Shawn M Mckendry from Canyon Country, CA

Alias Mr Shawn M Mckendry, Mr Shawn Mckendry, Shawn Mckendry
Male, 43. Born December 7, 1980
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Property Info

Home Type
Multiple Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
290 000 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone numbers for Shawn M Mckendry in canyon country, ca

Associated with Kristy G Mckendry (2016-2022), Judith A Mckendry (2009, 2016-2019)
Seen 2004-2023
Associated with Justin Maguire (2019-2021), Jesse Maguire (2015-2021), Jeremy E Maguire (2015-2021), Esmeralba D Maguire Jr. (2009, 2015-2016, 2018-2023)
Seen 2011
No Associated People
Seen 2006

Landline phone numbers for Shawn M Mckendry in canyon country, ca

No Associated People
Seen 2017
Associated with David W Johnson (2020-2021), David W Johnson (2012, 2017), Michelle A Shore (2010)
Seen 2011-2016
No Associated People
Seen 2014
Associated with Luz M Andrade (2016), Juan G Andrade (2016), Sally Mckenzie (2016)
Seen 2010-2014
Associated with Lisa M Weg (2017), Dina P Hulse (2012, 2017)
Seen 2008-2016
No Associated People
Seen 2004-2013


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Shawn M Mckendry CA

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Shawn M Mckendry, born December 7, 1980 in Canyon Country, CA
Shawn M Mckendry

Canyon Country


Dec 7, 1980

7 facts you might not know about Shawn M Mckendry

1980 When is born
9 Phone numbers
5 Relatives
22 Past addresses
8 Emails
14 Associates by phone number
194 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Shawn M Mckendry

When was Shawn M Mckendry born and how old is he now?

Shawn M Mckendry was born on December 7, 1980, so he is 43 now.

How can I call Shawn M Mckendry?

Shawn M Mckendry has two current phone numbers. (800) 507-5926 is Shawn’s home phone number and the cell phone number associated with Shawn M Mckendry is (310) 924-0722.

How do I reach out to Shawn M Mckendry by email?

Where does Shawn M Mckendry live now?

Shawn lives at Crossglade Ave in Canyon Country, California, 91351-4103. He changed his address in 2015.

What are Shawn M Mckendry’s previous home addresses?

Shawn M Mckendry has moved a lot. His previous residential addresses are as follows: 27065 Crossglade Ave, Canyon Country, CA, 91351-4103 · Unit 1, Canyon Country, CA, 91351-4103 · 6871 Valley Circle Blvd, Apt 3, West Hills, CA, 91307-2868 · 27065 Crossglade Ave, Apt 4, Canyon Country, CA, 91351-4103 · 6871 Valley Circle Blvd, Apt 2, West Hills, CA, 91307-2868 · Valley Circle Boulevard 2, West Hills, CA, 91307 · 6865 Valley Circle Blvd, Apt 8, West Hills, CA, 91307-2867 · 2120 N Ventura Ave, Apt 2, Ventura, CA, 93001-1343 · Canoga Park, CA, 91303 · 6025 Woodland St, Apt 106, Ventura, CA, 93003-4432 · 19834 Sandpiper Pl, Apt 61, Newhall, CA, 91321-4307 · 27065 Crossglade Ave, Apt 1, Santa Clarita, CA, 91351-4103 · 19834 Sandpiper Pl, Apt 62, Santa Clarita, CA, 91321-4307 · 27065 Crossglade Ave, Canyon Cntry, CA, 91351-4103 · PO Box 910411, Lexington, KY, 40591-0411 · 1677 Addax Cir, Ventura, CA, 93003-6305 · 2120 N Ventura Rd, Apt 2, Oxnard, CA, 93036-2256 · 111 Barry Dr, Ventura, CA, 93001-1407 · 2286 Laurelwood Dr, Thousand Oaks, CA, 91362-4638 · 27065 Cross Glade Ave, Apt 1, Los Angeles, CA · 27065 Crossdane Ave, Apt 1, Canyon Country, CA, 91351 · 10880 Del Norte St, Apt 5, Ventura, CA, 93004-3426.

Who lives in the same neighborhood as Shawn M Mckendry?

Is Shawn M Mckendry married?

Yes, according to public records he has a better half.

Who are the members of Shawn M Mckendry’s family?

Our records list the following people as his family members: Judith A Mckendry · Kristy G Mckendry · Norman P Mckendry · Dorothy Mckendry · William Mckendry.

What star sign is Shawn M Mckendry?

Shawn’s date of birth is December 7, so his astrological sign is a Sagittarius.

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People Search States CA Canyon Country 27065 Crossglade Ave Shawn M Mckendry