Margarita Conde from Clifton, NJ

Alias Ms Margarita Conde
Female, 64. Born August 2, 1960
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Single Family Dwelling Unit
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Mobile Phone number for Margarita Conde in clifton, nj

Associated with Martin Pereyra (2018-2022), Theresa A Burns (2017), John C Burns (2017)
Seen 2004

Landline phone numbers for Margarita Conde in clifton, nj

No Associated People
Seen 1997-2018
No Associated People
Seen 2016
Associated with Lisa A Jengo (2016-2017), Joan M Uceta (2014, 2018), Abby H Connelly (2014, 2018), Mary R Conti (2013, 2017), Mariana E Rivera (2013-2014), John Basile Jr. (2013, 2015), James S Ely (2012-2013), Carlos M Ferrer Sr. (2012-2013), Ann R Havel (2010, 2012), Altary E Sherman (2010, 2017), Michelle M Girard (2009, 2018), Joseph J Mauro (2009), Edward Kaminski (2009-2010), Doreen G Radtke (2008, 2010), Jessica R Koehl (2008), Hajka Kucevic (2008), Richard J Sullivan (2008), Ana N Ronquillo (2008-2009), Nickolaos M Sifonios (2008, 2010), Jasvinder S Khanuja (2008, 2012), Angela Aluotto (2008, 2010), Janna C Ferrer (2008-2009), Alexis Marricone (2008-2009), Natalia M Lorenzo (2008-2009), Kristen A Kaczyk (2008, 2010), Jaclyn Roussos (2008-2009), Robert C Ewen (2008, 2010), Barry G Greene (2008, 2010), Frances E Moran (2008-2009), Kenneth P Murphree Jr. (2006, 2012)
Seen 2008-2012
Associated with Maggie Conde (2022-2024)
Seen 2007


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Margarita Conde, born August 2, 1960 in Clifton, NJ
Margarita Conde


New Jersey

Aug 2, 1960

7 facts you might not know about Margarita Conde

1960 When is born
5 Phone numbers
2 Relatives
7 Past addresses
6 Emails
34 Associates by phone number
55 Associates by address
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FAQ ABOUT Margarita Conde

How old is Margarita Conde and when was she born?

Margarita Conde is 64. She was born on August 2, 1960.

What is the mobile or landline phone number for Margarita Conde?

She has two current phone numbers. You can try to reach Margarita Conde on her landline phone at (201) 935-8456 or call her mobile phone on (973) 641-4437.

How do I reach Margarita Conde by email?

Try reaching out to Margarita Conde via the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Margarita Conde’s current address?

Margarita Conde lives at River Rd, Clifton, New Jersey, 07014-2005 and has lived there since 2012.

What were Margarita Conde’s addresses before she moved to her current place?

Her previous addresses are 381 Broadway, Apt 8, Passaic, NJ, 07055-2093 · 167 River Rd, Clifton, NJ, 07014-2012 · 272 Hoboken Rd, East Rutherford, NJ, 07073-1304 · 440 Liberty St, Apt 16, Little Ferry, NJ, 07643-1058 · 331 Marlboro Rd, Wood Ridge, NJ, 07075-1121 · 40 Pompton Ave, Apt 2, Woodland Park, NJ, 07424-2521 · 40 Pompton Ave, Apt 2FL, Woodland Park, NJ, 07424-2521.

Does Margarita Conde have a spouse?

No, public records show her as not married.

Who are Margarita Conde’s relatives?

Our system indicates the following people as the family of Margarita: Margarita Conde · Jacqueline L Conde.

What is Margarita Conde's occupation?

The information about Margarita Conde’s job has not been found.

What is Margarita Conde’s astrological sign?

The sign of Margarita is a Leo.

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People Search States NJ Clifton 115 River Rd Margarita Conde