What were Melissa L Cano’s addresses before she moved to her current place?

Melissa has changed her address several times. Before she moved to her current place, she lived at the following addresses: 5661 Oakwood Knoll Dr, Lakeland, FL, 33811-1543 · 5231 Bon Vivant Dr, Apt 181, Tampa, FL, 33603-1830 · 8819 Lagoon St, Tampa, FL, 33615-4309 · 5231 Bon Vivant Dr, Apt 184, Tampa, FL, 33603-1830 · 350 24th St NW, Apt G204, Lakeland, FL, 33811 · 9054 Arndale Cir, Apt R, Tampa, FL, 33615-1530.

Who resides in the same neighborhood as Melissa L Cano?

Does Melissa L Cano have a spouse?

Yes, Melissa L Cano is listed as married in our records.

Who is Melissa L Cano’s family?

The following people are identified as Melissa L Cano’s family members: Jose A Cano.

What does Melissa L Cano do?

Melissa L Cano is believed to pursue a career related to the following professional area/job: Health Care.

What is Melissa L Cano’s sign?

Since Melissa’s date of birth is March 15, her star sign is a Pisces.

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People Search States FL Lakeland 5212 Sligh Rd Melissa L Cano