Nancy L Harley from Newport, RI

Alias Nancy Harley, Ms Nancy L Harley
Female, 77. Born July 21, 1947
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Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
375 000 USD
Year Build
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Landline phone number for Nancy L Harley in newport, ri

Associated with Barbara A Kammerer (2016), John R Kamerer (2016)
Seen 2012-2024



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Nancy L Harley, born July 21, 1947 in Newport, RI
Nancy L Harley


Rhode Island

Jul 21, 1947

4 facts you might not know about Nancy L Harley

1947 When is born
1 Phone number
1 Email
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FAQ ABOUT Nancy L Harley

How old is Nancy L Harley and what is her date of birth?

Nancy L Harley is 77 years old and she was born on July 21, 1947.

How do I find Nancy L Harley’s phone number?

You can try reaching Nancy L Harley on the landline phone at (401) 847-2407.

Does Nancy L Harley have an email address?

You can send an email to her at [email protected].

What is Nancy L Harley’s address?

Nancy L Harley lives at Conrad Ct in Newport, Rhode Island, 02840-3837. She has been living at this address since 2012.

What were Nancy L Harley’s residential addresses before she moved to her current place?

Nancy L Harley’s previous residential address is unknown.

Who lives in the same area as Nancy L Harley?

Nancy L Harley resides in close proximity to the following people: Jacklyn G Parsons · Tracy A Stubbs · Rachel Shea · Reese Cuddy · Jeffrey Bird · Emily Seelig · Michelle Nelken.

Does Nancy L Harley have a better half?

No, our files report Nancy L Harley as not married.

Who are Nancy L Harley’s family members?

No family members of Nancy L Harley have been found.

What is Nancy L Harley's job?

The information about Nancy L Harley’s employment has not been found.

Who has worked with Nancy L Harley or shared the same address with her?

Our files report the following people as friends, current or former coworkers and roommates of Nancy: Jennifer L Hada · Joy A Newell · Sally J Roeckell · Thomas E Balcom · Lisa A Balcom · Robert B Hitt · Keats M Keeley · Jon Heon · Dougald M Manion · Darris L Witham · Terry L Womer · Julie A Minahan · William T Auxt · Brooke Schoenbucher · Jon Heon.

What is Nancy L Harley’s zodiac sign?

Her sign by date of birth is a Cancer.

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People Search States RI Newport 3 Conrad Ct Nancy L Harley