Eleana C Castro from Redwood City, CA

Alias Ileana Castro
Female, 71. Born November 26, 1952
Inferred Single
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Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Property Value
675 000 USD
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Landline phone number for Eleana C Castro in redwood city, ca

Associated with Vaccaro Guerino Sr. (2016), Scarlet P Mendoza (2011)
Seen 2007-2018


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Eleana C Castro, born November 26, 1952 in Redwood City, CA
Eleana C Castro

Redwood City


Nov 26, 1952

6 facts you might not know about Eleana C Castro

1952 When is born
1 Phone number
6 Relatives
24 Past addresses
2 Associate by phone number
208 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Eleana C Castro

When was Eleana C Castro born and how old is she now?

Born on November 26, 1952, Eleana C Castro has already turned or will soon turn 71.

What is Eleana C Castro’s phone number?

Eleana C Castro can be contacted at (650) 368-5377. This is a landline phone number.

How do I get in touch with Eleana C Castro by email?

Eleana’s email address are not found in publicly available sources.

What is Eleana C Castro’s current address and when did she move there?

Eleana’s current address is Quartz St, Redwood City, CA, 94062-2228. She has been living there since she moved in 2011.

Where did Eleana C Castro live before?

Before Eleana C Castro moved to her current place, she used to live at PO Box 3012, Redwood City, CA, 94064-3012 · Redwood City, CA, 94064 · 2935 Cliffside Dr, Christiana, TN, 37037-6631 · 250 Elwood St, Apt 3, Redwood City, CA, 94062-1333 · 950 Main St, Apt 224, Redwood City, CA, 94063-1949 · 2029 Prestwick Dr, Murfreesboro, TN, 37130-2349 · 2337 Esores St, Rancho Cordova, CA, 95670 · 950 Main St, Apt 319, Redwood City, CA, 94063-1949 · 2909 Buckner Ln, Spring Hill, TN, 37174-8242 · 9509 9th St, Redwood City, CA, 94064 · 4075 Lacy Ln, Apt 26, Colorado Spgs, CO, 80916-7325 · 4155 Lacy Ln, Apt 22, Colorado Spgs, CO, 80916-7319 · 950 Main 319 St, Redwood City, CA, 94063 · PO Box 1254, Folsom, CA, 95763-1254 · 4155 Lacy Ln, Apt 200, Colorado Springs, CO, 80916-7334 · 7 Hemlock Ave, Apt A, Redwood City, CA, 94061-3133 · 8977 La Serena Dr, Fair Oaks, CA, 95628-6646 · 8977 W Serena Dr, Fair Oaks, CA, 95628 · 1720 Jefferson Ave, Redwood City, CA, 94062-2002 · 47 Hemlock Ave, Redwood City, CA, 94061-3133 · 242 Elwood St, Apt 5, Redwood City, CA, 94062-1332 · 725 Adams St, Redwood City, CA, 94061-1609 · 651 Waltermire St, Belmont, CA, 94002-2820.

Who lives in the same area as Eleana C Castro?

Does Eleana C Castro have a better half?

Eleana C Castro is listed as ‘inferred single’ in our records. Most probably Eleana C Castro is not married.

Who are Eleana C Castro’s family members?

Our system indicates the following people as the family of Eleana C Castro: Irma Castro · Irma Castro · Josefa C Castro · Maria I Castro · Donald E Castro · Lenor Castro.

What is Eleana C Castro’s profession?

There is no employment history of Eleana C Castro in our files.

What is Eleana C Castro’s zodiac sign?

Since Eleana C Castro was born on November 26, her sign is a Sagittarius.

Is there anyone else with the same name who lives in the same area?

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People Search States CA Redwood City 598 Quartz St Eleana C Castro