Ella L Johnson from Grand Junction, CO

Alias Ms Ella L Johnson
Female, 60. Born November 26, 1964
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Single Family Dwelling Unit
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Associated with Michael Mckinnis (1992)
Seen 1993-2018
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Seen 2015
No Associated People
Seen 1993-2013


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Ella L Johnson, born November 26, 1964 in Grand Junction, CO
Ella L Johnson

Grand Junction


Nov 26, 1964

6 facts you might not know about Ella L Johnson

1964 When is born
3 Phone numbers
10 Relatives
18 Past addresses
1 Associate by phone number
198 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Ella L Johnson

When was Ella L Johnson born and how old is she now?

Born on November 26, 1964, Ella L Johnson is 60 years old now.

How can I call Ella L Johnson?

Ella’s landline phone number is (970) 434-1051.

What is Ella L Johnson’s residence address and when did she move there?

She currently resides at Christopher Ct, Grand Junction, Colorado, 81503-4535 and has been living there since she changed her address in 2015.

What are Ella L Johnson’s previous residential addresses?

Before she moved to her current place, Ella used to live at the following addresses: 479 Meadow Rd, Apt 47, Grand Junction, CO, 81504-6108 · 2959 1/2 Cedar Pl, Grand Junction, CO, 81504-4808 · 1140 Via Le Paz Dr, Fruita, CO, 81521-3054 · 21599 Dolores Way, Apt 142, Aurora, OR, 97002-9334 · 3268 E Rd, Apt 97, Clifton, CO, 81520-7908 · 21599 Dolores Way NE, Apt WA142, Aurora, OR, 97002-9702 · 2959 Cedar Pl, Apt 1/2, Grand Junction, CO, 81504-4808 · 548 29th Rd, Grand Junction, CO, 81504-5069 · 2179 Meadows Ct, Grand Junction, CO, 81507-2523 · 15685 116th Ave, Portland, OR, 97224-2651 · 479 Meadow Rd, Apt 815046108, Grand Junction, CO, 81504-6108 · 2100 Whitewater Creek Rd, Whitewater, CO, 81527-9310 · PO Box 40182, Grand Junction, CO, 81504-0182 · 3203 15th St, Apt 302, Grand Junction, CO, 81506-5265 · 3203 N 15th St, Apt 130, Grand Jct, CO, 81506-5264 · 607 Quail Hollow Ct, Grand Junction, CO, 81504-4227 · 1111 Lowell Ct, Apt 7, Grand Junction, CO, 81506-8828 · 2179 Meadow Rd, Grand Junction, CO, 81504.

Who lives in close proximity to Ella L Johnson?

Public databases list the following people as her neighbors: Ely C White · Vincent F Hislop · Merced D Rivera · Doreen E Taylor · Zachary Taylor · Gregory W Taylor.

Who are Ella L Johnson’s relatives?

Our files identify the following people as the family of Ella: Susan Johnson · Patricia A Johnson · Emmitt Johnson · Ronald L Johnson · Alisa L Johnson · Dell L Johnson · Ryan A Johnson · Mary W Johnson · Dell L Johnson · Darcey L Johnson.

What is Ella L Johnson's job?

There are no employment records for Ella L Johnson in our database.

What is Ella L Johnson’s star sign by date of birth?

Since Ella L Johnson was born on November 26, she is a Sagittarius.

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People Search States CO Grand Junction 1733 Christopher Ct Ella L Johnson