Odessa D Gauntt from Atlanta, GA

Alias Ms Odessa Gauntt, Odessa Gauntt, Ms Odessa D Gauntt
Female, 69. Born May 2, 1955
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Odessa D Gauntt’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
353 000 USD
Year Build
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Mobile Phone numbers for Odessa D Gauntt in atlanta, ga

No Associated People
Seen 2006-2020
Associated with Weare R Gratwick (2019-2022, 2024), Lydia D Gratwick (2018-2019), Sarahann Gratwick (2018-2019), Amber W Gratwick (2016-2019)
Seen 2012

Landline phone numbers for Odessa D Gauntt in atlanta, ga

Associated with Stephen P Ottinger (2014), Dan E Blaylock (2010), Kristen J Blaylock (2008, 2016), Karen L Blaylock (2007, 2013)
Seen 2010-2018
No Associated People
Seen 2016
No Associated People
Seen 2016
Associated with Brittany Carlina Murillo (2007, 2018), Donnita P Raglin Howard (1996, 2013-2017, 2019-2021)
Seen 2013
Associated with Creasie L Braswell (2006, 2013-2014, 2016)
Seen 2013-2016
Associated with Jacqueline Brooks (2014), Antoinette Sim (2014), Patrick Forbes (2014)
Seen 2013-2018
Associated with Leila I Reese (2010, 2018), Arnold Tierney (2009, 2016)
Seen 2005
Associated with Regina Jackson (2006)
Seen 2005-2013


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Odessa D Gauntt, born May 2, 1955 in Atlanta, GA
Odessa D Gauntt



May 2, 1955

7 facts you might not know about Odessa D Gauntt

1955 When is born
10 Phone numbers
6 Relatives
30 Past addresses
3 Emails
17 Associates by phone number
202 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Odessa D Gauntt

What year was Odessa D Gauntt born and how old is she?

Odessa D Gauntt was born on May 2, 1955. She is 69 years old now.

How can I reach Odessa D Gauntt by phone?

You can reach Odessa D Gauntt on her home phone at (678) 691-6461 or call her mobile phone at (404) 630-3915.

Is Odessa D Gauntt reachable by email?

Try reaching out to Odessa via the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Odessa D Gauntt’s residence address and when did she move there?

She resides at Mead St, Atlanta, Georgia, 30315-2023 and has lived there since she changed her address in 2006.

What were Odessa D Gauntt’s residential addresses before she moved to her current place?

Odessa used to live at 4072 Deerbrook Way, Lilburn, GA, 30047-3266 · 5243 Ridge Forest Dr, Apt 524, Stone Mountain, GA, 30083-3898 · 5245 Ridge Forest Dr, Apt R, Stone Mountain, GA, 30083-3898 · 356 Harmony Grove Rd, Lilburn, GA, 30047-7107 · 4072 Deerbrook Wa, Lilburn, GA, 30047 · 470 Mead St SE, Billings, MT, 59102 · 295 Ecarte Ct, Lilburn, GA, 30047-6412 · 5243 Ridge Forest Dr, Apt 5245, Stone Mountain, GA, 30083-3898 · 50 Mount Zion Rd, Apt G4, Atlanta, GA, 30354-2342 · Scott St SW, Apt 115ATLANTAGA30, Atlanta, GA, 30311 · 470 Meadstse, Atlanta, GA, 39901-0001 · 5243 Forest Ridge Cir, Atlanta, GA, 30342-2280 · 966 Airview St, Birmingham, AL, 35221-3060 · 5150 Ponce De Leon Ave, Apt M, Stone Mountain, GA, 30083-1284 · 4655 Glenwood Rd, Decatur, GA, 30035-1629 · 2000 Arthurs Court Dr, Decatur, GA, 30035-1841 · 5150 E Ponce De Leon Ave, Apt E, Stone Mtn, GA, 30083-1270 · 5150 E Ponce Deleon Ave E, Decatur, GA, 30035 · 47 Med St, Atlanta, GA, 30315 · 8917 Ashwood Dr, Riverdale, GA, 30274-4503 · 5150 E East Ponce De, Stone Mountain, GA, 30083 · 335 Nicole Ct, Jonesboro, GA, 30238-3001 · 5150 E Ponce De E, Stone Mountain, GA, 30083 · 2500 Pleasant Hill Rd, Apt B11, Atlanta, GA, 30349-3845 · 8300 Marlborough Dr, Jonesboro, GA, 30238-2943 · 85 Joyner Rd, Apt 8A, Hinesville, GA, 31313-4537 · 311 Scott St, Apt 115, Atlanta, GA, 30311-1815 · 5 Joyner Rd, Hinesville, GA, 31313-4516 · 53 Armstrong Rd, Fort Stewart, GA, 31315-1147 · 470 Mead Stse, Atlanta, GA, 30315.

Who resides in the same area as Odessa D Gauntt?

Does Odessa D Gauntt have a spouse?

We found no marriage records for Odessa in public databases.

Who are Odessa D Gauntt’s relatives?

Our files list the following people as Odessa D Gauntt’s family: Jerri S Gauntt · Stephanie N Gauntt · Jerry Gauntt · Leonard Gauntt · Odessa Gauntt · Odessa Gauntt.

What sign is Odessa D Gauntt?

Odessa D Gauntt’s date of birth is May 2, so her astrological sign is a Taurus.

Are there any other people with the same name living in the same area?

Our records show the following people as having the same/similar names: Odessa Gauntt (Cedartown, GA).

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People Search States GA Atlanta 470 Mead St Odessa D Gauntt