Joan S Shin from Norwalk, CT

Alias Ms Joan S Shin, Ms Joan Shin, Joan Shin
Female, 72. Born December 18, 1952
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Joan S Shin’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Property Value
326 000 USD
Year Build
Residence Since

Mobile Phone number for Joan S Shin in norwalk, ct

No Associated People
Seen 2000-2023

Landline phone numbers for Joan S Shin in norwalk, ct

Associated with Niosha Gibson (2022), Matvey Y Yalovitser (2014)
Seen 2000-2017
Associated with Sandy Y Le (2016)
Seen 2016
Associated with Laurie R Sprague (2016), Julia Voytovich (2013-2014), Jacob D Voytovich (2013-2014, 2023), Michael Voytovich (1996, 2012-2014, 2016, 2023)
Seen 2016
Associated with Thomas S Dunsworth (2015), Bryan P Smith (2009, 2016), Sandy Y Le (2006, 2016), Hwa S Lee (2002), Karen A Dunsworth (1998, 2016)
Seen 2016
Associated with Myung S Chang (2015-2021), Hwa S Lee (2002), Sandy Y Le (2002)
Seen 2002


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Joan S Shin, born December 18, 1952 in Norwalk, CT
Joan S Shin



Dec 18, 1952

6 facts you might not know about Joan S Shin

1952 When is born
6 Phone numbers
6 Relatives
13 Past addresses
15 Associates by phone number
80 Associates by address
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When was Joan S Shin born and how old is she now?

Joan S Shin is 72 years old and she was born on December 18, 1952.

How do I ring Joan S Shin?

Joan’s cell phone number is (203) 219-6096 and the home phone number associated with Joan S Shin is (203) 855-1678.

Is Joan S Shin reachable by email?

Joan’s email addresses are unknown.

What is Joan S Shin’s address?

Since Joan moved in 2012, she has been living at Taylor Ave in Norwalk, Connecticut, 06854-1120.

What was Joan S Shin’s address before she moved into her current home?

Joan used to live at the following addresses: 141 N Taylor Ave, Norwalk, CT, 06854-1120 · 20 7th St, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 07632-2410 · 166 East Ave, Apt 201, Norwalk, CT, 06851-5731 · 26502 Swan Ln, Canyon Cntry, CA, 91387-8129 · 327 Chester St, Glendale, CA, 91203-1562 · 4011 Willalee Ave, La Crescenta, CA, 91214-3236 · 149-153 East Ave, Apt 6, Norwalk, CT, 06851-5709 · 157 Shelter Rock Rd, Apt C1, Stamford, CT, 06903-3527 · 149 Av 6 E, Norwalk, CT, 06851 · 2431 Rockdell St, La Crescenta, CA, 91214-2219 · 270 Main Ave, Norwalk, CT, 06851-6104 · 10440 Paramount Blvd, Apt A205, Downey, CA, 90241-2349 · 800 Orange Grove Ave, Apt 203, Glendale, CA, 91205-1283.

Does Joan S Shin have a spouse?

Yes, Joan is listed as married in our records.

Who is Joan S Shin’s family?

Our system reports the following people as her family members: Ken H Shin · Mae K Shin · Hye K Shin · Gilbert K Shin · Gilbert K Shin · Gilbert K Shin.

What is Joan S Shin's occupation?

The information about Joan S Shin’s job has not been found.

What is Joan S Shin’s star sign?

The zodiac sign of Joan S Shin is a Sagittarius.

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People Search States CT Norwalk 141 Taylor Ave Joan S Shin