Kathleen M Farrar from Springdale, AR

Alias Kathleen Farrar, Ms Kathleen M Farrar
Female, 71. Born April 18, 1953
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Kathleen M Farrar’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Property Value
65 000 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone numbers for Kathleen M Farrar in springdale, ar

Associated with Luz M Marquez (2012)
Seen 2022-2023
No Associated People
Seen 2020-2021

Landline phone numbers for Kathleen M Farrar in springdale, ar

Associated with William G Vanvacter (2016)
Seen 2007-2018
No Associated People
Seen 2017
Associated with William G Vanvacter (2016)
Seen 2016
Associated with Joshua Salsbury (2018), Shana Salsbury (2013-2014), Randy Salsbury (2012-2014, 2016-2018), Lynn E Solomon (1993, 2002)
Seen 2016
No Associated People
Seen 2016


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Kathleen M Farrar, born April 18, 1953 in Springdale, AR
Kathleen M Farrar



Apr 18, 1953

7 facts you might not know about Kathleen M Farrar

1953 When is born
7 Phone numbers
6 Relatives
11 Past addresses
3 Emails
7 Associate by phone number
60 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Kathleen M Farrar

How old is Kathleen M Farrar and what is her date of birth?

Born on April 18, 1953, Kathleen M Farrar is 71 years old now.

How to find Kathleen M Farrar’s phone number?

You can try to reach her landline at (479) 756-5334 or call her mobile phone at (479) 856-2242.

How can I reach out to Kathleen M Farrar by email?

Send an email to Kathleen M Farrar at the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

Where does Kathleen M Farrar live?

Kathleen M Farrar currently resides at Wayland Dr in Springdale, Arkansas, 72764-5438. She moved there in 2000.

What were Kathleen M Farrar’s addresses before she moved to her current place?

Kathleen M Farrar used to live at 4090 Oak St, Bethel Heights, AR, 72764-8496 · 41 Blue Water Dr, Eureka Springs, AR, 72631-4604 · 517 Hazelwood Dr, Lead Hill, AR, 72644-9235 · 1314 A Q Cir, Apt D21, Springdale, AR, 72764-1287 · 1314 Circle Apt Apt, Apt QD21, Springdale, AR, 72764 · 12576 Farrar Rd, Bentonville, AR, 72713-6669 · 1314 Circle Qd21, Springdale, AR, 72764 · Bentonville, AR, 72712 · PO Box 123, Bentonville, AR, 72712-0123 · PO Box 123, Springdale, AR, 72765-0123 · Springdale, AR, 72764.

Who resides in the same neighborhood as Kathleen M Farrar?

Our system has indicated the following people as the neighbors of Kathleen M Farrar: Rocky L Thayer · Myron R Doffin · Heath J Boyd · Sue Johnson · Charles Johnson · Darrell Johnson · Dina Y Palma · Kalesha Monique · Johaven Anderson · Keith A Sims · Robyn M Sims · Bailey Sims · R M Lay · Crystal Boix · Stephen L Greer.

Is Kathleen M Farrar married?

No, according to our records Kathleen is not married.

Who is Kathleen M Farrar’s family?

Our system identifies the following people as her family members: Bruce K Farrar · Kathleen Farrar · Sara L Farrar · Josephina M Farrar · John Farrar · Susannah Farrar.

What is Kathleen M Farrar's occupation?

It is known that for a certain period of her life, Kathleen’s career has been related to the following area/job: Nurse/Lpn.

What is Kathleen M Farrar’s sign?

Since Kathleen was born on April 18, her zodiac sign is an Aries.

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People Search States AR Springdale 306 Wayland Dr Kathleen M Farrar