Alvina F Nelson from Anoka, MN

Alias A Nelson, Alvina Nelson, Alvina F Nelson
Female, 97. Born January 15, 1928
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Property Info

Home Type
Multiple Family Dwelling Unit
Home Ownership
Property Value
219 000 USD
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Landline phone numbers for Alvina F Nelson in anoka, mn

No Associated People
Seen 1999-2021
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Seen 2016
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Seen 2016
Associated with Christopher J Bragelman (2011, 2016), Ginger N Kirschbaum (2005, 2013-2014, 2018, 2024), Patrick J Kirschbaum (1999, 2013-2014, 2018)
Seen 2011-2017


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Alvina F Nelson, born January 15, 1928 in Anoka, MN
Alvina F Nelson



Jan 15, 1928

7 facts you might not know about Alvina F Nelson

1928 When is born
4 Phone numbers
3 Relatives
16 Past addresses
6 Emails
3 Associate by phone number
84 Associate by address
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FAQ ABOUT Alvina F Nelson

When was Alvina F Nelson born and how old is she now?

Alvina F Nelson has already turned or will soon turn 97. She was born on January 15, 1928.

How do I ring Alvina F Nelson?

To reach Alvina F Nelson, dial (763) 712-5437. This is a landline phone number.

How can I get in touch with Alvina F Nelson by email?

You can try to reach out to Alvina F Nelson via the following email addresses: [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected] · [email protected].

What is Alvina F Nelson’s current address?

Since Alvina moved in 2016, she has been living at Old Lake George Blvd in Anoka, Minnesota, 55303-8636.

Where did Alvina F Nelson use to live before she moved into her current home?

Alvina has moved a lot and is known to have lived at the following addresses: Apt 206, Anoka, MN, 55303-8636 · 21202 Old Lake George Blvd NW, Apt 206, Oak Grove, MN, 55303-8636 · 21202 Old Lake George Blvd NW, Apt 206, Anoka, MN, 55303-8636 · 21202 Old Lake George Blvd NW, Apt 20, Anoka, MN, 55303-4875 · 11610 Dakotah St, Minneapolis, MN, 55433-2528 · 20570 Ivywood St, Cedar, MN, 55011-5019 · 11628 Foley Blvd, Minneapolis, MN, 55448-2454 · 11514 Poppy St, Coon Rapids, MN, 55433-7716 · 1007 5th Ave, Austin, MN, 55912-2115 · 1628 Foley Blvd, Minneapolis, MN, 55433 · 92 126th Ave NW, Coon Rapids, MN, 55448-1544 · 92 126th Ave NW, Apt 792, Minneapolis, MN, 55448-1544 · 11514 Poppy St, Minneapolis, MN, 55433-7716 · 696 125th Ln, Minneapolis, MN, 55434-7336 · 1628 Foley Bv, Coon Rapids, MN, 55433 · 1628 Foley, Coon Rapids, MN, 55433.

Who resides in the same neighborhood as Alvina F Nelson?

Does Alvina F Nelson have a spouse?

Alvina is not known to have been married. It seems like she is single as of now.

Who are Alvina F Nelson’s relatives?

The following people have been indicated as Alvina’s relatives: Brittany Nelson · Florence Nelson · Florence Nelson.

What is Alvina F Nelson’s profession?

The information about Alvina’s job has not been found.

What is Alvina F Nelson’s star sign by date of birth?

Since Alvina F Nelson’s date of birth is January 15, her astrological sign is a Capricorn.

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People Search States MN Anoka 21202 Old Lake George Blvd Alvina F Nelson