James M Ortiz from Springdale, AR

Alias Mr James M Ortiz, Mr James Ortiz, James Ortiz
Male, 52. Born October 25, 1972
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James M Ortiz’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Property Value
205 000 USD
Year Build
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Mobile Phone numbers for James M Ortiz in springdale, ar

No Associated People
Seen 2007-2023
No Associated People
Seen 2020-2021
Associated with Ritchie S Hunt (2019, 2021)
Seen 2017
Associated with Patrick B Purifoy (2016)
Seen 2004-2012

Landline phone numbers for James M Ortiz in springdale, ar

Associated with James M Ortiz (2019, 2021)
Seen 2000-2016
Associated with Catherine Williams (2009, 2016), Latisha M Smith (2004, 2010)
Seen 2004-2012


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James M Ortiz, born October 25, 1972 in Springdale, AR
James M Ortiz



Oct 25, 1972

7 facts you might not know about James M Ortiz

1972 When is born
6 Phone numbers
9 Relatives
15 Past addresses
3 Emails
5 Associate by phone number
75 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT James M Ortiz

How old is James M Ortiz and when was he born?

Born on October 25, 1972, James M Ortiz is 52 now.

How do I find James M Ortiz’s phone number?

James M Ortiz has both landline and mobile phone numbers. You can call James’s landline at (432) 694-2279 or phone his at (501) 412-8927. The latter is his mobile phone number.

How can I contact James M Ortiz by email?

You can try to email James at the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is James M Ortiz’s current residence address and when did he move there?

His current residential address is Longwood St, Springdale, AR, 72762-0636 and has not changed since 2022.

Where did James M Ortiz previously live?

Before James moved to his current place, he used to live at the following addresses: 22 Donington Ln, Bella Vista, AR, 72714-3124 · 9925 Dublin Dr, Apt 9925, Mabelvale, AR, 72103-3378 · 22 Donington Lane Bella Vis, Apt AR 727, Bella Vista, AR, 72714 · 601 E Race Ave, Apt A, Searcy, AR, 72143-4418 · 4149 Cook Rd, Bentonville, AR, 72713-7105 · 1737 Clark St, Pea Ridge, AR, 72751-2314 · 1300 Chitwood St, Pea Ridge, AR, 72751-2740 · 122 Circle Acres Dr, Monticello, AR, 71655-9371 · 220 Burton Rd, Monticello, AR, 71655-9660 · 245 Inglewood Ave, Russellville, AR, 72801-4527 · 16 Barbara Dr, Little Rock, AR, 72204-3508 · 94 Sherwood Cv, Marion, AR, 72364-2016 · 601 Market Ave, Searcy, AR, 72143-5649 · 601A E Race Ave, Searcy, AR, 72143-4418 · 4618 Kiowa Dr, Midland, TX, 79703-6817.

Who resides in the same neighborhood as James M Ortiz?

Does James M Ortiz have a better half?

Yes, our records list James as married.

Who is related to James M Ortiz?

Our records have indicated the following people as the family members of James: Katrina B Ortiz · Joseph M Ortiz · Joey F Ortiz · Tonya Ortiz · Rebecca R Ortiz · Tonya Ortiz · John Ortiz · Jose Ortiz · Geoffrey E Ortiz.

What is James M Ortiz’s star sign by date of birth?

He is a Scorpio by date of birth.

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People Search States AR Springdale 2831 Longwood St James M Ortiz