Nanci R Weinrich from Aurora, OH

Alias Mrs Nanci R Weinrich, Ms Nanci Weinrich, Nanci Weinrich, Ms Nanci R Weinrich
Female, 86. Born March 14, 1938
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Nanci R Weinrich’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
191 644 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone numbers for Nanci R Weinrich in aurora, oh

No Associated People
Seen 2017-2018
Associated with Deanna Genigeski (2015), Deanna M Eastman (2013, 2015), Charles G Mckay Jr. (1998, 2015-2024)
Seen 2017
Associated with Dana J Hittie (2022), Sylvie A Hittie (2022), John T Wenrich Jr. (2016), Darry L Hudson (2009, 2023-2024)
Seen 2016
Associated with Robert T Stevens (2023-2024), Terrence E Kieffer (2013-2014, 2016-2019, 2022), Joy L Portman (2011)
Seen 2015
No Associated People
Seen 2013-2015

Landline phone numbers for Nanci R Weinrich in aurora, oh

Associated with Michelle L Ruggie (2016), Edward J Ruggie (2016)
Seen 2002-2024
Associated with Lori M Perz (2016), John T Wenrich Jr. (2016)
Seen 2017
Associated with Susan H Wylie (2016), John T Wenrich Jr. (2016), Michael A Crum (2014), Richard R Weinrich (2004, 2016), Richard R Weinrich (2004, 2016), Katherine E Schloss (2004-2005)
Seen 2016


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Nanci R Weinrich, born March 14, 1938 in Aurora, OH
Nanci R Weinrich



Mar 14, 1938

7 facts you might not know about Nanci R Weinrich

1938 When is born
8 Phone numbers
1 Relative
2 Past addresses
3 Emails
20 Associates by phone number
7 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Nanci R Weinrich

What year was Nanci R Weinrich born and how old is she?

Nanci R Weinrich was born on March 14, 1938. She is about to turn or has already turned 86.

How do I ring Nanci R Weinrich?

Nanci R Weinrich has two current phone numbers. (330) 995-9633 is Nanci’s home phone number and the mobile phone number associated with Nanci R Weinrich is (330) 285-6695.

What is Nanci R Weinrich’s email address?

Try reaching out to her at the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Nanci R Weinrich’s current place of residence?

Nanci lives at Glen Hollow Cir, Aurora, Ohio, 44202-7320 and has been living there since 2002.

What were Nanci R Weinrich’s addresses before she moved to her current place?

Who lives in close proximity to Nanci R Weinrich?

Does Nanci R Weinrich have a better half?

No, our files report Nanci R Weinrich as single.

Who is Nanci R Weinrich related to?

Our files list the following people as Nanci R Weinrich’s relatives: Arthur C Weinrich.

What kind of work does Nanci R Weinrich do?

Nanci is known to pursue a career associated with the following professional area/occupation: Homemaker.

Who are Nanci R Weinrich’s friends, current and former coworkers, roommates and other people associated with her?

Our files report the following people as friends, current or former coworkers and roommates of Nanci R Weinrich: Kenneth D Haffner · Kelli A Kaniecki · Scott A Bowman · Julia N Riley · Jarrod L Mulheman · John T Wenrich Jr. · Julia Mulheman · David Brewer.

What is Nanci R Weinrich’s sign of the zodiac?

Nanci R Weinrich’s date of birth is March 14, so her astrological sign is a Pisces.

Is there any other person with the same name in Nuwber’s database?

No person with the same/similar name has been found in our database.

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People Search States OH Aurora 504 Glen Hollow Cir Nanci R Weinrich