Charles T Stelzried
from Walnut, CA

Also known as: Mr Charles T Stelzried, Mr Charles Stelzried, Charles Stelzried
Age: 55 years old
Gender: Male
Born: November 29, 1968

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Landline phone numbers

Associated with Cheung M Cheung (2005, 2012-2013)
Seen 2016-2022
Associated with Rogelio R Lamas (2016)
Seen 2017
Associated with Celia Kaufman (2014-2023), Saul E Kaufman (2004, 2014-2017), Barry R Kaufman (1994, 2014-2023)
Seen 2016
Associated with Steven D Gee Sr. (2016), Kenneth R Hamilton (2005), Sonia M Gee (2004, 2008)
Seen 1975-2008



Address history


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Charles T Stelzried, born November 29, 1968 in Walnut, CA
Charles T Stelzried



Nov 29, 1968

13 facts you might not know about Charles T Stelzried

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type

Home Owner

Home Ownership

46 000 USD

Property Value


Year Build


Residence Since


Marital Status

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Charles T Stelzried CA

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Charles T Stelzried CA

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Charles T Stelzried CA

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FAQ ABOUT Charles T Stelzried

How old is Charles T Stelzried and when was he born?

Charles T Stelzried was born on November 29, 1968, so he is currently 55.

How can I reach Charles T Stelzried by phone?

To reach Charles T Stelzried, please call his landline phone at (909) 598-3162.

What is Charles T Stelzried’s email address?

Reach out to him at

Where does Charles T Stelzried live and when did he move there?

He resides at Vista Del Norte, Walnut, California, 91789-1634 and has been living there since he changed his address in 2010.

Where did Charles T Stelzried use to live before?

Before he moved to his current place, Charles used to live at the following addresses: 1618 E Amar Rd, Apt H, West Covina, CA, 91792-1670 · 21053 Northview Dr, Walnut, CA, 91789-2021 · 1627 Hanging Rock Ave, Montebello, CA, 90640-2123 · 1850 Batson Ave, Apt 71, Rowland Heights, CA, 91748-2746 · 2700 W Grand Ave, Apt B, Alhambra, CA, 91801-1698 · 2700 S Azusa Ave, Apt 242, West Covina, CA, 91792-1640 · 5205 Rosemead Blvd, Apt 16, San Gabriel, CA, 91776-6208 · 7755 Young Ave, Rosemead, CA, 91770-3446 · PO Box 488, Rosemead, CA, 91770-0488 · 2945 Casamia Ave, Apt 6327, Palmdale, CA, 93550-6327 · 444 E Providencia Ave, Apt G, Burbank, CA, 91501-2449 · 21717 Lassen St, Apt 110, Chatsworth, CA, 91311-3630 · 11265 Morrison St, Apt 315, North Hollywood, CA, 91601-4478 · 36523 25th St E, Apt PO, Palmdale, CA, 93550-4497 · PO Box 901973, Palmdale, CA, 93590-1973 · PO Box 1, Lake Hughes, CA, 93532-0001 · 4128 W Avenue L, Apt D, Lancaster, CA, 93536-4259 · 18734 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA, 91324-3809 · PO Box 203, La Canada Flintridge, CA, 91012-0203 · PO Box 251046, Glendale, CA, 91225-1046 · PO Box 8587, La Crescenta, CA, 91224-0587 · 539 W 81st St, Los Angeles, CA, 90044-5907 · 17535 Baltar St, Northridge, CA, 91325-4327 · 1239 Dorothy Dr, Glendale, CA, 91202-1607 · PO Box 8587, Glendale, CA, 91224-0587.

Who resides in the same neighborhood as Charles T Stelzried?

Is Charles T Stelzried married?

No, our records show Charles as not married.

Who are Charles T Stelzried’s family members?

Our records identify the following people as Charles’s family members: Virgina Stelzried · Gini O Stelzried · Olivia Stelzried · Shu Stelzried.

What does Charles T Stelzried do?

There are no employment records for Charles T Stelzried in public databases.

Who are Charles T Stelzried’s friends, current and former coworkers, roommates and other people associated with him?

What sign is Charles T Stelzried?

Born on November 29, Charles T Stelzried is a Sagittarius.

Are there any other people named Charles T Stelzried living in the same area?

Our system lists these people as having the same/similar names: Charles T Stelzried (95 y.o., Granada Hills, CA) · Karl M Stelzried (45 y.o., Boise, ID).
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People Search States CA Walnut 409 Vista Del Norte Charles T Stelzried