Ayme L Vigil from Bloomfield, NM

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Seen 2006-2018



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Ayme L Vigil, born May 18, 1957 in Bloomfield, NM
Ayme L Vigil


New Mexico

May 18, 1957

7 facts you might not know about Ayme L Vigil

1957 When is born
1 Phone number
3 Relatives
10 Past addresses
1 Email
1 Associate by phone number
22 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Ayme L Vigil

What is the date of birth of Ayme L Vigil?

Ayme L Vigil is 67 years old and was born on May 18, 1957.

How do I find Ayme L Vigil’s phone number?

To reach Ayme, try calling at (505) 632-2573. This is a home phone number.

How can I contact Ayme L Vigil by email?

Send Ayme an email at [email protected].

Where does Ayme L Vigil live?

Ayme L Vigil resides at N 4th St, Bloomfield, New Mexico, 87413-5413 and has been living there since 2007.

What are Ayme L Vigil’s previous residential addresses?

Ayme is known to have moved numerous times and have lived at the following addresses: PO Box 345, Bloomfield, NM, 87413-0345 · Mustang Ln, Bloomfield, NM, 87413 · 804 W Main St, Bloomfield, NM, 87413-6123 · 413 E Sycamore Ave, Bloomfield, NM, 87413-5857 · 19 Road 5509, Bloomfield, NM, 87413-9312 · Main St W, Bloomfield, NM, 87413 · 1053 N Newby Ln, Bloomfield, NM, 87413-6769 · 123 Main St, San Diego, CA, 92173 · 501 Pine Ave, Apt 200C, Long Beach, CA, 90802-2304 · 501 Pine Ave, Apt 200, Long Beach, CA, 90802-2304.

Who are Ayme L Vigil’s relatives?

Our files identify the following people as related to Ayme L Vigil: Henry J Vigil · Consuelo C Vigil · Carla J Vigil.

What does Ayme L Vigil do for a living?

The information about Ayme’s profession has not been found.

Who are Ayme L Vigil’s friends, current or former coworkers or roommates?

What is Ayme L Vigil’s star sign by date of birth?

The sign of Ayme L Vigil is a Taurus.

Are there any other people named Ayme L Vigil in Nuwber’s database?

Our records list the following people as having the same/similar names: Ayme L Vigil (67 y.o., Bloomfield, NM).

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People Search States NM Bloomfield 507 N 4th St Ayme L Vigil