Frank L Maniscalco Jr. from Brooklyn, NY

Alias Mr Frank Maniscalco, Frank Maniscalco Jr., Mr Frank L Maniscalco Jr.
Male, 43. Born September 27, 1981
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Frank L Maniscalco Jr.’s address

Property Info

Home Type
Single Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Home Owner
Property Value
24 000 USD
Year Build
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Mobile Phone number for Frank L Maniscalco Jr. in brooklyn, ny

Associated with Phyllis S Maniscalco (2017-2022)
Seen 2022-2023

Landline phone number for Frank L Maniscalco Jr. in brooklyn, ny

Associated with John Maniscalco Sr. (2016-2017), John J Maniscalco (2016-2017), Ignazio Maniscalco (2016-2017), Stephen P Maniscalco (2016-2018), Jeanine Maniscalco (2007)
Seen 2002-2021


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Frank L Maniscalco Jr., born September 27, 1981 in Brooklyn, NY
Frank L Maniscalco Jr.


New York

Sep 27, 1981

7 facts you might not know about Frank L Maniscalco Jr.

1981 When is born
2 Phone numbers
3 Relatives
7 Past addresses
7 Emails
6 Associate by phone number
112 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Frank L Maniscalco Jr.

When was Frank L Maniscalco Jr. born and how old is he now?

Frank L Maniscalco Jr. is approaching or has already turned 43. He was born on September 27, 1981.

How do I phone Frank L Maniscalco Jr.?

Frank L Maniscalco Jr. has two current phone numbers. (718) 998-2333 is Frank L Maniscalco Jr.’s landline phone number and the mobile phone number associated with Frank L Maniscalco Jr. is (917) 836-2008.

How do I reach Frank L Maniscalco Jr. by email?

Use the following email addresses to get in touch with him: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Frank L Maniscalco Jr.’s current address and when did he move there?

Frank currently lives at Brighton Ct in Brooklyn, New York, 11223-6241. He has been a resident there since 2002.

What were Frank L Maniscalco Jr.’s addresses before he moved to his current place?

Frank L Maniscalco Jr. has changed his address several times. Before he moved into his current home, he lived at the following addresses: 11 Brighton Ct, Brooklyn, NY, 11223-6241 · Apt 1, Brooklyn, NY, 11223-6241 · 1855 76th St, Apt 2, Brooklyn, NY, 11214-1217 · 5219 Fillmore Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11234-4636 · 1301 Avenue Of The Americas, New York, NY, 10019-6022 · 6552 160th St, Apt 6C, Fresh Meadows, NY, 11365-2532 · 11 Brighton Ct, Apt NY 1122, Brooklyn, NY, 11223-6241.

Who lives near Frank L Maniscalco Jr.?

Our files indicate the following people as Frank L Maniscalco Jr.’s neighbors: Lilian Pacheco · Phyllis S Maniscalco · Pedro Perez · Omar Faccio · Martha Quintanilla · Maryam Asia · Kausar Parveen · Rafael A Pacheco · Teodoro Lopez.

Does Frank L Maniscalco Jr. have a spouse?

Frank is not known to have been married. It seems like he is single.

Who are Frank L Maniscalco Jr.’s relatives?

Our files identify the following people as Frank L Maniscalco Jr.’s family: Francesco P Maniscalco · Phyllis S Maniscalco · Frances L Maniscalco.

What is Frank L Maniscalco Jr.'s occupation?

There are no work records for Frank in public databases.

What is Frank L Maniscalco Jr.’s astrological sign by date of birth?

Since Frank was born on September 27, he is a Libra.

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People Search States NY Brooklyn 11 Brighton Ct Frank L Maniscalco Jr.