Stephen P Shimkus from Englewood, FL

Alias Mr Stephen P Shimkus, Mr Stephen Shimkus
Male, 77. Born December 26, 1946
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Stephen P Shimkus’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
142 000 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone numbers for Stephen P Shimkus in englewood, fl

No Associated People
Seen 2019-2022
Associated with Stephen Shimkus (2014-2015, 2018)
Seen 2013

Landline phone numbers for Stephen P Shimkus in englewood, fl

Associated with Barbara A Shimkus (2003, 2014, 2018)
Seen 2003-2018
Associated with Scott Macauley (2022-2023), Patricia A Walsh (2017)
Seen 1993-2013


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Stephen P Shimkus, born December 26, 1946 in Englewood, FL
Stephen P Shimkus



Dec 26, 1946

7 facts you might not know about Stephen P Shimkus

1946 When is born
4 Phone numbers
2 Relatives
7 Past addresses
3 Emails
4 Associate by phone number
17 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Stephen P Shimkus

How old is Stephen P Shimkus and when was he born?

Stephen P Shimkus is currently 77. Her exact date of birth is December 26, 1946.

How do I ring Stephen P Shimkus?

Stephen P Shimkus has both landline and mobile phone numbers. You can call Stephen’s landline at (860) 267-8494 or phone his at (860) 465-7820. The latter is his mobile phone number.

Does Stephen P Shimkus have an email address?

Stephen P Shimkus’s email addresses are: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Stephen P Shimkus’s address?

Stephen P Shimkus currently lives at Englewood Rd in Englewood, Florida, 34223-6321. He changed his address in 2013.

What are Stephen P Shimkus’s previous addresses?

Before Stephen moved into his current home, he used to live at the following addresses: 875 Old Hartford Rd, Colchester, CT, 06415-2542 · 875 Old Hartford Rd, Colchester, CT, 06415-2542 · 2955 Nocturne Rd, Venice, FL, 34293-3747 · 0 Old Hartford Rd, Hebron, CT · 875 Old Hartford Rd, Apt 1, Colchester, CT, 06415-2542 · 3 Howard Ave, Foxboro, MA, 02035-2415 · Barbara A Shimkus, Foxboro, MA, 02035.

Who lives in the same area as Stephen P Shimkus?

Public databases list the following people as the neighbors of Stephen: Jody Butkiewicz · Todd M Ryan · Cherryl L Chunn · Karen M Howell · Laura L Smith · Randall J Everts · Aaron C Evans · Laura Everts · Lynn M Anderson · Bert J Rimer · Adam N Kelly · Dale Wagner · Scot M Kulsar · Tyler Butler · Terri D Hacker.

Does Stephen P Shimkus have a spouse?

Yes, our files report Stephen as married.

Who is Stephen P Shimkus’s family?

Our system indicates the following people as the family of Stephen P Shimkus: Barbara A Shimkus · Stephen Shimkus.

What does Stephen P Shimkus do for a living?

The information about Stephen P Shimkus’s employment has not been found.

Who are the people associated with Stephen P Shimkus based on his place of work or residence?

What is Stephen P Shimkus’s star sign?

Stephen P Shimkus’s date of birth is December 26, which means he is a Capricorn.

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People Search States FL Englewood 2480 Englewood Rd Stephen P Shimkus