Marcin W Kaleta Jr. from Harwood Heights, IL

Alias Marcin Kaleta, Marcin W Kaleta Jr.
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Marcin W Kaleta Jr.’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
233 000 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone numbers for Marcin W Kaleta Jr. in harwood heights, il

Associated with Clarence Floyd Jr. (2016-2018), Vearl Louis Floyd (2008, 2018)
Seen 2017-2023
Associated with Adam Kaleta (2017), Wojciech Kaleta (2017, 2022), Joseph Kaleta (2017)
Seen 2017
No Associated People
Seen 2013
Associated with Marian T Dietz (2017), Jeff R Halsey (2017), Arethea Grant (2016), Teresa Lynn Gordon (2011)
Seen 2012

Landline phone numbers for Marcin W Kaleta Jr. in harwood heights, il

Associated with Adam Kaleta (2015-2016), Stanislawa Kaleta (2015, 2017), Wojciech Kaleta (2011, 2015-2016), Joseph Kaleta (2006, 2015-2016)
Seen 2012-2018
Associated with Nikoleta A Ivanova (2017), Giuseppe M Fiore (2016), Jean V Kari (2009, 2016)
Seen 2012-2016
Associated with Wojciech Kaleta (2020-2021), Stanislawa Kaleta (2011, 2018, 2020-2022), Joseph Kaleta (2011, 2016)
Seen 2012-2017


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Marcin W Kaleta Jr. IL

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Marcin W Kaleta Jr. IL

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Marcin W Kaleta Jr. IL

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Fact File

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Marcin W Kaleta Jr., born October 10, 1984 in Harwood Heights, IL
Marcin W Kaleta Jr.

Harwood Heights


Oct 10, 1984

7 facts you might not know about Marcin W Kaleta Jr.

1984 When is born
7 Phone numbers
5 Relatives
8 Past addresses
5 Emails
19 Associates by phone number
62 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Marcin W Kaleta Jr.

What is the date of birth of Marcin W Kaleta Jr.?

Marcin W Kaleta Jr. is 40 years old and was born on October 10, 1984.

What is the mobile or landline phone number for Marcin W Kaleta Jr.?

Marcin’s mobile phone number is (773) 218-8003 and the landline phone number associated with Marcin W Kaleta Jr. is (847) 928-9074.

How do I reach Marcin W Kaleta Jr. by email?

Try sending Marcin an email at the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Marcin W Kaleta Jr.’s residence address?

Since 2011, Marcin has been living at N Neenah Ave in Harwood Heights, Illinois, 60706-4813.

Where did Marcin W Kaleta Jr. previously live?

Does Marcin W Kaleta Jr. have a spouse?

No, according to our records Marcin W Kaleta Jr. is not married.

Who are the members of Marcin W Kaleta Jr.’s family?

The following people have been indicated as Marcin W Kaleta Jr.’s family members: Wojciech Kaleta · Stanislawa Kaleta · Adam Kaleta · Joseph Kaleta · Jozef Kaleta.

What does Marcin W Kaleta Jr. do?

It is known that at some point Marcin was associated with the following professional area/occupation: Homemaker.

What is Marcin W Kaleta Jr.’s zodiac sign by date of birth?

Marcin’s astrological sign is a Libra.

Are there any other people named Marcin W Kaleta Jr. living in the same area?

We have found the following people with the same/similar names in our files: Martin Kaleta (32 y.o., Lombard, IL) · Martin Kaleta (Hammond, IN).

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People Search States IL Harwood Heights 4425 N Neenah Ave Marcin W Kaleta Jr.