Orville A Cote Sr.
from The Villages, FL

Also known as: Mr Orville A Cote Sr., Mr Orville Cote Sr, Mr Orville A Cote Sr
Age: 78 years old
Gender: Male
Born: December 30, 1945

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Mobile Phone numbers

Associated with Luis Recinos (2023), Luis E Recinos (2004, 2018)
Seen 2017
Associated with Allan Cote (2022)
Seen 2011

Landline phone numbers

Associated with Jay Cote (2022), Sandra L Cote (2022), Margaret Cote (2022)
Seen 2022-2023
Associated with Jay Cote (2015), Allan Cote (2012, 2015), Sandra L Cote (2010, 2015-2019)
Seen 2011-2021
No Associated People
Seen 2002-2016
Associated with Jay Cote (2014, 2016), Allan Cote (2014, 2016), Sandra L Cote (2011, 2014), Margaret Cote (2006, 2018)
Seen 1996-2014
Associated with Margaret Cote (2013), Sandra L Cote (2002, 2011)
Seen 1996-2011



Address history


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Orville A Cote Sr., born December 30, 1945 in The Villages, FL
Orville A Cote Sr.

The Villages


Dec 30, 1945

12 facts you might not know about Orville A Cote Sr.

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type

304 000 USD

Property Value


Year Build


Residence Since


Marital Status

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Orville A Cote Sr. FL

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Orville A Cote Sr. FL

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Orville A Cote Sr. FL

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FAQ ABOUT Orville A Cote Sr.

When was Orville A Cote Sr. born and how old is he now?

Orville A Cote Sr. was born on December 30, 1945 and is currently 78.

Is Orville A Cote Sr. reachable by phone?

You can try reaching Orville’s landline at (954) 308-0512 or call his mobile phone at (847) 651-1821.

Does Orville A Cote Sr. have an any email addresses?

Get in touch with him at the following email addresses: acote@juno.com · acote2862@me.com · acote@aol.com · acote2029@juno.com · acote@cote-consulting.com · acote2029@aol.com · acote2029@sbcglobal.net.

Where does Orville A Cote Sr. currently live?

Orville currently resides at Cedar Waxwing Dr in The Villages, Florida, 32163-0191. He moved there in 2017.

What was Orville A Cote Sr.’s address before he moved into his current home?

Orville has moved a lot and is known to have lived at the following addresses: 2029 Ravine Dr, Gurnee, IL, 60031-6361 · 2523 Tamarind Grove Run, The Villages, FL, 32162-3842 · 2523 Tamarind Grove Run, Apt RU, The Villages, FL, 32162-3842 · 8521 Doctor Pink Dr, Minocqua, WI, 54548-9039 · 2523 Tamarind Rd, The Villages, FL, 32162 · 2523 Tamarind Grove Run, Apt 847, The Villages, FL, 32162-3842 · 1911 Montrose Ct, Lady Lake, FL, 32162-7765 · 8421 Dr Pink Dr, Minocqua, WI, 54548 · 2862 N Augusta Dr, Lane, IL · 530 W Surf St, Apt 204, Chicago, IL, 60657-6038 · 903 Oakwood Ave, Lake Forest, IL, 60045-1718 · 535 Willow Ct, Waukegan, IL, 60085-3263.

Who resides close to Orville A Cote Sr.?

Public databases indicate the following people as the neighbors of Orville: Jenean B Best · Jeffrey C Monasch · Martha C Wilk · Frank S Castro · Susan L Castro · Richard Prenzler · Noreen E Prenzler · Renato L Quiterio · Alice M Wiseley · Jack H Wiseley · Teresa Page · Thomas E Page · Scott B Hankinson · T P Himes · Susan Himes.

Is Orville A Cote Sr. married?

Yes, our files show Orville as married.

Who is Orville A Cote Sr. related to?

The following people are identified as his family members: Michael P Cote · Sandra L Cote · David J Cote · Jay Cote · Allan Cote · Margaret Cote · Thomas A Cote · Margaret Cote.

Who are the people associated with Orville A Cote Sr. based on his place of work or residence?

What Zodiac sign is Orville A Cote Sr.?

Orville A Cote Sr.’s date of birth is December 30, so his sign is a Capricorn.

Is there anyone else with the same name living nearby?

Our database lists the following people as having the same/similar names: Orville E Cote (39 y.o., Los Angeles, CA) · Orville E Cote (72 y.o., Burbank, CA).
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People Search States FL The Villages 5553 Cedar Waxwing Dr Orville A Cote Sr.