Siham T Zaher
from Walnut, CA

Also known as: Siham T Zaher, Siham Zaher
Age: 83 years old
Born: January 13, 1941

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Mobile Phone number

Associated with Lara L Zaher (2016-2022), Kamal J Zaher (2004, 2016-2022)
Seen 2016-2022

Landline phone numbers

Associated with Steven E Black (2000, 2012)
Seen 2006-2023
No Associated People
Seen 2016
Associated with Elizabeth Cox (2017)
Seen 1983-2008


Address history


Fact File

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Siham T Zaher, born January 13, 1941 in Walnut, CA
Siham T Zaher



Jan 13, 1941

13 facts you might not know about Siham T Zaher

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type

Home Owner

Home Ownership

127 000 USD

Property Value


Year Build


Residence Since


Marital Status



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Siham T Zaher CA

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Siham T Zaher CA

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FAQ ABOUT Siham T Zaher

When was Siham T Zaher born? How old is Siham T Zaher?

Siham T Zaher was born on January 13, 1941 and is 83 years old now.

How do I ring Siham T Zaher?

Siham T Zaher’s landline phone number is (909) 468-0680 and the cell phone number associated with Siham is (714) 914-5358.

What is Siham T Zaher’s residence address?

Siham moved to Huntcliff Ln in Walnut, California, 91789-3545 in 2013 and has been a resident there ever since.

Where did Siham T Zaher use to live before?

Siham T Zaher previously lived at the following addresses: 72 Corniche Dr, Apt D, Dana Point, CA, 92629-4056 · 1835 Newport Blvd, Apt A109508, Costa Mesa, CA, 92627-5031 · 1927 Harbor Blvd, Apt A, Costa Mesa, CA, 92627-7602 · 351 Old Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA, 92663-4120 · 1280 Bixon St, Newport Beach, CA, 92660 · 27881 La Paz Rd, Apt G, Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677-3933 · 20414 Huntclous Ln, Walnut, CA, 91789 · 24040 Camino Del Avion, Apt A158, Dana Point, CA, 92629-4005 · 24281 Rue De Cezanne, Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677-6107 · 24040 Camin Del Avio, Dana Point, CA, 92629 · PO Box 24040, Monarch Beach, CA, 92629 · 720 Corniche, Monarch Bay, CA, 92629 · 720 Corniche Dr, Dana Point, CA, 92629 · 2014 Huntcliff Ln, Walnut, CA, 91789 · 21100 Sunwood Dr, Walnut, CA, 91789-3317.

Who lives near Siham T Zaher?

Does Siham T Zaher have a spouse?

Yes, according to our records Siham is married.

Who are the members of Siham T Zaher’s family?

Our records have indicated the following people as Siham T Zaher’s family: Lara L Zaher · Kamal J Zaher.

What is Siham T Zaher's occupation?

Siham is believed to pursue a career associated with the following professional field/employment: Cosmetologist.

What Zodiac sign is Siham T Zaher?

Siham T Zaher’s Zodiaс sign is a Capricorn.

Is there any other Siham T Zaher in the same area?

We have no records of people with the same/similar name.
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People Search States CA Walnut 20414 Huntcliff Ln Siham T Zaher