Sheila York from Chatsworth, GA

Alias Ms Sheila York, Sheila York
Female, 70. Born May 4, 1954
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Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
64 000 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone number for Sheila York in chatsworth, ga

Associated with Sheila York (2016)
Seen 2015

Landline phone numbers for Sheila York in chatsworth, ga

No Associated People
Seen 2011-2018
Associated with Leon O Henry Jr. (2017), Lola Marie Crider (1993, 2014)
Seen 2013
Associated with Whitley F Silvers (2019-2022), Whitley F Silvers (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016-2018), Glenda H Skinner (2009), Maria A Villafuerte (2000, 2018), April R Smith (2000)
Seen 2010-2016
Associated with Brandon S Paulsen (2014), Jillian E Baker (2013)
Seen 2008-2017
Associated with Margarita Olvera (2016), Adrian Olvera (2016)
Seen 2003
No Associated People
Seen 2000-2011



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Sheila York GA

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Sheila York GA

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Sheila York, born May 4, 1954 in Chatsworth, GA
Sheila York



May 4, 1954

7 facts you might not know about Sheila York

1954 When is born
7 Phone numbers
1 Relative
18 Past addresses
1 Email
12 Associates by phone number
28 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Sheila York

When was Sheila York born and how old is she now?

Sheila York was born on May 4, 1954, so now she is 70 years old.

How to find Sheila York’s phone number?

You can try reaching Sheila on her home phone at (706) 625-6615 or call her mobile phone at (706) 980-2413.

How can I reach Sheila York by email?

Sheila York's email address is [email protected].

What is Sheila York’s residence address and when did she move there?

Sheila York lives at Oak Hills St in Chatsworth, Georgia, 30705-5345. She has been a resident there since 2011.

What are Sheila York’s previous home addresses?

Sheila used to live at the following addresses: 160 Vester Ln, Dalton, GA, 30721-2134 · Chatsworth, GA, 30705 · 3254 S Riverbend Rd, Apt A, Dalton, GA, 30721-5244 · 3254A S Riverbend Rd, Dalton, GA, 30721-5244 · 4940 Cline Rd, Apt 30, Resaca, GA, 30735-9363 · 233 Twin Oak St, Chatsworth, GA, 30705-5333 · 159 Payne Way, Resaca, GA, 30735-9214 · 4936 Muse Rd, Resaca, GA, 30735-9332 · PO Box 1133, Ellijay, GA, 30540-0015 · Ellijay, GA, 30540 · 4936B Muse Rd, Apt B, Resaca, GA, 30735-9332 · 1348 New Hope Rd NW, Dalton, GA, 30720-6374 · 1805 Beechland Pl, Apt 3, Dalton, GA, 30721-3753 · 5108 Cleveland Hwy, Cohutta, GA, 30710-9178 · 876 Timberghost Rd, Tunnel Hill, GA, 30755-7373 · 4206 Spring Valley Dr, Dalton, GA, 30721 · 306 Florence Ave, Dalton, GA, 30720-5605 · 4206 Spring Vly, Dalton, GA, 30721.

Who lives on the same street as Sheila York?

Does Sheila York have a spouse?

No, public records show Sheila is not married.

Who is Sheila York’s family?

She is believed to be related to the following people: Sheila York.

What is Sheila York's occupation?

The information about Sheila York’s occupation has not been found.

Who has worked or works with Sheila York, shares or has shared the same address with her?

What zodiac sign is Sheila York?

Sheila’s date of birth is May 4, so her star sign is a Taurus.

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People Search States GA Chatsworth 948 Oak Hills St Sheila York