Sue H Ohara
from Sarasota, FL

Also known as: Ms Sue O'hara, Ms Sue H O'hara
Age: 66 years old
Gender: Female
Born: July 23, 1957

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Landline phone numbers

Associated with John P Magulick (2016), Sharon R Richardson (2007, 2016), Tim O Hara (1996, 2018, 2022-2023)
Seen 2006-2018
Associated with Nina L Nance (2017), Tim O Hara (2016-2021), Dorothy R Leone (2004, 2012-2014, 2018, 2022-2023)
Seen 2016
Associated with Harrison Jaworske (2023), Clara A Myers (2016), Tim O Hara (2016), Jacqueline A Liburd (2016), Jill C Jaworske (2015, 2017-2019, 2022-2023), Lawrence M Jaworske (2014-2015), Mary J Jaworske (2003, 2014-2015, 2018), Kathleen M Feyler (1997)
Seen 2016
Associated with Rachel A Hautamaki (2012), Sonny Jenkins (2011, 2018), Sharon R Richardson (2007, 2018)
Seen 1993-2017
Associated with Essie L Burton (2012-2013, 2015-2018)
Seen 1978-2009



Address history


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Sue H Ohara, born July 23, 1957 in Sarasota, FL
Sue H Ohara



Jul 23, 1957

14 facts you might not know about Sue H Ohara

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type


Home Ownership

134 000 USD

Property Value


Year Build


Residence Since

Inferred Married

Marital Status

Real Estate/Realtor


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Sue H Ohara FL

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Sue H Ohara FL

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Sue H Ohara FL

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Court Records


How old is Sue H Ohara and what is her date of birth?

Sue H Ohara was born on July 23, 1957, so she is about to turn or is already 66.

How do I ring Sue H Ohara?

The current home phone number for Sue H Ohara is (941) 379-6315.

Does Sue H Ohara have an any email addresses?

Send Sue an email at

What is Sue H Ohara’s address?

Sue’s current address is S Shade Ave, Sarasota, FL, 34237-7227. She has been a resident there since 2013.

Where did Sue H Ohara previously live?

Sue H Ohara has moved often. Her previous home addresses are as follows: 3341 NW 22nd Dr, Coconut Creek, FL, 33066-2230 · 1275 Vereda Verde, Sarasota, FL, 34232-2156 · 731 N Lime Ave, Sarasota, FL, 34237-4406 · 517 S Shade Ave, Sarasota, FL, 34237-7226 · 3240 Alesio Ave, North Port, FL, 34286-8928 · 202 1st Ave, Apt 15, New York, NY, 10009-3721 · 127 E 28th St, Apt 2R, New York, NY, 10016-8406 · 237 W 139th St, New York, NY, 10030-2104 · 708 SW 16th Ave, Apt 112, Gainesville, FL, 32601-8528 · 1015 NW 3rd Ave, Apt A, Gainesville, FL, 32601-5450 · 1786 SW 35th Ave, Gainesville, FL, 32608-3428 · 530 Shade Avs, Sarasota, FL, 34237 · 3341 NW 22nd Dr, Pompano Beach, FL.

Does Sue H Ohara have a better half?

Quite possibly. Our records list Sue as ‘inferred married’.

Who is related to Sue H Ohara?

Our files identify the following people as her family members: Robert J Ohara · Sue T Ohara · Christopher J Ohara · Timothy E Ohara · Joyce A Ohara · Rose Ohara · Sue H Ohara.

What is Sue H Ohara's job?

According to multiple records, at some point in her career Sue H Ohara was associated with the following professional area/employment: Real Estate/Realtor.

What is Sue H Ohara’s star sign by date of birth?

Sue H Ohara’s Zodiaс sign is a Leo.
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People Search States FL Sarasota 530 S Shade Ave Sue H Ohara