Patricia A Sammler from Waukee, IA

Alias Mrs Patricia A Sammler, Ms Patricia A Sammler
Female, 74. Born July 23, 1950
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Patricia A Sammler’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
225 587 USD
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Mobile Phone numbers for Patricia A Sammler in waukee, ia

No Associated People
Seen 2023
Associated with James R Sammler (2010, 2015, 2018-2022)
Seen 2010-2022

Landline phone numbers for Patricia A Sammler in waukee, ia

Associated with Patrick E Garland (2022-2023), Kirsten J Garland (2009, 2022-2023)
Seen 2002-2018
Associated with Matt Sammler (2016), Zachary P Sammler (2016), Kirsten J Garland (2016)
Seen 2016


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Patricia A Sammler, born July 23, 1950 in Waukee, IA
Patricia A Sammler



Jul 23, 1950

7 facts you might not know about Patricia A Sammler

1950 When is born
4 Phone numbers
1 Relative
7 Past addresses
2 Emails
6 Associate by phone number
18 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Patricia A Sammler

What year was Patricia A Sammler born and how old is she?

Patricia A Sammler was born on July 23, 1950. She is about to turn or has already turned 74.

How can I reach Patricia A Sammler by phone?

Patricia A Sammler’s landline phone number is (515) 221-3485 and the cell phone number associated with Patricia A Sammler is (515) 314-2806.

How can I email Patricia A Sammler?

You can email her at the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Patricia A Sammler’s residence address?

Patricia A Sammler currently lives at NE Meridian Dr in Waukee, Iowa, 50263-5027. She changed her address in 2014.

Where did Patricia A Sammler previously live?

Patricia A Sammler has changed her address several times. Before she moved into her current home, she used to live at 1041 18th St, West Des Moines, IA, 50265-2318 · 6600 Westown Pkwy, Apt 2, West Des Moines, IA, 50266-7707 · 6925 Hickman Rd, Urbandale, IA, 50322-4805 · 7209 Oak Brook Dr, Des Moines, IA, 50322-3149 · 7209 Brooke Dr, Urbandale, IA, 50322 · 1632 NW 80th St, Clive, IA, 50325-1230 · PO Box 336, Memphis, TN, 38101-0336.

Who are Patricia A Sammler’s neighbors?

Who are the members of Patricia A Sammler’s family?

Multiple records report the following people as her family: James R Sammler.

What kind of work does Patricia A Sammler do?

According to multiple records, at some point in her career Patricia was associated with the following professional area/employment: Sales.

Who are friends with Patricia A Sammler, works, has worked or is associated with her?

The following people are indicated as Patricia’s friends, current or former coworkers and roommates: James R Sammler · Terry L Thomas · Grant R Thomas · Kirsten J Garland · Carla S Bittner · Ronald W Kuntz · Benjamin I Leu · Janet M Woolson · Marguerite M Dunn · Bonnie L Berg · Ralph E Berg · John L Sheehy · Nancy J Wyatt · Cynthia J Schecher · Michelle N Martin · Randall D Armentrout · Steven M Mcgee · Laura L Merrick · Gary C Berg.

What is Patricia A Sammler’s star sign?

Her sign of the zodiac by date of birth is a Leo.

Is there anyone else with the same name who lives in the same area?

We have found the following people with the same/similar names in our database: Patricia A Sammler (77 y.o., Hadley, NY) · Patrick J Sammler (53 y.o., North Greece, NY) · Patrick J Sammler (53 y.o., Rochester, NY).

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People Search States IA Waukee 595 NE Meridian Dr Patricia A Sammler