Margie A Arnett from Kingsford Heights, IN

Alias Ms Margie A Arnett, Ms Margie Arnett
Female, 47. Born September 30, 1977
Cell phone
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Margie A Arnett’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
84 000 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone numbers for Margie A Arnett in kingsford heights, in

No Associated People
Seen 1998-2018
Associated with Tim L Arnett (2019-2022), Betty J Arnett (2015, 2017-2022)
Seen 2017

Landline phone numbers for Margie A Arnett in kingsford heights, in

Associated with Brenda S Colson (2016)
Seen 2017-2018
Associated with Jessica Moncayo (2020-2021), William Biggers (2018), Michelle Allen (2013), Marke J Johnson (2012, 2014)
Seen 2015-2018
Associated with Johnny L Arnette Jr. (2002)
Seen 2004-2014


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Margie A Arnett, born September 30, 1977 in Kingsford Heights, IN
Margie A Arnett

Kingsford Heights


Sep 30, 1977

6 facts you might not know about Margie A Arnett

1977 When is born
5 Phone numbers
4 Relatives
2 Past addresses
8 Associate by phone number
17 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Margie A Arnett

What year was Margie A Arnett born and how old is she?

Margie A Arnett was born on September 30, 1977, so she is 47 now.

Is Margie A Arnett reachable by phone?

You can try to reach Margie’s landline at (229) 273-6051 or call her mobile phone at (229) 938-1278.

How do I email Margie A Arnett?

Margie’s email addresses are not found.

What is Margie A Arnett’s address and when did she move there?

Margie A Arnett has been living at Exeter Rd in Kingsford Heights, Indiana, 46346-3321. She moved there in 2018.

What were Margie A Arnett’s addresses before she moved to her current place?

Before Margie A Arnett moved into her current home, she used to live at the following addresses: 405 E 5th Ave, Cordele, GA, 31015-3626 · 812 N 5th St, Cordele, GA, 31015-3222.

Who lives near Margie A Arnett?

Multiple records show the following people as Margie’s neighbors: Ted L Rudynski · Diana L Rudynski · Sandra J Olson · Candy L Feare · Roger C Feare Sr. · Catchings Tomitta · Victor M Aloia · Martha C Johnson · Blake E Stout · Tim J Heinis · Robert D Obadencio.

Does Margie A Arnett have a better half?

Yes, according to our records Margie has a spouse.

Who are the members of Margie A Arnett’s family?

Our records identify the following people as her relatives: Teresa A Arnett · Tim L Arnett · Betty J Arnett · James E Arnett.

Who are the people associated with Margie A Arnett based on her place of work or residence?

Our files report the following people as Margie’s friends, current or former coworkers and roommates: James Reed · Lucas Bealor · Sander W Word · Angela Jones · Constance B Still · Nakia Lester · Raquetta M Mccoy · Delois Brown · Nikko K Dean · Carol N Ross · Johnny L Arnette Jr. · Emma D Rogers · Michelle Lewis · Alba Rodriguez · Michelle D Thomas · Hilaro Rodriguez · Hue Edward Mcmichael · Laura L Clarkson.

What zodiac sign is Margie A Arnett?

Margie A Arnett’s astrological sign by date of birth is a Libra.

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People Search States IN Kingsford Heights 604 Exeter Rd Margie A Arnett