Sharon L Johnson from Winfield, IA

Alias Ms Sharon L Johnson, Ms Sharon Johnson
Female, 68. Born December 9, 1956
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Multiple Family Dwelling Unit
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No Associated People
Seen 1988-2022


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Sharon L Johnson, born December 9, 1956 in Winfield, IA
Sharon L Johnson



Dec 9, 1956

6 facts you might not know about Sharon L Johnson

1956 When is born
1 Phone number
1 Relative
5 Past addresses
2 Emails
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FAQ ABOUT Sharon L Johnson

When was Sharon L Johnson born and how old is she now?

Sharon L Johnson was born on December 9, 1956 and is about to turn or has already turned 68.

Is Sharon L Johnson reachable by phone?

Call Sharon at (319) 257-3161. This landline phone number is associated with her.

How do I contact Sharon L Johnson by email?

Use the following email addresses to get in touch with her: [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Sharon L Johnson’s current address and when did she move there?

Sharon currently lives at Locust St in Winfield, Iowa, 52659-9579. She moved there in 1988.

Where did Sharon L Johnson live before she moved into her current home?

Sharon L Johnson has changed her address several times. Before she moved into her current home, she used to live at the following addresses: Apt 192, Winfield, IA, 52659-9579 · PO Box 192, Winfield, IA, 52659-0192 · 463 Law Ct, Fulton, MO, 65251-4005 · 15 Grapevine, Morgantown, WV, 26505-0900 · 402 Locust Sts, Winfield, IA, 52659.

Does Sharon L Johnson have a spouse?

Yes, our records show Sharon is married.

Who is Sharon L Johnson’s family?

The following people are identified as Sharon’s relatives: Duane M Johnson.

Who are friends with Sharon L Johnson, has worked or is associated with her?

Our system has indicated the following people as friends, current or former coworkers and roommates of Sharon L Johnson: Lori M Shaw · Ryan Shaw · Carrieann A Smith · P A Humphrey · Chelsi L Spooner · Carol L Cornelius · Michael L Mcelhinney · Janine L Armitage · Sarah V Dodson · Bernard T Vandal · Brianne E Vandal · Charles W Adams · Charles W Adams · Robert Amerongen.

What is Sharon L Johnson’s star sign?

The sign of Sharon is a Sagittarius.

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People Search States IA Winfield 402 Locust St Sharon L Johnson