Altagracia R Alba from Yonkers, NY

Alias Altagracia Alba, Altagracia R Alba
Female, 73. Born January 20, 1952
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Altagracia R Alba’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
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Property Value
315 000 USD
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Mobile Phone numbers for Altagracia R Alba in yonkers, ny

Associated with Arlene Paloma (2023-2024), Arlin R Paloma (2023-2024), Ronald R Unson (2018)
Seen 2016-2024
Associated with Denis E Reyes (2017), Denise Alba (2016), Priscilla M Pabon (2011)
Seen 2017-2024

Landline phone numbers for Altagracia R Alba in yonkers, ny

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Altagracia R Alba, born January 20, 1952 in Yonkers, NY
Altagracia R Alba


New York

Jan 20, 1952

7 facts you might not know about Altagracia R Alba

1952 When is born
4 Phone numbers
4 Relatives
6 Past addresses
2 Emails
6 Associate by phone number
71 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Altagracia R Alba

How old is Altagracia R Alba and what is her date of birth?

Altagracia R Alba was born on January 20, 1952, so she is turning or has already turned 73.

How can I reach Altagracia R Alba by phone?

Altagracia R Alba has two current phone numbers. Try to reach Altagracia R Alba on her landline phone at (914) 202-9997 or call her mobile phone on (914) 473-8616.

How do I reach Altagracia R Alba by email?

You can try to send Altagracia an email at the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected].

Where does Altagracia R Alba live and when did she move there?

Her current address is Kingsley Dr, Yonkers, NY, 10710-2430 and has not changed since 2001.

What is Altagracia R Alba’s residential history?

Altagracia R Alba has moved several times and is known to have lived at the following addresses: 1791 Grand Concourse, Apt 5A, Bronx, NY, 10453-8131 · 116 Saratoga Ave, Apt 2, Yonkers, NY, 10705-4067 · 7 Livingston Mnr, Dobbs Ferry, NY, 10522-1728 · PO Box 31254, Greensboro, NC, 27438 · 116 Saratoga Ave, Apt 2S, Yonkers, NY, 10705-4050 · PO Box 6353, Bronx, NY, 10451-1708.

Who resides in the same area as Altagracia R Alba?

Does Altagracia R Alba have a spouse?

Yes, our files report Altagracia R Alba as married.

Who is Altagracia R Alba’s family?

Our files indicate the following people as Altagracia’s family: Francisco A Alba · Altagracia Alba · Hector Alba · Arlin R Alba.

What star sign is Altagracia R Alba?

Altagracia R Alba’s zodiac sign is a Capricorn.

Are there any other people with the same name who live in the same area?

The following people with the same/similar names are found in our system: Altagracia Alba (38 y.o., New York, NY).

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People Search States NY Yonkers 47 Kingsley Dr Altagracia R Alba