Lam S Lao
from Rosemead, CA

Also known as: Lam S Lao, Lam Lao
Age: 52 years old
Gender: Male
Born: September 13, 1971

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Mobile Phone numbers

Associated with Felicia Tedjo (2018-2021), Sandra Groom (2016)
Seen 2001-2023
Associated with Sue Lao (2015-2019, 2022)
Seen 2015-2022

Landline phone number

Associated with Donald W Slicer (2009-2010)
Seen 2009-2018



Address history


Fact File

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Lam S Lao, born September 13, 1971 in Rosemead, CA
Lam S Lao



Sep 13, 1971

13 facts you might not know about Lam S Lao

Property Info
Single Family Dwelling Unit

Home Type

Home Owner

Home Ownership


Year Build


Residence Since


Marital Status



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Lam S Lao CA

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Lam S Lao CA

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Lam S Lao CA

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Court Records


When was Lam S Lao born and how old is he now?

Lam S Lao was born on September 13, 1971 and is turning or has already turned 52.

Do you know Lam S Lao’s phone number?

There are two current phone numbers associated with Lam. You can try calling Lam S Lao’s landline at (626) 569-0423 or reach Lam S Lao at (626) 487-9277. The latter is a mobile phone number.

Does Lam S Lao have an email address?

You can try to send him an email at the following email addresses: ·

What is Lam S Lao’s address?

What are Lam S Lao’s previous home addresses?

Lam has changed his address more than once. Before he moved to his current place, he lived at Apt 1, Rosemead, CA, 91770-3035 · 13728 Proctor Ave, Apt A, La Puente, CA, 91746-2568 · 3816 Cypress Ave, El Monte, CA, 91731-2128 · 7702 1/2 Fern Ave, Rosemead, CA, 91770-3035.

Who lives in the same neighborhood as Lam S Lao?

Our records indicate the following people as the neighbors of Lam: Duc Truong · Wendy Truong · Zhi H Yue · Phillip Truong · Ai L Loi · Joseph S Fontenot · Johnathon E Laughton · Charles Elias · Joann Denmark · Cora Arebalo · Cai M Lin · Zi Liang Lin · Kent Lin · Hong K Law · Ben S Yip · Xiu J Huang · Eva Q Lee · Timothy Luu.

Does Lam S Lao have a spouse?

Yes, he is listed as married in public records.

Who are Lam S Lao’s family members?

Our records have indicated the following people as Lam’s family: Lung C Lao · Sue Lao · Hoi Lao.

What does Lam S Lao do for a living?

Lam is known to have a career associated with the following professional field/job: Cosmetologist.

Who are the people associated with Lam S Lao based on his place of work or residence?

What is Lam S Lao’s astrological sign by date of birth?

The Zodiac sign of Lam S Lao is a Virgo.

Is there any other Lam S Lao living nearby?

Our database lists the following people as having the same/similar names: Lam Lao (San Gabriel, CA) · Lam L Lao (46 y.o., Colleyville, TX).
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People Search States CA Rosemead 7702 1/2 Fern Ave Lam S Lao